Scary Stories!

das_vicky said:
Let e tell u s tru story. Its not so scary to hear, but just imagine if you were in that place. A person when she was 22 was travelling to her native. In those days there was only 1 bus that was running and it was like all pasengers took the same bus for obvious reasons. As usual the bus was on a healthy journey when suddenly the bus stooped with a strong jerk. the brake was pressed so hard that some even got injure, and some standing passengers even fell horribly. No body understood what was the matter. Everone was searvhing for the driver and conductor. They seeked explantion. they shouted at him that what the matter was? Why did he stop the bus in the middle of the rodd so abruptly? The bus driver and the conductor were speechless, it lokoed as if they were trying to say something but they coudnt. Syddenly everyone started peeping though the windows and what everyone saw was their scariest moment int heir life. THey couldnt believe their eyes. An old woman was sitting in the midle of the road and her hands, the are where she was sitting and her mouth were drenched with blood and her hands held tightly an almost eaten BABY!!!!!. She was relishing on the human child. No one could believe their eyes no one dared to say something after seeing that. THen the woman started shouting "Whoever's name I call, if he/she dosent listen to me then i will Kille you and also eat you". The bus driver then prepared for a fleet, he siad just all of you just close your eyes, and dont look at the old woman in her eyes whatever happens, And then the driver just drove the bus past the woman. Suddenly the woman called " Binadini" ( an indian name) in a strange male voice. A lady of the same name was in the bus along with her husband and she just iopened her eyes and looked into the eyes of that oldwoman through the side window as the bus passed......................

This dosnet end here, from then on on every particualr date of every mopnth ( i dont remeber the date exactly) that lady(binadini) had nightmares of the old woman telling " You made a mistake looking at me. You made a mistake......." ANnd for last around 15-20 yrs that lady isint sleeping on that night when the nighmare is due..

How do I know all this? That couple was my maternal grandma and grandpa!!!

Man, to me, it is so man...Good Scary and True can't believe this...but it is true (if you said so)....
It might be true. It's just that I can't imagine a woman eating her baby and having her half eaten baby in her hand, EVEN if it is India where some weird things occassionally happen.
Adarsh said:
It might be true. It's just that I can't imagine a woman eating her baby and having her half eaten baby in her hand, EVEN if it is India where some weird things occassionally happen.

I know right...Why would a old woman eat her baby??? And it's so GROSS and DISGUSTING!!!
Adarsh said:
It might be true. It's just that I can't imagine a woman eating her baby and having her half eaten baby in her hand, EVEN if it is India where some weird things occassionally happen.

In India ecspeccialy in the poor areas wierd and spooky things do happen, my cousin swore to me he could see 2 ghosts gaurding a local school, when he went to India 3 years ago.
I have a theory why rural India gets so many 'ghosts'. Its because most of them are illiterate and/or have a culture which encourages superstition. Why do the more urban areas, and other developed countries not get so many of these stories? It's not because the ghosts prefer the quiter, more pleasant areas of the country, it's because the people can identify what they see as not ghosts and give it a valid reason.
Adarsh said:
I have a theory why rural India gets so many 'ghosts'. Its because most of them are illiterate and/or have a culture which encourages superstition. Why do the more urban areas, and other developed countries not get so many of these stories? It's not because the ghosts prefer the quiter, more pleasant areas of the country, it's because the people can identify what they see as not ghosts and give it a valid reason.
Its not only rural but also urban areas which sees weird things. All in India who watch Discovery channel know that, coz a program was aired earlier which showed ghosts existence in some great hotels in USA(like hotels in New york).
13 Nights of Halloween!!

