Reformed Smokers

People seem to be missing the point of this thread. Isn't it for supporting or giving ideas to Tom whilst he tries to stop smoking?

He knows it isn't a good thing to do, that's why he's stopping. No one cares if you are so high and mighty that you will never smoke. And we don't need dot points highlighting the dangers either, I'm pretty sure we are all aware of them and you don't need to come across all pompus like Madman did.

All this thread has turned into is every second person writing an essay about the dangers of smoking, and saying how you'd have to be 'retarded' to take part in it. Wow! You know that smoking is bad? Oh my god, so do the rest of us.

Tom is trying to quit, lets talk about that eh?
Do you maybe want to p*** off?

A) How would you know, you've said you've never tried

B) That is a pretty stupid argument as it varies with every person.

C) Thank you for calling me a ****** but I can asurre you peer pressure can really heavily influence you.

D) So I'm a tramp as well now? However I am pretty fit

E) I'm pretty sure I've got a brain cell. I've got the qualifications to back it up :)

Now run back to mummy and daddy before the big bad world scares you too much.

Thank you everyone else for the support. Haven't had one so far today (although it is only 9 :p) I've got the patches on and the gum is ready :)

Whilst some treatment you have been getting is harsh, to say you couldn't have been expecting it would be a lie. Your posting on an online forum about smoking and some are going to think it is insanely stupid and express their opinions.

I can understand why some people smoke, but dont understand people wouldn't want to try to quit.
Bah...Tom raised his voice (All be it online ;)) So i've lost interest now!
Do you maybe want to p*** off?

A) How would you know, you've said you've never tried

B) That is a pretty stupid argument as it varies with every person.

C) Thank you for calling me a ****** but I can asurre you peer pressure can really heavily influence you.

D) So I'm a tramp as well now? However I am pretty fit

E) I'm pretty sure I've got a brain cell. I've got the qualifications to back it up :)

Now run back to mummy and daddy before the big bad world scares you too much.

Thank you everyone else for the support. Haven't had one so far today (although it is only 9 :p) I've got the patches on and the gum is ready :)

What he is saying is true not all true but pretty spot on about the ****** bit.:p
Good luck Tom, I am rather surprised that you smoke.
my mum gave up about 7 years ago and even now she still gets cravings, especially when she sees other people smoking,
so my best advice is to stay away from other smokers.
you will feel so much better giving it up, and will find the smell of smoke really noticable and rank on others.

dont give up if it doesnt work the first time.

congrats on trying to quit though, smoking is pretty much the worst habit out
Sorry, but it is a silly choice to start smoking and you should accept that rather than whinge at me to justify it.

Whinge? You saying I'm whinging? :noway I'll take that on board for the next time I see a post from you :rolleyes:

Also it was my ex who actually got me smoking. You don't exactly just walk away from a girl you've been in a long term relationship for. Of course it actually turns out I should have but that is a different story......

I also think you are lumping smokers together in a very large group. A bit like Hitler and the Jews (Maybe a bit of an extreme example, but I hope you get my point)

Also these patches do seem quite good. Haven't had nearly as many cravings. Just now have a pencil which I walk around with instead :p
Tell me some reasons or is it just the "thrill".

1. If someone very close to them dies, people then start shooting to make themselves feel better.

2. They don't have money, or are depressed for many reasons

3. Street beggars, take alot of drugs, which is understandable, and not because of the "thrill", but many other financial and personal reasons.

4. Some people are forced to take drugs, by some mentally ill MF.

We all know, governments make alot lot of money and profit by drugs.
1. If someone very close to them dies, people then start shooting to make themselves feel better.

2. They don't have money, or are depressed for many reasons

3. Street beggars, take alot of drugs, which is understandable, and not because of the "thrill", but many other financial and personal reasons.

4. Some people are forced to take drugs, by some mentally ill MF.

We all know, governments make alot lot of money and profit by drugs.

You talk crap usy as people take ciggys for the same reason except how can you not have money and your buying drugs?
havn't you seen people in streets begging for like 5 euros, then they go to the next person for 5 euros then next, and thats all what they live on.

Some of them become Robbers and stuff.

there is a big world out there man, it's not how it looks.
Have you tried smoking tea leaves as an alternative? I've heard some rumours about that helping apparently. I wouldn't know though, I don't have your problem.

You could try them patches as well. Stick one over each eye and you won't be able to find your fags.

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