Save Game Options: I can't be the only one that wants this feature..

Save Game options in DBC should include:

  • Total voters
Um, you can't just combine vague poll options into a percentage to invent the outcome you want. That's not how polls work. There was only one option for no change and three for change. You get that, right? Yeah? Based on that massive skewering, the save system as it is, works just fine. Based on the response and the fact folks could multi-vote the change categories you've not understood the results, that by your own admission, are flawed from the get go.

Plus I voted for the more cats party anyway...
Um, you can't just combine vague poll options into a percentage to invent the outcome you want. That's not how polls work. There was only one option for no change and three for change. You get that, right? Yeah? Based on that massive skewering, the save system as it is, works just fine. Based on the response and the fact folks could multi-vote the change categories you've not understood the results, that by your own admission, are flawed from the get go.

Plus I voted for the more cats party anyway...

It would help if you quoted my coherent response before you responded above with utter nonsense.

Here this is for you:
Lame YouTube retorts are banned in my country, sorry. I'd start an internet poll to change that but then I remembered I have to save this window and exit to start a poll...


...but oh mobile it, for the record; You can't create a poll to "gauge opinion" on something when 3/4 of the poll options say exactly the same thing, then combine the results and go "Look, people want this!". That's not a correct gauge of anything. Especially if people can multi-vote essentially the same options to skewer the results of the only other difference of opinion!

If you want to do a correct gauge of opinion on the issue then the options are simply:

1) Change to x
2) No change to x

X being save and exit in this scenario, once you've established the Demand for change, then you work out the specifics of what that change should be. Your poll, does not demonstrate that demand. It does demonstrate that people can click a button, or write something then save and exit the thread...
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This poll supposes 4 potential outcomes, only one of which can be implemented, since polls are first past the post and each choice negates the others.

You can not take the other 3 and combine the percentage. That's a biased crock of the proverbial. See above, each option negates the others.

In a poll such as this, the option with the highest individual percentage of concensus that wins. As it stands, the option to leave everything as it is takes that place.

Is it first past the post? Well it depends how far away the finish line is, and whether it gets moved.
These guys, inclusive of the first person directly posting above and the one posting currently, get it, in a non-specific order... then save and exit.
Saving during a game can only be used for evil.

It's fine as it is. There's a pause button if you need a wee-wee, if you don't have time for a full match don't start one, and if something else occurs which means you have to leave in an emergency then chances are that's more important than losing a wicket.

Saving during a game can only be used for evil.

It's fine as it is. There's a pause button if you need a wee-wee, if you don't have time for a full match don't start one, and if something else occurs which means you have to leave in an emergency then chances are that's more important than losing a wicket.


Someone get this guy a beer! :clap
Ah the good old days ;)
The option to save without exiting should definitely be there. If people can't trust themselves not to abuse it that's their problem.
I had a bowler drop the ball in his run up earlier then go and stand staring at the batsman for a few seconds at which point the game froze. Save and Exit was "queued" so the only the option was to reset the game or forfeit the match.

Quick save is a MUST. Every game these days has a quick save.

You just provide the option to quick save as a menu option then...

If you want to play without quick save, fine, leave it off in the menu option.

People like me who want to be able to quick save, can avail of it when we want do with it what we want.

Thats the best for everyone. Imposing your view on everyone else is wrong whether it be forced auto-save or or forced not having it at all.
Quick save by its very nature is voluntary..

Making it a menu option takes it even further now.. leave it off so there is no temptation at all for those who don't want it.
Someone START A POLL...

...oh wait.

Just to throw my threpny bit in...
@Ross has already explained that auto-save is dangerous due to the fact that a crash while auto-saving vould bugger up your save profile. Then you'd lose a hell of a lot more than the 100 you're cheating your way to. In light of that, having Auto-Save as two of the poll options is border-line retarded.


The option to save without exiting should definitely be there. If people can't trust themselves not to abuse it that's their problem.
I had a bowler drop the ball in his run up earlier then go and stand staring at the batsman for a few seconds at which point the game froze. Save and Exit was "queued" so the only the option was to reset the game or forfeit the match.


If the save was queued, its hard to know how a quick save would have fixed that given it would also have been queued?

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