Review Retail Version Impressions Thread

Ok had anotehr game online. I made 280/6 in 20 overs playing as India (Dhoni, Yuvraj, Raina and Gambhir scored 50s). The guy ended up quitting when he was 24/7. Please if some1 from PC wants to play on xbox live a proper full game PM me. thanks
sorry if this has already been everyone generally pleased with this new cricket game?

Mine arrived this morning so posties working here:banana2

First impressions are we have a real solid game to play and a real platform for future updates. It is without doubt the best cricket game ever by a country mile in terms of options, presentation, editing and of course playing. I'm concerned regarding the run out bug....but that can be sorted with a patch I'm sure or I hope :p I guess the only real hassle is having to edit the non-licenced players and we have no faces near their actual real life counterparts ie: Vettori without glasses :doh I think we need a virtual "Specsavers"

Having said all that, very enjoyable I guess there will be more bugs but at least they are not as bad as EA's series:banana2

Steve S.
Ok i am bowling.

If you can stick most deliveries on where the game decides is 'ideal length' then they will score slowly. The problem is you cannot stray from the minute area of the pitch or they will just hammer you. Its quickly getting boring bowling in the exact same place every delivery. :doh
There are many areas on the pitch which are designated as 'light green', (not absolutely yellow ones) on various lengths. These are semi-ideal lengths, not bad 'green' lengths. If you pitch the ball in those areas coupled with a good placing on the 'quality meter', you can enjoy the bowling. I'm talking about the demo btw.:)
Ok noone mentioned or asked about this for some reason...but what stats are in the game?? Couldnt select it in the demo so can someone post pics of it or explain what the stats entail? Can you track batsman stats for a series etc? thanks
Got the game this morning for pc, had a few practice odi games and then jumped into an ashes series on Hard in Australia.

just a little about me first - i have played every cricket game since Cricket 97, and have been a member of pc for many years although i rarely post but thought i would post my early impressions of the game to help a few of the guys who havent got the game yet or pre ordered it - as there doesent seem to be many giving pc impressions/reviews yet.

1st test - Sydney

-Aus won the toss and elected to field
-morning weather :-cloudy - 26 degrees, Hard pitch

Johnson opened the bowling for Aus and immeadiately bowled two half volleys on the legs of Strauss which were both despatched for four square on the legside. got a few edges that didnt carry early on so thought it was impossible to get out edged so carried on playing my shots (which would be something i would come to regret later!) soon enough i raced to 30/0 in 5 overs with mainly leg side flicks and a couple of square cuts on the back foot from Johnson's loose bowling (which i have to say was very realistic if they meant to implement this its genius!)

at this point i was thinking here we go again - another cricket game that is simply too easy! But the very next over the a.i to my delight and surprise put a fielder on the leg flick for strauss and a deep point so the runs dried up a bit after this smart move from the a.i. Then next over i attempted a cover drive with cook which caught a nice thick edge to second slip and was gone!! 31/1

a few overs later after steady batting...............

53/1 - 10 overs
cook 8 (16) caught second slip
bell 16*(12) great start smashing johnsons loose bowling to the fence

At this stage i was still overconfident from the high boundary rate of the morning session and was still trying to hit most balls rather than block, and then i took a tight single to short mid wicket fielder who hit the stumps with a rocket of a direct hit - and strauss was gone after consulting the 3rd umpire a very tight one! 58/2!

Still playing shots i got pieterson off the mark with a clip off the pads for two, but just like the man himself i tried the aggressive approach to johnsons loose bowling again which took a thick edge straight to gully like a rocket!! 65/3 from 15 overs Pietersen gone! - but bell still picking up a few boundries with some nice pull/cut shots

By now my batting had calmed down a bit and was a bit defensive as i was nervous at how easy it is to get out if you flash at the wide balls (pieterson) or try to smash good length balls through the covers for four like cook did! i managed to nudge it around a bit upto 85/3 and fancied attempting a cut shot off another Johnson shortish length ball -but i was kicking myself as it wasnt quite timed and it was an edgy one straight down gullys throat!! 85/4.

