Props to Russia for getting the 2018 world cup. I think they will do a great job in organizing that world cup. They have already started construction on stadiums and this will come good for the Russian economy.
The way they host the next winter olympics will indicate if they are capable of hosting the world cup.
As for Qatar its another good pick. I think they will also do a good job and some of their videos and things they want to create are just amazing.
It's going to be ridiculously hot during the World Cup in Qatar - the vast majority of people travelling there will not be used to such heat. Also, have you heard the rules there? I think Stevo made a post about it earlier in the thread and it includes gems like 'dressing modestly' (in other words, covering up in 50 degree heat) and no public intimacy - or you could be arrested. So if someone gives their girlfriend a kiss, that could land them in trouble. Good pick on what planet exactly??
As for Russia, if anyone reckons they can do a better job than England, they're living in cloud-cuckoo land. They've got about two decent stadiums, and one of them features a plastic pitch, and that's to go alongside the other issues holding a major tournament there would bring up.
MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...
Well now having a rethink. Maybe its not all the bad a decision by FIFA to give Russia & Qatar these tournaments, if the logic behind it is bringing the world cup football to new parts of the world.
But ENG should have still gotten either 2018 or 2022 given other big nations like Germany for eg have had it twice.
You could say the same about the Aussies - they've never had the World Cup before either. They have better stadiums than Qatar and better infrastructure as well. Maybe England would've been better off bidding for 2022 instead - but then again, we'd still have to come up against oil rich Qatar.
As Harry Redknapp said, we know what's going on here...we can't really say, can we...two very wealthy nations have been given the tournament.
It's crystal clear what he thinks has happened here, and like most people, he also thinks it stinks.
Oh - and before England get another chance to even bid for it - in 2030, I bet you Germany will get it again, or Spain or someone else who's had it since 1966.
Flaming (or insert other 'F' word here)
MasterBlaster76 added 4 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...
Had there not been an SA world cup, Qatar wouldn't have been given the chance from the impressions. Dunno, The banner name of the WC is far big for a country like Qatar to host. England should've bid then.
Can't bid for both in one go.
The mistake was revealing two hosts in one go - as there were bound to be some 'deals' done between various nations (you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' kind of thing).
MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...
I think it could be a strategic and political reason to develop football in those parts. I guess its fifa's way of pushing a developed infrastructure for football in Russia and Qatar.
So nothing to do with corruption and bribes then. No, of course not.
No, it would have gone to scotland.
Scotland would do a better job than Qatar!