das_vicky said:
Its not only rural but also urban areas which sees weird things. All in India who watch Discovery channel know that, coz a program was aired earlier which showed ghosts existence in some great hotels in USA(like hotels in New york). i can't believe it!!! See i also saw a program called Scariest Places on Earth on ABC Family Channel....HERE'S THE LINK!!! if you wanna know more about it....IT'S SCARY AS HELL!!!
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Here is a dream that I had last night. It was a very intriguing dream which took place in many places scattered around the city of Melbourne.
The dream began at night-time where I was (weirdly) given a piggy-back by recently released Michelle Leslie on the main road footpath. After about 10 minutes, I hop off and walk to the left in a dim-lit car park of a shopping centre. I suddenly was chased by an Asian woman who I saw on the front cover of a Melbourne University undergraduate magazine.
I run out of the car park and make it to the other side of the main road and swiftly catch a tram that stopped for me. I meet a person who lives close to me John H and have a quick chat. I hop off and arrived home (which when I walked inside, was the inside of my holiday house)
I noticed that it was around 10:15pm on the clock in the house and I switched on the television. There was a bit of cricket and then suddenly The Simpson?s came on.
After about 10 minutes of The Simpson?s, a message came up on the TV saying "Channel 10 will shut down at 10:30." Funnily enough, when it was 10:30pm - the television showed a screen with weird colours like SBS does when there aren?t any shows on late at night.
After staring blankly at the television for a few seconds, I walk outside. I then find myself in a dim-lit room with down lights and navy blue walls. There was a bright fish tank fitted onto a table in the centre of the small room.
There was a door behind me, and an open door to the end of the room facing me, on the right.
I walk inside the black, dark walled room and there is a device. It was like a small playground slide with a rainbow and stars picture at the end of it. I slide down it and I was teleported to the other end of the galaxy or maybe a parallel universe. When my legs hit the picture I was somewhere else. In the dark sky above me I could see galaxies and stars.
I looked around to see where I was and I was with Edwin somewhere making a podcast. I then notice the world was different and old-fashioned, so I walk to the city. It was now day time.
I had gone back in time!
The buildings, trams, people's clothing, light poles, everything was like it was in the 1950s. Walk on the same road that was piggy-backed on earlier in my dream. I turn left into the same car park of the shopping centre; however the shopping centre obviously looked 1950s style. I got huge shock when the same Asian woman chased me once again - this time with a gun. She started shooting and chasing me, and this time I entered the supermarket.
As I am walking around the supermarket, I hear a big explosion. The people in the supermarket begin screaming, as more explosions occur. I wrap my arms around a hot, strawberry blonde cashier chick (probably 17-19 years old) wearing a red uniform and a little maid hat and we start making out whilst there is chaos around us. How romantic you say.
Sparks were flying and the supermarket was going to collapse. I wish her good luck and goodbye, and I run towards a main double T-intersection in the city. Masses of people were walking on the sidewalks screaming and useless. Guns were blazing and bombs could be heard from the distance. Maybe Melbourne was under attack.
Emerging from the T-intersection farthest away from me was a W-class tram packed to the rafters with schoolchildren. They were all crying and waving to everyone, and they didn't seem to like where they were going.
I decide to follow the tram. The tram eventually made its way to the outskirts of the city where it exchanged the children to a garbage truck. I then follow the brown backed garbage truck (like the one in Sim City 4) and it winds its way through a foresty road. I could hear the eerie sounds of children crying and army men telling the kids everything is going to be OK.
The garbage truck dumps all the kids out at the end of the road. The area where they moved to was a small, hilly and grassy plain surrounded by rainforest type trees. It looked like all these kids were put here to die and fend for themselves while the war was going on.
A lot of the kids are fighting and abusing each other. One sees me and grabs my neck, but I kick and punch him off. Others try to do the same, however I was able to fight them.
The dream then ends.
I think this was one of those more interesting and 'different' dreams that I have. I am not sure if it had meaning though. I doubt if in a parallel universe back in the 1940s/1950s if Melbourne was being attacked that kids would be transported to areas to fend for themselves.

