Reformed Smokers

I'll be honest, I've never smoked before in my life but my dad was a very heavy smoker when I was younger. This is what he did:
He got my mom to hold his fag and gave her all his money, so when he felt the urge, he hadn't got the cigaretees to smoke or money to buy him. So he decided to do weightlifting when he felt the urge and has never smoked since. All you need to do really is occupy your mind on something else when you have the urge like weightlifting, plus if you do that, you'll be mister muscle man of the Highlands!!!
Just take a look what you are doing to your lungs.


If that doesn't make you stop right now I don't know what will! :eek:
I blame my ex for introducing them to me. Now I do it more out of habit which is why I'm quitting. Only had 1 today which is good. See how tomorrow is......

If you're really determined to do it, you'll manage it.

I've never smoked a cigarette in my life and never intend to. I can't afford it, for a start :p Plus I take my fitness quite seriously and smoking would seriously compromise that. Added to that, I can't stand the smell and my parents would kill me :p
Looking at the pictures of black lungs and rotting teeth may not make you stop smoking cigarettes. if it did, no one would ever smoke.
If you're really determined to do it, you'll manage it.

I've never smoked a cigarette in my life and never intend to. I can't afford it, for a start :p Plus I take my fitness quite seriously and smoking would seriously compromise that. Added to that, I can't stand the smell and my parents would kill me :p

Thats whats even scarier than the fact that cigarettes would!
I can imagine. Mine uses the saying "I brought you into this world, i can take you out!" Scares me slightly lol
I've only ever smoked cannabis and that was when I was all experimental. I can't say i'll never do it again because it really is quite a thrill, but i'd never smoke conventional cigarettes. Never ever.

PS i'm not a druggie or a bad person. Yay!
To smoke and/or take drugs would be the worst desicion for anyone to make. 1 it stuffs up your body, 2 its expensive, 3 it just cuts your life by so many years its not funny. Trust me tom what you put in you will get out....
There's absolutely no chance that I will ever smoke. I can guarantee it.

There is no point whatsoever in cutting your life by years doing something that looks disgusting, smells disgusting, probably A) tastes disgusting and costs a lot of money just so you can look big and clever. B) Well it isn't even big and clever, it's pure stupid.

Both my parents used to smoke but both have given up and regret starting smoking in the first place, but at the time they didn't have all the warnings about what it does to you, we do. C) Choosing to smoke nowadays has to be one of the most retarded choices you could ever make.

Between these two which would any sensible person choose?

a) Don't smoke, save a lot of money and keep your lungs healthy.


b) Spend a lot of your money on cigarettes D) which will make you look and smell like a tramp, make you unfit, increase your chances of lung disease and cancer.

E) Anyone with a brain cell would choose "a".

Do you maybe want to p*** off?

A) How would you know, you've said you've never tried

B) That is a pretty stupid argument as it varies with every person.

C) Thank you for calling me a ****** but I can asurre you peer pressure can really heavily influence you.

D) So I'm a tramp as well now? However I am pretty fit

E) I'm pretty sure I've got a brain cell. I've got the qualifications to back it up :)

Now run back to mummy and daddy before the big bad world scares you too much.

Thank you everyone else for the support. Haven't had one so far today (although it is only 9 :p) I've got the patches on and the gum is ready :)
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I don't ever want to smoke. But I'm worried one day I'll be drunk and I'll take some drugs or something from peer pressure.

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