Smackdown vs Raw 2008

What do you think to the new game?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Good

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Average

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Poor

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
My Review

I go the game yesterday as this is what I thought:


The new fighting styles add something new to the game. Each fighting styles have their own moves.
The Hardcore style means that if you get bloody then you rejuvenate for a short period or if your a powerhouse, you can go into a rampage for a short period and are also able to power out of pinfalls.
High flyers take more risks and use ariel moves which makes the AI more realistic.
The only negative point is the reversals. You can go on for what seems like forever doing counters to grapple moves until one gives up.

The new additon of ECW and extreme rules match are great. You are able to choose weapons before the match starts and now able to choose weapons under the ring including ladders and tables. Its a shame that use can not do this for other matches as well.

The struggle submission system is good apart from the fact, if you the victim then all you have to do is move the right stick and hope you get out which is a big too easy really. Although when you are the executor you have release the pressure at a certain point when you hands loose strength.

Gameplay Score


THQ improve the gameplay every year and they do a wondeful job with it. The New fighting styles and ideas for the Extreme rules match are genius.
A great success in this department.

Graphics and Display

The Graphics are quite good in matches and entrances but they seem to be not as good in cut scenes.
The entrances look good again but the only thing is that most of the superstars have no entrance gear even Shawn Michaels who has entrance gear usually doesn't have any.

Graphics Score


A mixed bag for the modes. The idea to turn season mode into 24/7 mode was in most aspects a mistake. The goal of becoming a legend is fine but the idea of adding a GM mode type management to your wrestler doesn't work really. You need to get popularity to the fans and to do that you need to do things like do autograph signings and star in films but doing so hurts your fatigue and getting R&R, which lowers your fatigue, loses fan popularity, meaning that you either settle for no popularity or risk wrestling with an injury.
There is also these meaningless repeatable cut scenes at the beginning of every show in which at times you run into you opponent and pat him on the back! Very strange.
The other bad thing is not being able to choose an ECW superstar or any legends, which is bit sad.
Although the GM mode has nothing new added this year, there is nothing much you could really add.

The create a superstar was disappointing with no new things to add but they do have more a 3D effect than last year.

The new Hall of Fame mode which replaces the superstar challenges isn't as good as the previous mode. You have to repeat history or chnage history like beofore there aren't as many challenges as before.

The new tournament modes are good where you can choose between King of the Ring, Beat the Clock sprint or you can create you own custom tournament. I have played in the beat the clock sprint and this mode is a very good additon since you can choose your own match types.
I'll try King of the Ring tommorrow and tell you on that.

Modes score


24/7 mode was a let down for me. The idea of puttinfg GM mode and season mode together didn't work. The tournaments were a very good addition but the Hall of fame wasn't as good as its predecessor.
The new modes were generally were a let down this year.


The sound is the thing that THQ have to work on and this year is no exception. Despite the new commentry teams this year, the comments are the same.
Some of the comments Tazz said last year are what JBL says and you can teel they don't suit his style of commentry.
THQ have got to make new commentry. They can't keep having the same commentry every year.

The voice overs are the same quality as usual but strangely they are not used a great deal in 24/7 mode especially with your wrestler.

Sound score

The sound and use of sound were disappointing and is the area that THQ have to work the most. Its good that they keep improving gameplay but this is the area they have struggled with the with for the past few years.


The roster is okay this year, there are noteable names missing such as London and Kendrick and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch and even more bizarrely, The Boogeyman.
I like the ECW roster with Dreamer, CM Punk, Sandman, Sabu added this year to go with the extreme rules match.


Life Span

Trying to do 24/7 and GM mode will keep you busy since it takes a while to do and the fun of the gameplay will keep you amused for a very long time. Hopefully till next year but we know what people are like. ;)


Overall Score

Overall Summary
The score reflects the game. Some things are brilliant like the gameplay and others are still to be worked on such as the commentry. THQ do a lot of great work in the gameplay department but don't quite do the little things that would make it that much better.
Totally agree with Robo, I love the game on PS3.

The Hardcore fighting style is definately the best, some of the things they do are nuts. OK, 24/7 mode is a bit edgy, like as Robo correctly said you pat your oppenant on the back! :confused:

Online play is a bit laggy in some places, but a joy in others.
Yep I agree with Robo 100%. I have it on PS3 too. If either of you want to play me, just add me. I am sd92
Has anyone got it on PS2?

How is the AI, is it challenging? Far too often, they make the AI way too easy in these games. One real killer for me is when you get a situation where this keeps happening: Pin, kickout, pin, kickout, pin (you get the idea). Does this new game suffer from that? And have they sorted out Hell in a Cell, you know actually let you find weapons, lots of them, under the ring? Also, would you say that the high frequency of reversals is a game-breaker or just a mild annoyance? Are DX in it?

How realistic is the blood and can you fight in the crowd?
Finally, does season mode look like it'll be as repetitive as ever?

Ok, interrogation over!

Thanks in advance for any replies. :)
I got it on PS2...The AI is way better then the earlier games so I am happy with that. In the hell in a cell, on top of the cell, u cant fall of the cell by running or if u strong irish whip someone. Also in Hell in a Cell u cant find a single weapon, although in the Extreme rules, u can find all the weapons available in the game under the ring. Reversals are as usual very damn annoying! The best part....DX is in it:) You have to unlock their costume though. But if u take them as a tag team, their music and titantron will come up.

U can fight in the place near the crowd again but u cant fight in the crowd.
I havent seen the blood for a longer time yet so no idea.
I dont think that the season mode will be repetetive as before but it still is a little annoying as the tell us to win alot of fights, finally they will say win this fight and its over and then they say u have to fight more.(I lost a WWE-films contract this way)
God, don't these guys even watch Hell in a Cell? There are more weapons under the ring in that mode than in any other type of match! I just don't get why they don't have weapons under the ring in Cell matches. Still, sounds good!
What, that post doesn't make sense?
The game sounds good, amigo! Not the lack of weapons under the ring in Hell in a Cell. :rolleyes:
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How is everyone getting along in 24/7 mode?

I am going into the Royal Rumble with Carlito. 25% through my career and I am WHC Champ!
I have completed it. 100% legend status. So gave up. It took me like 3 seasons, and i got really bored. I went onto General Manager mode then.
GM mode is alright. A bit fussy around the edges. I suggest you check out this website, if you don't already know it. It has great CAWs, game saves and guides.

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