duffarama said:
Here is a dream that I had last night. It was a very intriguing dream which took place in many places scattered around the city of Melbourne.
The dream began at night-time where I was (weirdly) given a piggy-back by recently released Michelle Leslie on the main road footpath. After about 10 minutes, I hop off and walk to the left in a dim-lit car park of a shopping centre. I suddenly was chased by an Asian woman who I saw on the front cover of a Melbourne University undergraduate magazine.
I run out of the car park and make it to the other side of the main road and swiftly catch a tram that stopped for me. I meet a person who lives close to me John H and have a quick chat. I hop off and arrived home (which when I walked inside, was the inside of my holiday house)
I noticed that it was around 10:15pm on the clock in the house and I switched on the television. There was a bit of cricket and then suddenly The Simpson?s came on.
After about 10 minutes of The Simpson?s, a message came up on the TV saying "Channel 10 will shut down at 10:30." Funnily enough, when it was 10:30pm - the television showed a screen with weird colours like SBS does when there aren?t any shows on late at night.
After staring blankly at the television for a few seconds, I walk outside. I then find myself in a dim-lit room with down lights and navy blue walls. There was a bright fish tank fitted onto a table in the centre of the small room.
There was a door behind me, and an open door to the end of the room facing me, on the right.
I walk inside the black, dark walled room and there is a device. It was like a small playground slide with a rainbow and stars picture at the end of it. I slide down it and I was teleported to the other end of the galaxy or maybe a parallel universe. When my legs hit the picture I was somewhere else. In the dark sky above me I could see galaxies and stars.
I looked around to see where I was and I was with Edwin somewhere making a podcast. I then notice the world was different and old-fashioned, so I walk to the city. It was now day time.
I had gone back in time!
The buildings, trams, people's clothing, light poles, everything was like it was in the 1950s. Walk on the same road that was piggy-backed on earlier in my dream. I turn left into the same car park of the shopping centre; however the shopping centre obviously looked 1950s style. I got huge shock when the same Asian woman chased me once again - this time with a gun. She started shooting and chasing me, and this time I entered the supermarket.
As I am walking around the supermarket, I hear a big explosion. The people in the supermarket begin screaming, as more explosions occur. I wrap my arms around a hot, strawberry blonde cashier chick (probably 17-19 years old) wearing a red uniform and a little maid hat and we start making out whilst there is chaos around us. How romantic you say.
Sparks were flying and the supermarket was going to collapse. I wish her good luck and goodbye, and I run towards a main double T-intersection in the city. Masses of people were walking on the sidewalks screaming and useless. Guns were blazing and bombs could be heard from the distance. Maybe Melbourne was under attack.
Emerging from the T-intersection farthest away from me was a W-class tram packed to the rafters with schoolchildren. They were all crying and waving to everyone, and they didn't seem to like where they were going.
I decide to follow the tram. The tram eventually made its way to the outskirts of the city where it exchanged the children to a garbage truck. I then follow the brown backed garbage truck (like the one in Sim City 4) and it winds its way through a foresty road. I could hear the eerie sounds of children crying and army men telling the kids everything is going to be OK.
The garbage truck dumps all the kids out at the end of the road. The area where they moved to was a small, hilly and grassy plain surrounded by rainforest type trees. It looked like all these kids were put here to die and fend for themselves while the war was going on.
A lot of the kids are fighting and abusing each other. One sees me and grabs my neck, but I kick and punch him off. Others try to do the same, however I was able to fight them.
The dream then ends.
I think this was one of those more interesting and 'different' dreams that I have. I am not sure if it had meaning though. I doubt if in a parallel universe back in the 1940s/1950s if Melbourne was being attacked that kids would be transported to areas to fend for themselves.


