Reformed Smokers

Tom, just cut both your hands, and then you're fine.
Burn your house down and then see how willing you are to light a smoke.
aooohh TOM, you are so sad, you're killing the innocent by smoking the fags :crying :crying

Cigarette Smoking Causes Global Warming, just watch this, you sadoo!

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aooohh TOM, you are so sad, you're killing the innocent by smoking the fags :crying :crying

Cigarette Smoking Causes Global Warming, just watch this, you sadoo!

Will you shut up about global bloody warming, it's an old wives tale.
Don't you just love Lee Evans, Matt?

I love those new adverts. Advertising a little piece of plastic to suck on whenever you get cravings, for money, when you can easily suck on a pencil. That was really hard not to put penis then.
seriously guys the slagging off in this thread has gone really childish and I can't see the point of it. Tom has admitted that he smokes and wanted to quit. All we had to do really is give him ideas about how to quit and support him during this time and all it has turned to is people just having a go at Tom for starting smoking and tell him basically he is a tramp. He knows he done wrong but there is no need for any of this slagging off, so seriously just stop it!
Thing is..... not sure if the patches will do you any good. Just heard that they are choc full of nicotine. Which is obviously the addictive thing in cigarettes. So its just giving you your fix of nicotine without taking the fags.... But if there working for you i guess i better eat my words....Lol.

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