Save Game Options: I can't be the only one that wants this feature..

Save Game options in DBC should include:

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I can't think of a single sports game that does...happy to be proven wrong
Just to throw my threpny bit in...
@Ross has already explained that auto-save is dangerous due to the fact that a crash while auto-saving vould bugger up your save profile. Then you'd lose a hell of a lot more than the 100 you're cheating your way to. In light of that, having Auto-Save as two of the poll options is border-line retarded.


If the save was queued, its hard to know how a quick save would have fixed that given it would also have been queued?

If a quick save option was present I'd have saved the game previously and therefore not lost the entire match? :wave


I can't think of a single sports game that does...happy to be proven wrong

Can you think of a single other sports game where matches are often not completed in one gameplay session?
Can you think of a single other sports game where matches are often not completed in one gameplay session?

Golf and occasionally tennis matches if you decide to play a full game.
There's a pause button if you need a wee-wee, if you don't have time for a full match don't start one, and if something else occurs which means you have to leave in an emergency then chances are that's more important than losing a wicket.
You can already save in the middle of the match, and the process to quit and reload is relatively quick, should anyone be weak enough to do so to prevent losing wickets...

As for whether people want to quit because they dont have time to finish the match, then what we have already is sufficient enough.

The ones I feel sorry for are the ones who genuinely lost progress due to crashes, but again there is already a save option, and it takes seconds to get back in the game after.

I suspect the reason why Big Ant didnt put a quick save and continue option in is because it doesnt fit what they are trying to achieve with this game. In cricket games past, it was made artificially easy by being to save often to prevent losing wickets.
If a quick save option was present I'd have saved the game previously and therefore not lost the entire match? :wave


Can you think of a single other sports game where matches are often not completed in one gameplay session?

MLB: The Show, full minute quarters NBA 2k, full minute quarters Madden
[/thread again]
Pathetic Don Bradman Cricket 2014

i definitely want a save game option. Other than Fifa which certainly does not require a save game option, every f..kng game in this world has a save game option. If i need that much reality, i would certainly uninstall this no fun piece of junk and go play real cricket..i have never been that much frustrated by any game like this before...i mean i was chasing a total of 244 and i was on 55/1 and then came the power failure. kaboom !! every thing lost and back to 0:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm
Get a UPS if you're in an area with frequent power cuts - you'll have enough time to press the Save and Exit option and come back to it later.
i was chasing a total of 244 and i was on 55/1 and then came the power failure

Devils advocate; Shouldn't you be posting on your power companies user forum rather than getting a save options for a cricket game? Just a thought, priorities n'all that. Even if you got your save game, you're still getting power cuts... Just sayin'
There are huge power cut problems in Pak/India I know that... not everyone can afford a UPS even though I have one but sometimes it just freezes the game when the power failure occurs.... and UPS are very costly to run a gaming pc on it. still then you can't run ps3 on a ups and risk frying it...

Regarding complaint to power authorities forum : first they don't have a forum , they don't know what a website is :p 2nd this thing isn't easy to be solved the power shortage .... It may take 10 to 10 light years to solve power issues here in PK.

So yes please add a quick save option atleast for ps3 version :yes
. not everyone can afford a UPS even though I have one but sometimes it just freezes the game when the power failure occurs.... and UPS are very costly to run a gaming pc on it. still then you can't run ps3 on a ups and risk frying it..

even a basic model 20 mins ups should be ok to save and exit, also ups work fine with ps3's or any electronic stuff, if not better than having a straight connection to the power outlet.
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FYI, there are UPSs which are cheaper than the game itself. So that argument is void.
It may take 10 to 10 light years to solve power issues here in PK.

So it's prolly not the problem for games developer to add a feature in for a tiny fraction of their customers, majority of which havn't paid for the game anyway, in case you get a power-cut. I mean, this has to be the worst reasoning for the quick-save feature yet... Into the realms of the ridiculous, we enter through door three...

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