South Africa in India

Get Pathan In for RP and Kaif is already in for Tendlya. Yuvi can wait and find some new GF cos Deepika has gone with Ranbir.
Kaif always fails at International level, It will be Yuvi...
Yuvi and Test Cricket are not made for each other.
Yuvi and Test Cricket are not made for each other.

Kaif will fail, he never looks confident whilst batting IMO. I'd play Yuvi, Yuvi can fail as well just like Kaif so we might as well play Yuvi.
Maybe Yuvi can thump another 100 like last game in India. He would have done well in Chennai. It was his type of wicket.
What Injury??/
Whay have we dozen of politics in Indian Cricket???
If he really Injured then please God recover him Fast..
Yuvi can also help us in the field, but then again so can Kaif....

Decisions, decisions...
Who cares Sanjay bhai??
Bring anyone here..They all are same...I am worried now for Sachin...
He is not picking my phone also...
Who cares Sanjay bhai??
Bring anyone here..They all are same...I am worried now for Sachin...
He is not picking my phone also...

There there Vaibhav bhai, It will all work out fine. I'll try him on my phone...
Whenever Sid gives the news..Its suppose to be like this..
Has he ever given Good news????

South Africa have already an advantage...One down even efore the match....
First of all, what a complete disgrace for a pitch.

Keep in mind that India is far different to England. In England, if you do not prepare a pitch, it will have an even covering of grass and the ball will skid off the waxy cuticle of the grass. In India, pitches without much preparation die. Heavy rain combined with periods of dry, hot weather are not ideal for the preparation of grass on a cricket wicket. The Ranji Trophy tournament has shown that when a half-baked attempt is made to prepare bowler-friendly wickets, the pitch becomes a minefield with average medium pacers running supreme. Although many fans do want to see a result, a game which finishes in three days simply due to a minefield of a pitch is not ideal for the players or the spectators who have paid for a fourth and fifth day.

The curators did not have much time to prepare the pitch either. Heavy rains and a recent Ranji One Day fixture meant that the pitch could not be prepared with much time nor effort.

Secondly, when you see Sehwag play the innings of his life, scoring a triple century at more than a run a ball, to see Dravid scoring at a third of that is mind-boggling.

I thought he was called 'The Wall' because he was solid but the Wall never moves!

You are underrating Sehwag massively. Dravid was in a touch of bad form, but he was hardly in a massive rut; he faced some good bowling from the South Africans. Sehwag's innings, more than anything else, showed an innate ability to score off good deliveries. As the collapse from the rest of the Indian batsmen showed, the pitch was by no means a complete featherbed (although it was very flat) - flatter pitches have often been prepared at international level. Even Sehwag noted that Multan in 2004 was a flatter pitch than the Chennai pitch. Moreover, Dravid played a crucial role in keeping his wicket as it allowed Sehwag to bat swashbucklingly and play his shots without having to worry about what was occuring at the other end.

These kind of pitches are prime for the upcoming IPL tournament.

The BCCI have made it very clear that they want fast, bouncy batting tracks (similar to those in the World T20) for the IPL tournament and are giving prizes for the best pitch in the IPL tournament. These sorts of tracks reward good bowling and allow the batsman to sorely punish inaccurate bowling. Crowds want to see fast scoring, this is not always possible on dead wickets.
i somehow badly want kaif to play....!! been really long.....
no matter what anyone says....he used to be the best fielder
and the most energetic off the lot !!

plus, yuvraj is too busy dating women and applying parachute
aftershower cream than concentrating on his game !
RP Singh cannot bowl in pitches/conditions that offer no help to the bowlers.
He shouldn't be playing in India.

Let's not make snap judgements like that. I believe that his poor bowling was largely due to not fully recovering from a hamstring strain. Having a FC average of 27.34, he must have some sort of ability of bowling in India.

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