Wow, you have vivid, weird dreams!
duffarama said:
Here is a dream that I had last night. It was a very intriguing dream which took place in many places scattered around the city of Melbourne.
The dream began at night-time where I was (weirdly) given a piggy-back by recently released Michelle Leslie on the main road footpath. After about 10 minutes, I hop off and walk to the left in a dim-lit car park of a shopping centre. I suddenly was chased by an Asian woman who I saw on the front cover of a Melbourne University undergraduate magazine.
I run out of the car park and make it to the other side of the main road and swiftly catch a tram that stopped for me. I meet a person who lives close to me John H and have a quick chat. I hop off and arrived home (which when I walked inside, was the inside of my holiday house)
I noticed that it was around 10:15pm on the clock in the house and I switched on the television. There was a bit of cricket and then suddenly The Simpson?s came on.
After about 10 minutes of The Simpson?s, a message came up on the TV saying "Channel 10 will shut down at 10:30." Funnily enough, when it was 10:30pm - the television showed a screen with weird colours like SBS does when there aren?t any shows on late at night.
After staring blankly at the television for a few seconds, I walk outside. I then find myself in a dim-lit room with down lights and navy blue walls. There was a bright fish tank fitted onto a table in the centre of the small room.
There was a door behind me, and an open door to the end of the room facing me, on the right.
I walk inside the black, dark walled room and there is a device. It was like a small playground slide with a rainbow and stars picture at the end of it. I slide down it and I was teleported to the other end of the galaxy or maybe a parallel universe. When my legs hit the picture I was somewhere else. In the dark sky above me I could see galaxies and stars.
I looked around to see where I was and I was with Edwin somewhere making a podcast. I then notice the world was different and old-fashioned, so I walk to the city. It was now day time.
I had gone back in time!
The buildings, trams, people's clothing, light poles, everything was like it was in the 1950s. Walk on the same road that was piggy-backed on earlier in my dream. I turn left into the same car park of the shopping centre; however the shopping centre obviously looked 1950s style. I got huge shock when the same Asian woman chased me once again - this time with a gun. She started shooting and chasing me, and this time I entered the supermarket.
As I am walking around the supermarket, I hear a big explosion. The people in the supermarket begin screaming, as more explosions occur. I wrap my arms around a hot, strawberry blonde cashier chick (probably 17-19 years old) wearing a red uniform and a little maid hat and we start making out whilst there is chaos around us. How romantic you say.
Sparks were flying and the supermarket was going to collapse. I wish her good luck and goodbye, and I run towards a main double T-intersection in the city. Masses of people were walking on the sidewalks screaming and useless. Guns were blazing and bombs could be heard from the distance. Maybe Melbourne was under attack.
Emerging from the T-intersection farthest away from me was a W-class tram packed to the rafters with schoolchildren. They were all crying and waving to everyone, and they didn't seem to like where they were going.
I decide to follow the tram. The tram eventually made its way to the outskirts of the city where it exchanged the children to a garbage truck. I then follow the brown backed garbage truck (like the one in Sim City 4) and it winds its way through a foresty road. I could hear the eerie sounds of children crying and army men telling the kids everything is going to be OK.
The garbage truck dumps all the kids out at the end of the road. The area where they moved to was a small, hilly and grassy plain surrounded by rainforest type trees. It looked like all these kids were put here to die and fend for themselves while the war was going on.
A lot of the kids are fighting and abusing each other. One sees me and grabs my neck, but I kick and punch him off. Others try to do the same, however I was able to fight them.
The dream then ends.
I think this was one of those more interesting and 'different' dreams that I have. I am not sure if it had meaning though. I doubt if in a parallel universe back in the 1940s/1950s if Melbourne was being attacked that kids would be transported to areas to fend for themselves.