Bell was batting well though he had raced to 50* from just 43 balls mostly from the loose johnson bowling with some cracking pull shots off the short ones, but the a.i once again made a smart play by bringing in a short leg and covering the legside fence, very next over Johnson had his man, another short one at the ribs which bell tried to tickle down off his hips for 1 wasnt timed and he was snapped up by the short leg man!!

94/5 20 overs
Bell 50(48) caught short leg

by now i was really starting to understand that you have to concentrate and play solid on this game, i got a bit carried away early on when the field was in and the boundries were flowing - but you will not get away with flashing away constantly sooner or later you will edge one or mistime one to the infield, you have to pick the deliveries to despatch.

after another period of conslidation Broad tried a cover drive off siddle on the last ball before lunch which was edged straight to second slip!

125/6 Lunch 30 overs

After Lunch i played aggresively with Prior and tried containing with Swann and the rest of the tail, North came on a bit later and clean bowled Swann after i tried to smash him for six in pure frustration!! very next ball sidebottom edged one to the keeper off North and i was 150/8, after another period of nudging it around Anderson attempted another expansive drive to north which went straight to cover, and soon after Prior who was now batting aggresively with Harmisson at the the other end, creamed a cut shot only to find Gully and the innings was over

183 All out 41.2 overs
Bell 50(48)
Prior 40(64)
Anderson 20(36)

Siddle 3/24 14 ovs
Johnson 2/76 12 ovs
North 3/34 6.2 ovs
Watson 1/27 9 ovs

Really enjoying the game, lots of good random things happening and the a.i seems to think a bit more than other games, and its a good challange on hard and you need to concentrate and try not and fish at everything, the defensive button should definately be used to respect the good balls. maybe report back on the bowling a bit later, but early impressions of batting and a.i and the gameplay in general - its definately a lot more playable than any other cricket game ive played and i think if the game as as open for editing as cricket07 was and we have a strong community behind the game then this could be an absolute gem of a game - im thinking player editor for bowling speeds and players et.. and graphic patches

but at the monent id give this game 7.5/10
There are many areas on the pitch which are designated as 'light green', (not absolutely yellow ones) on various lengths. These are semi-ideal lengths, not bad 'green' lengths. If you pitch the ball in those areas coupled with a good placing on the 'quality meter', you can enjoy the bowling. I'm talking about the demo btw.:)

Spot on.
Some people are negative before they have properly played the game.

On the run outs. I have found that if you don't choose an end when throwing back to the stumps (i.e just let the game do it automatically) then the run out problem doesn't occur. I still had a run out, but that was a direct hit and looked realistic (unlike the daft ones where the AI decides to go for a daft run after a pause).
Got the game this morning for pc, had a few practice odi games and then jumped into an ashes series on Hard in Australia.

just a little about me first - i have played every cricket game since Cricket 97, and have been a member of pc for many years although i rarely post but thought i would post my early impressions of the game to help a few of the guys who havent got the game yet or pre ordered it - as there doesent seem to be many giving pc impressions/reviews yet.

1st test - Sydney

-Aus won the toss and elected to field
-morning weather :-cloudy - 26 degrees, Hard pitch

Johnson opened the bowling for Aus and immeadiately bowled two half volleys on the legs of Strauss which were both despatched for four square on the legside. got a few edges that didnt carry early on so thought it was impossible to get out edged so carried on playing my shots (which would be something i would come to regret later!) soon enough i raced to 30/0 in 5 overs with mainly leg side flicks and a couple of square cuts on the back foot from Johnson's loose bowling (which i have to say was very realistic if they meant to implement this its genius!)

at this point i was thinking here we go again - another cricket game that is simply too easy! But the very next over the a.i to my delight and surprise put a fielder on the leg flick for strauss and a deep point so the runs dried up a bit after this smart move from the a.i. Then next over i attempted a cover drive with cook which caught a nice thick edge to second slip and was gone!! 31/1

a few overs later after steady batting...............

53/1 - 10 overs
cook 8 (16) caught second slip
bell 16*(12) great start smashing johnsons loose bowling to the fence

At this stage i was still overconfident from the high boundary rate of the morning session and was still trying to hit most balls rather than block, and then i took a tight single to short mid wicket fielder who hit the stumps with a rocket of a direct hit - and strauss was gone after consulting the 3rd umpire a very tight one! 58/2!

