Spot the Ball DBC14 Competition

no. we're not.

Some of us actually have other things to do until it gets announced

Its my choice mate, i will post what i want as much as you have yours, if you are under any illusion that you are gonna change that, not going to happen.

i guess your time is better spent talking about poles:thumbs than giving running commentary for other people's post.#notgoing #tohappen #iguess
just skip it please.#request
Jesus you can't even hashtag right...
My technique is simple: A no B no C no A no D no E no F wait... A no C no BD no Cab no Bad no ad.2 WAIT I GOT IT A no C no E but it looks like D but not as much as A but B looks more likely but C is more likely then B...
^ Actually, it's even more tough now. The window is too narrow.

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