You have very, very wierd dreams pal, but you're not alone, I to have very wierds dreams.
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duffarama said:
Here is a dream that I had last night. It was a very intriguing dream which took place in many places scattered around the city of Melbourne.
The dream began at night-time where I was (weirdly) given a piggy-back by recently released Michelle Leslie on the main road footpath. After about 10 minutes, I hop off and walk to the left in a dim-lit car park of a shopping centre. I suddenly was chased by an Asian woman who I saw on the front cover of a Melbourne University undergraduate magazine.
I run out of the car park and make it to the other side of the main road and swiftly catch a tram that stopped for me. I meet a person who lives close to me John H and have a quick chat. I hop off and arrived home (which when I walked inside, was the inside of my holiday house)
I noticed that it was around 10:15pm on the clock in the house and I switched on the television. There was a bit of cricket and then suddenly The Simpson?s came on.
After about 10 minutes of The Simpson?s, a message came up on the TV saying "Channel 10 will shut down at 10:30." Funnily enough, when it was 10:30pm - the television showed a screen with weird colours like SBS does when there aren?t any shows on late at night.
After staring blankly at the television for a few seconds, I walk outside. I then find myself in a dim-lit room with down lights and navy blue walls. There was a bright fish tank fitted onto a table in the centre of the small room.
There was a door behind me, and an open door to the end of the room facing me, on the right.
I walk inside the black, dark walled room and there is a device. It was like a small playground slide with a rainbow and stars picture at the end of it. I slide down it and I was teleported to the other end of the galaxy or maybe a parallel universe. When my legs hit the picture I was somewhere else. In the dark sky above me I could see galaxies and stars.
I looked around to see where I was and I was with Edwin somewhere making a podcast. I then notice the world was different and old-fashioned, so I walk to the city. It was now day time.
I had gone back in time!
The buildings, trams, people's clothing, light poles, everything was like it was in the 1950s. Walk on the same road that was piggy-backed on earlier in my dream. I turn left into the same car park of the shopping centre; however the shopping centre obviously looked 1950s style. I got huge shock when the same Asian woman chased me once again - this time with a gun. She started shooting and chasing me, and this time I entered the supermarket.
As I am walking around the supermarket, I hear a big explosion. The people in the supermarket begin screaming, as more explosions occur. I wrap my arms around a hot, strawberry blonde cashier chick (probably 17-19 years old) wearing a red uniform and a little maid hat and we start making out whilst there is chaos around us. How romantic you say.
Sparks were flying and the supermarket was going to collapse. I wish her good luck and goodbye, and I run towards a main double T-intersection in the city. Masses of people were walking on the sidewalks screaming and useless. Guns were blazing and bombs could be heard from the distance. Maybe Melbourne was under attack.
Emerging from the T-intersection farthest away from me was a W-class tram packed to the rafters with schoolchildren. They were all crying and waving to everyone, and they didn't seem to like where they were going.
I decide to follow the tram. The tram eventually made its way to the outskirts of the city where it exchanged the children to a garbage truck. I then follow the brown backed garbage truck (like the one in Sim City 4) and it winds its way through a foresty road. I could hear the eerie sounds of children crying and army men telling the kids everything is going to be OK.
The garbage truck dumps all the kids out at the end of the road. The area where they moved to was a small, hilly and grassy plain surrounded by rainforest type trees. It looked like all these kids were put here to die and fend for themselves while the war was going on.
A lot of the kids are fighting and abusing each other. One sees me and grabs my neck, but I kick and punch him off. Others try to do the same, however I was able to fight them.
The dream then ends.
I think this was one of those more interesting and 'different' dreams that I have. I am not sure if it had meaning though. I doubt if in a parallel universe back in the 1940s/1950s if Melbourne was being attacked that kids would be transported to areas to fend for themselves.


Good job, mate :clap :cheers .....but you do have a weird dream....

duffarama said:
I am not sure if it had meaning though.

May be the meaning is, it let you know about something...MAY BE!!
Duff, go see a doctor. I think having the worst name in the world may have scarred you mentally...
Why do people quote extemely long pieces of text?? It makes hard reading. Can't you just say "Duff, I think you need to see a psychologist"?
Adarsh said:
Why do people quote extemely long pieces of text?? It makes hard reading. Can't you just say "Duff, I think you need to see a psychologist"?

Thats better.. :cheers
Adarsh said:
I have a theory why rural India gets so many 'ghosts'. Its because most of them are illiterate and/or have a culture which encourages superstition. Why do the more urban areas, and other developed countries not get so many of these stories? It's not because the ghosts prefer the quiter, more pleasant areas of the country, it's because the people can identify what they see as not ghosts and give it a valid reason.

Its both Rural and urban areas which see's wierd stuff aswell, evreytime when I got to India something wierd always happens, so I'm going thier this year and take my camcorder, becuase I go past this rural area which claims to have many ghosts.

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