Satish's 4.0 Exposed : Is Copied From Tutsi's 2.1

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Most of the original values have 0.00,like the CPU agression level,etc,so these values are not even close to the original one's.If anyone wants to see ,I can post some pics of the original values as well.
ajay2k5 said:
Well post it ffs so we can all see.

Well seeing as you asked so nicely...

Cricket 2002 Difficulty Level File
; Unlimited Overs EASY Level
; HB Studios 2001

; Human Stroke Difficuly
	DiffLevel		0.000000
	ScoreBias 		0.066650
	StrokeDiffLevel		0.226684
	BallsFacedLevel		0.526672
	BatOrderLevel 		0.400024
	BatRandomLevel 		0.206665
	BatEdgeDifficulty 	0.046691
	BatEdgeStroke 		0.006652
	BatEdgeAverage 		0.166687
	BatEdgeOrder 		0.000000
	BatEdgeBias 		0.000000

; Bat Windows
	BatWindowCentre		0.0
	BatWindowSize		14.0
	BatWindowIdealSize	10.0

; Batsman Position Adjust
	MaxPosAdjust 		0.350000

; Ball Adjust
	MaxTrajAdjust 		0.300000

; CPU Stroke Selection
	CpuBallBatsman 		7.0
	CpuBallStump 		7.0
	CpuBallLength 		7.0
	CpuBatsmanType 		22.0
	CpuReward 			22.0
	CpuContactHorz		15.0
	CpuContactVert 		17.0
	CpuRandom 			3.0

	CpuDifficulty 		0.659973
	CpuBatsmanType2 	0.06

	CpuBallsFaced		0.0
	CpuTacticsDefend 	0.0
	CpuBattingMatchType 0.0

	CpuRequest 			1.0

; Bowling Cursor Size
	TargetSizeMin 		0.05
	TargetSizeMax 		0.90

; FastBowler Speeds & Spins
	Fast           		0.999999
	Normal         		0.800000
	Slow           		0.000001

; SwingBowler Speeds & Spins
	SwingQuick     		0.999999
	SwingNormal    		0.700000

; Leg Spin Bowler Speeds & Spins
	LegSpinFlipper 		0.999999
	LegSpinSpeed   		0.700000
	LegSpinDamp    		2.040962
	LegSpinGreen   		1.073792
	LegSpinNormal  		2.040962
	LegSpinHard    		2.885259
	LegSpinDusty   		3.385259

; Off Spin Bowler Speeds & Spins
	OffSpinArm     		0.850000
	OffSpinSpeed   		0.700000
	OffSpinDamp    		2.560006
	OffSpinGreen   		0.726696
	OffSpinNormal  		1.573792
	OffSpinHard    		1.573792
	OffSpinDusty   		2.885259

; Weather & Pitch Condition
	BallSeamDamp   		1.873792
	BallSeamGreen  		2.573792
	BallSeamNormal 		1.373792
	BallSeamHard   		0.100000
	BallSeamDusty  		0.100000
	BallSwingSunny    	0.000000
	BallSwingCloudy   	0.160006
	BallSwingOvercast 	0.726696
	BallSwingGrey     	0.306660
	BallSwingNightD   	0.453315
	BallSwingNightL   	0.453315


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The original files for the field_physics.cfg is also completely different to the copied files.

What seems strange is the way even the file names look similar,the files which have filename(tutsi) have all been renamed as filenamed(satish),there are 4-5 such files and I think they are for a bigger cursor(different files for batting and bowling I guess)
thats amazing that someone would actually copy another ones great work and except to get away with it.hey lets all derep satish!(lol jokes) nah i donno if he copied it, but the fact that they are all the same except a few annoys me because they is no way you could say you didnt copy tutsi.
okay guys i am getting tired & fed up with is my final post on this issue..

1) i once again deny using tutsi's or anybody else's patches...

2) i wish u guys play both the patches & then comeback & make your posts

3) as sumbody elso quoted,if u like my work use it,if u think i am plagiarising or watever,just go ahead & ban me..i dont wanna be coming to my fav site & keep seeing bad things about me...

i dont have much time to research & refute those ppl who are accusing me..but here is a simple example..i learnt most of my patching with CGPv1 & ultimate patch 1.0,so i easily picked these two files...

barmyarmy said:
That simply isn't true. I've looked at Sid's, Boss's and Eddie's patches and none of them are identical to Tutsi's.
check these files & lemme know if u still feel the same..the 1st one is sid's,2nd one is boss's..

again this is just an example,there are many more...i am not dumb to make statements that can be easily refuted

so once again,if u think my work is original & if u guys like it,lemme be a part of this community,if not simply ban me...



  • sid.jpg
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  • boss.jpg
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How do you explain the similarity in the values in both patches?

And in what regard do you say that we have copied each others patches?
sid_19840 said:
How do you explain the similarity in the values in both patches?

And in what regard do you say that we have copied each others patches?
i really dunno how they are similar..u have a look at the values and u'll know they are similar..
and sid, i am not cheap enough to accuse u or boss of copying each other...i never did that did i?..
its common sense guys..values might be the same...just think the # of ppl who have used my patches,the # of ppl who have reviewed it..sid,u are frustrtd just by me comparing a file of do u think i feel?
I don't understand what the images are meant to illustrate and saying that you don't have time to check the simularities between Tutsi's patch and yours simply isn't good enough.
I haven't used either patch but I can see that the only difference between the two is bowler cursor size; maybe that makes a huge difference to how the patch plays, I don't know.
The simple fact is that your patch is (almost) identical to tutsi's and you've not been able to offer any explanation as to why that is despite being given the opportunity.
Subsequently you haven't even had the manners to hold your hand up and say 'sorry, it won't happen again' but have continued to deny it.
It doesn't really matter whether you carry on making AI patches or not as you have now lost all your credibility and respect.

i really dunno how they are similar..u have a look at the values and u'll know they are similar..

They're more than simular, they're identical in every way apart from bowler cursor size.
You are mistaken.The values can never be similar unless you used those files to make your own ai patch,and how can you say that you dont know that the values are similar?Havent you tweaked the AI using the original files?

satish_lastride said:
its common sense guys..values might be the same...

Well one or two might clash but almost every value clashing is hardly a coincidence.

satish_lastride said:
and sid, i am not cheap enough to accuse u or boss of copying each other...i never did that did i?..

You just said exactly that in your previous post.What exactly are you trying to say?

barmyarmy said:
Subsequently you haven't even had the manners to hold your hand up and say 'sorry, it won't happen again' but have continued to deny it.
It doesn't really matter whether you carry on making AI patches or not as you have now lost all your credibility and respect.

True.Wouldnt it be just better if you told the truth.Infact it was I who thought and posted your name as the future Best AI patcher,you have lost all my credit.
sid_19840 said:
You are mistaken.The values can never be similar unless you used those files to make your own ai patch,and how can you say that you dont know that the values are similar?Havent you tweaked the AI using the original files?

Well one or two might clash but almost every value clashing is hardly a coincidence.

You just said exactly that in your previous post.What exactly are you trying to say?

True.Wouldnt it be just better if you told the truth.
comeon are killing me...when did i say u copied from boss..i just quoted that example to explain that values can be similar& that part of my quote which said "i dunno how they are similar" referred to the values in urs & boss's files..i thought u were asking me about that..

as for colins comment..its not only time that stops me from comparing mine & tutsi's...if u read my first post properly,i have said i wont bother cuz i know my work is original..
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