Smackdown vs Raw 2008

What do you think to the new game?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Good

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Average

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Poor

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
Does anyone know if the season mode is going to be less linear this time round? I mean after you've completed the season in most other Smackdown v Raw games using a few different superstars, you always know what's going to happen.
Does anyone know if the season mode is going to be less linear this time round? I mean after you've completed the season in most other Smackdown v Raw games using a few different superstars, you always know what's going to happen.
God do they still do that! The last one of these I played was 'Here Comes The Pain' it was great dont get me wrong but the fact that the story repeated itself after a year wore out the game for me.
Yo I think thiz game iz going to suck
because THQ did not try there best on it YO.
they could have put more wrestlers but they are too god dame lazy to do it Blad
No. They only put the top WWE superstars in at that certain time. It would be a waste of time and money for a company to put in all the superstars like Hacksaw Jim Duggan and all the low card.

And learn how to spell.
Just played the demo on xbox live and i have to see its odirnary-nothing new to excite me just same old wwe
I got the game but it don't work propaly...I think I need a HD TV for it
because the game camera is too near and I can't see the menu and all that.
Same old boring WWE game. We've not really seen anything new worth mentioning since the Elimination Chamber was introduced, and even that game mode isnt that fun. The old games were the best, THQ just seem to be milking the system abit now, the changes they've made have made the game worse imo. Changing the controls sucks, it's like Pro Evo changing to shooting with the right analogue, the old system is much better. THQ either need to resort back to the basics and what the original smackdowns were great for:

- Fantastic, fast pased, non complex matches
- Easy to learn control system
- easy to pick up and play

OR, do a major overhaul of the series, stop trying to do an EA and release it across EVERY possible format and just focus on 1 or 2 systems, forget the PSP and DS releases, maybe even not bother with the Wii games, the gamecube games hardly sold well, hence the 2nd Wrestlemania game being almost impossible to pick up for a reasonable price. As you can probably tell, i've become a little tired of the Smackdown series, and if changes aren't made, i could see someone like Midway with TNA making a better game.......If their system works.
Same old boring WWE game. We've not really seen anything new worth mentioning since the Elimination Chamber was introduced, and even that game mode isnt that fun. The old games were the best, THQ just seem to be milking the system abit now, the changes they've made have made the game worse imo. Changing the controls sucks, it's like Pro Evo changing to shooting with the right analogue, the old system is much better. THQ either need to resort back to the basics and what the original smackdowns were great for:

- Fantastic, fast pased, non complex matches
- Easy to learn control system
- easy to pick up and play

OR, do a major overhaul of the series, stop trying to do an EA and release it across EVERY possible format and just focus on 1 or 2 systems, forget the PSP and DS releases, maybe even not bother with the Wii games, the gamecube games hardly sold well, hence the 2nd Wrestlemania game being almost impossible to pick up for a reasonable price. As you can probably tell, i've become a little tired of the Smackdown series, and if changes aren't made, i could see someone like Midway with TNA making a better game.......If their system works.

Thats why I brought call of duty 4 instead

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