Steam update for DBC17 released

It means that the pc beta process is done: it means it can now be submitted for console release. How long that takes? Dunno....[DOUBLEPOST=1494949925][/DOUBLEPOST]
You really are a dick.....

So do you mean the pc patch is complete now. I know your a beta tester , so can you confirm that. Or did i misunderstood you completely
Someone has his male monthly... I'm not really sure I understand what you're trying to say.[DOUBLEPOST=1494953488][/DOUBLEPOST]
Anger management 0900345879.

Why live in ignorance...
Why are you pitching in between ?
As long as Sony and Microsoft want ... what this statement means... why do they want? Can you explain.
By the way I am not angry on need of any lessons
So do you mean the pc patch is complete now. I know your a beta tester , so can you confirm that. Or did i misunderstood you completely
Yes and it will be submiited or has been submitted asap.[DOUBLEPOST=1494955586][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why are you pitching in between ?
As long as Sony and Microsoft want ... what this statement means... why do they want? Can you explain.
By the way I am not angry on need of any lessons
Microsoft = xbox
Sony = ps4

Getting warmer?
@MattW Online saved game invite system broke. The opponent is not getting invites for resuming a saved game. It was fine earlier, something has gone wrong now. Please look into this :)

Please fix this , before submitting to the Console masters . Without being able to send your save file , the Online game loses a big feature.

While you guys look at this , please just check that the receiver can still access his Pre-Set Fields .
Why are you pitching in between ?
As long as Sony and Microsoft want ... what this statement means... why do they want? Can you explain.
By the way I am not angry on need of any lessons
Seriously, there have been pages and pages of notes and feedback why are you bothered, let the developer go through their process and let them work the problem. There are people on these forums who know far more about these issues than me and you so don't put yourself into a position were it makes it easy for people to rip the urine from your posting, grow a pair and wait for the sweet music to happen. I've been quite content watching the guys produce their notes and then wait for the patch... Good times!

I still have no idea what you're talking about but while I wait for my husband to cook dinner I will have to find other ways to entertain myself... Thanks.
People need a little reality check aswell.

How far cricket gaming has come is incredible.

We essentially also have a fully lisenced game with every team you could possible imagine with some incredibly talented lads producing their kits etc.

Honestly, if you don't find this game fun, then I don't think your find any cricket game fun.
Dear whom are you trying to fool here...first let BA submit the build !

First point ,Why does Sony and Microsoft want this game ? It's all to BA to submit the build and follow up with them to push his build into production... Microsoft and Sony will have some time frame to put this build that's it.
As far as i understand they just upload the latest patch based on agreement.
build is not yet ready for consoles since pc patches are still in progress.

Simply put - No. While I respect that you have purchased the product and supported us, your understanding is not correct, and given how far wrong you are in what really are your assumptions, I'd kindly request that you stop commenting as if what you were saying is fact. To give some idea of how wrong you are, MS and Sony are completely different in their processes, a patch submission to MS is given the same treatment as a new game.

There are many steps before and after submission. We give no timelines of development, submission, or release on Console because there are far too many things out of our control and we have been burned before for giving dates and missing them due to platform holder issues.

Steam is the *only* platform where we can upload a patch and have it automatically released.
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Simply put - No. While I respect that you have purchased the product and supported us, your understanding is not correct, and given how far wrong you are in what really are your assumptions, I'd kindly request that you stop commenting as if what you were saying is fact. To give some idea of how wrong you are, MS and Sony are completely different in their processes, a patch submission to MS is given the same treatment as a new game.

There are many steps before and after submission. We give no timelines of development, submission, or release on Console because there are far too many things out of our control and we have been burned before for giving dates and missing them due to platform holder issues.

Steam is the *only* platform where we ca upload a patch and have it automatically released.
So that's what you were banging on about @jaffar100 told you so...
Simply put - No. While I respect that you have purchased the product and supported us, your understanding is not correct, and given how far wrong you are in what really are your assumptions, I'd kindly request that you stop commenting as if what you were saying is fact. To give some idea of how wrong you are, MS and Sony are completely different in their processes, a patch submission to MS is given the same treatment as a new game.

There are many steps before and after submission. We give no timelines of development, submission, or release on Console because there are far too many things out of our control and we have been burned before for giving dates and missing them due to platform holder issues.

Steam is the *only* platform where we ca upload a patch and have it automatically released.
@Ross , Sorry for the my assumption and based on that I commented.
But they are many people out here just posting based on assumptions...
Apologize again...
You only have to read the posts by Mitchell to see where I am coming from.
@BigAntStudios Great work on these patches. Been playing cricket since BLC days.DBC14 was absolute treat and I bought ps4 only for DBC17.Bought it first week and played 300+ hours....Stopped playing after patch 3.Can't wait to put my hands again after latest patch. Great work by testers.
I am yet to play today's patch, will try tonight and share my feedback. But I did get an LBW and a clean bowled in my last two T20s. No runout yet, but I guess that might be due to difficulty. May turn it up tonight.

I did not post much earlier(long time lurker), but started posting a bit more once I saw BA listening to our feedback and trying to incorporate at least some them. I too was disappointed with the state DBC17 was released in, and had almost given up on it as a bad purchase.

However, acting entitled and demanding fixes does not help anybody. I saw certain requests and demands were put in so rudely, that if I were with BA I would simply ignore those. This may actually make them overlook actual issues.

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