Story Soon on Planet Cricket...

In a bid to bring back some sort of integrity to the story forum, I will be an attempt at a come back with, a blast from the past as we follow Surrey through the 2006 season. After the turmoil of 2005 when Surrey finished bottom of their T20 group, Second Bottom of Division 2 of the National League, knocked out in the first round of the Challenge Trophy and demoted from Division 1 of the Championship they will be hoping for a much better season it can't get much worse for them. But can one of the England's most famous counties turn it all round in 1 season?

Expect to find an overhaul in the playing staff, some retirements, tension in the camps and exhilarating games.
Can the mods close my India story just because there inst any storyline in it. Its just matches and results and nothing new or different.

I had a discussion with Surender last night about a new story and he gave me a couple of ideas and those ideas were very good. So I am thinking of using Cricket 07, 05 or Ashes Cricket 2009 to do a new story. But nothing is sure and I may or may not start a new story.

A Tag Team Story By User2010 & Shantanu

Something really awesome coming up!!:spy
I'm thinking of starting a simple story as coach of the New Zealand national team.
I've recently started to form some quite strong opinions on who should and shouldn't be in the team, so I'd like to see how my team would go...

Updates might not be that frequent and I won't be making much effort with graphics etc.

But hopefully the writing and presentation will be good!:D
Just wanted to run an idea by you guys. I've been thinking of writing a short story about WWII, I'm sort of a WWII history buff and I think I might be able to pull it off.

Was thinking about using screen shots from Company of Heroes, Medal of Honor, battlefield 1942 and other games and write a story about a platoon of men from D-Day to the fall of Berlin.

Just wondering what your thoughts are and if this would be a good idea. Hopefully my writing is not awful :p
Just wanted to run an idea by you guys. I've been thinking of writing a short story about WWII, I'm sort of a WWII history buff and I think I might be able to pull it off.

Was thinking about using screen shots from Company of Heroes, Medal of Honor, battlefield 1942 and other games and write a story about a platoon of men from D-Day to the fall of Berlin.

Just wondering what your thoughts are and if this would be a good idea. Hopefully my writing is not awful :p

This is the cricket games stories thread :p Should be in the other stories forum.

But it does sound like quite a good story idea :)
Yes. I would be looking forward to it and as Chewie said, it goes in the other stories forums unless your story has something to do with cricket. The other stories forums is very inactive atm so any story would be appreciated.
Sweet I will have to give it a think, debating between just a general story or one that follows some specific characters
Whatever you choose, I'm sure it will be a great read.. provided your writing is better than average on these forums, although that's not hard to do.
Don't give me too much credit :p

I'll start writing some rough drafts this week, see if I can get going. toughest part will be getting the story started so any tips will be appreciated.
I've got to say. Starting a story is probably the hardest part. I'm never great at it so you should probably ask other people instead.
The idea looks really unique. If you manage to pull it off, it will be fun reading it. Surely will grab the attention of many.

I used to play a game when I was small. Don't remember the name, but it was related to American independence. The graphics were reasonably good. You could use that game too, if you manage the spot the name. :)

Cheers and best of luck.

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