Simbazz's Graphic Shop (Requests; OFF!!!!)

lol thanks...i have been in PC for long enuf to know how to use it:p
borncricketer said:
lol thanks...i have been in PC for long enuf to know how to use it:p

Oh lol, sorry i didnt see your join date ;) glad you like it
lol np...if you have some more spare time could u create a Dhoni wallpaper for me?
Yeah sure i will mate, but i can tell you for cert it wont be tonite ;) 20 mins till Ashes coverage on sky :happy
Ive just seen an advertisement on Sky, and it was somthing along the lines of this,

KP sent a ball out of the ground, and "Bushwhacker" came up, and them it turned to Brett Lee who looked annoyed saying "Bushwhacked" it made me laugh, so i thought id make a little sig for it!

Please leave your views and help for me to follow to improve!

nice sig lvin the the sig mate well done

EDIT: Hi simo, just wondering if you could make me a sig. I don't mind what it is about as long as it looks cool. Use your great knowledge to make me a great one,

cheers Matt
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Yeah sure, ill make your sig, but after ive made the wallpaper for MR. borncricketer.

Ok, this is a simplistic wallpaper, and i kinda like it, i think the cutting is ok aswell, for me anyways :rolleyes:


As usual, give me your views and you will be automatically sent into the Simbazz appreciation group :p
DJ Ager said:
Nice and simple, and good style, I like it, good work Simbazz

Thanks Ager, Welcome to the SAG, Simbazz Appreciation Group
nice work simbazz...could u add one more pic of him playing the pull shot:)
One thing Simbazz...

If you are going to blur 1 bit of the edge you have to blur the whol edge :)
The bluring on the bat looks very dodgy.
Otherwise great work :clap
yeah just as treva said...blur the whole edge or zoom in and use the eraser but lower its opacity...etc...still great work...

P.S treav why not put the link for the thread in your sig...
Hey guys, been a while since ive made one, due to me not being here :p

anyways, i heard quite a bit about this, and i dont agree with it to be honet, what do you think? Comment on the Sigs please :D

Version 1

Version 2

I like the first one, but give me your opinions please :)

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