Still playing shots i got pieterson off the mark with a clip off the pads for two, but just like the man himself i tried the aggressive approach to johnsons loose bowling again which took a thick edge straight to gully like a rocket!! 65/3 from 15 overs Pietersen gone! - but bell still picking up a few boundries with some nice pull/cut shots

By now my batting had calmed down a bit and was a bit defensive as i was nervous at how easy it is to get out if you flash at the wide balls (pieterson) or try to smash good length balls through the covers for four like cook did! i managed to nudge it around a bit upto 85/3 and fancied attempting a cut shot off another Johnson shortish length ball -but i was kicking myself as it wasnt quite timed and it was an edgy one straight down gullys throat!! 85/4.

Bell was batting well though he had raced to 50* from just 43 balls mostly from the loose johnson bowling with some cracking pull shots off the short ones, but the a.i once again made a smart play by bringing in a short leg and covering the legside fence, very next over Johnson had his man, another short one at the ribs which bell tried to tickle down off his hips for 1 wasnt timed and he was snapped up by the short leg man!!

94/5 20 overs
Bell 50(48) caught short leg

by now i was really starting to understand that you have to concentrate and play solid on this game, i got a bit carried away early on when the field was in and the boundries were flowing - but you will not get away with flashing away constantly sooner or later you will edge one or mistime one to the infield, you have to pick the deliveries to despatch.

after another period of conslidation Broad tried a cover drive off siddle on the last ball before lunch which was edged straight to second slip!

125/6 Lunch 30 overs

After Lunch i played aggresively with Prior and tried containing with Swann and the rest of the tail, North came on a bit later and clean bowled Swann after i tried to smash him for six in pure frustration!! very next ball sidebottom edged one to the keeper off North and i was 150/8, after another period of nudging it around Anderson attempted another expansive drive to north which went straight to cover, and soon after Prior who was now batting aggresively with Harmisson at the the other end, creamed a cut shot only to find Gully and the innings was over

183 All out 41.2 overs
Bell 50(48)
Prior 40(64)
Anderson 20(36)

Siddle 3/24 14 ovs
Johnson 2/76 12 ovs
North 3/34 6.2 ovs
Watson 1/27 9 ovs

Really enjoying the game, lots of good random things happening and the a.i seems to think a bit more than other games, and its a good challange on hard and you need to concentrate and try not and fish at everything, the defensive button should definately be used to respect the good balls. maybe report back on the bowling a bit later, but early impressions of batting and a.i and the gameplay in general - its definately a lot more playable than any other cricket game ive played and i think if the game as as open for editing as cricket07 was and we have a strong community behind the game then this could be an absolute gem of a game - im thinking player editor for bowling speeds and players et.. and graphic patches

but at the monent id give this game 7.5/10

Great read just makes me want this game so so bad! :happy
About the runout bug, Wealey88 had a good idea. Save often, so that if you do see the runout bug, all you have to do is reload! I know it's not perfect, but it'll do me until Transmission patch it.

I've not laughed so hard at a post in a long time. How is it a good idea? The bug is still there, it's just daft and shows how diabolically tested this game was.

How is it a good idea? Simple. If there's an AI runout that shouldn't have been, you reload, so it's as if it never happened. It's either that, or put up with it until a patch comes and I know what I'd rather do. I never said it should be necessary, nor do I disagree about the pathetic testing this game has had. It's a very daft bug, but this is a way round it and for me, I don't mind because I save often anyway.
There is a patch for XBOX360 planned with in a month but no patch for pc any soon.:thumbs
He hasn't bowled yet.

Lol yeah. Bowling is without doubt terrible, boring and random.

Sometimes batsmen just suddenly go into berserk mode, and everything must go for four or six until they get themselves out. Aussies are currently 180/5 are 30 overs. The last 2/3 wickets were all going at 20-20 strike rates and would not stop slogging till eventually they gave up a chance.

This is not test cricket. :doh

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