Steam update for DBC17 released

This will all come to ahead when it's released on console. If the batpad problem is pervasive you'll hear all about it.
With the drop and run scenarios - where the loopy throw usually became most frustrating - after the patches started coming out I did get a run out with the bowler grabbing the ball.

It's possible difficulty has an impact. A lot of my earlier games were on Pro. I've personally found very little difference in match results having played across Pro, Veteran and Legend. What I have noticed is that the higher I go the variety in types of dismissal decreases. This just a thought, I've no evidence, unless someone wants to go through all my scorecard posts on here and try and match it up with what difficulty I've said it was on.
I agree with you on the variety of dismissals I have found this to be the case as well.
The person who is saying the AI plays better using manual fielding also seems a bizarre claim....

Well I know it sounds bizarre but if you see the posts of the scorecards its obvious that they put up better scores
I was just posting so people could perhaps try it to get better games but it doesn't really matter if you don't I am getting really enjoyable games and to me that what matters most
At least I get to still play it not like most on here who gave up months ago and watching it gather dust and are hoping patch 4 will be there magic fix
So you can think its a bizarre claim but when did you last play
This person also said that he doesn't care if patch 4 is released as his loving the game due to manual fielding......on the ps4 :eek: now that's a bizarre claim. I'm glad his happy but from what I've read patch 4 will make this game even better.

If your reading this, yes you who loves manual fielding so much, this patch could make your head blow off:lol
Yeah I am reading this and I can only hope but like I said I am still playing ATM when did you last play
Why don't you try it and see what happens instead of coming on hear mouthing off saying shit about how bizarre it is
I am only giving suggestions on my experiences so maybe someone else can get enjoyment while waiting for patch 4
I can't believe how many f***wits there are on this forum
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@Cloud Starkman I think some of it may have been lost in translation/context. I understood the term 'bizarre' to be more of a reflection on the strange way seemingly unrelated things like logos, auto/manual fielding effect the way the game plays. Not that you are a tin foil wearing weirdo with bizarre methods of playing the game :)

I for one appreciate the effort you've put in to the manual fielding theory as I'm sure do many others and BA. Hopefully there's something in it and your work will go some way to making the AI bat better on semi-assisted, etc.

If they did in fact mean you are a strange man for using manual fielding, then they can indeed go to hell in a hand basket :P
Well I know it sounds bizarre but if you see the posts of the scorecards its obvious that they put up better scores
I was just posting so people could perhaps try it to get better games but it doesn't really matter if you don't I am getting really enjoyable games and to me that what matters most
At least I get to still play it not like most on here who gave up months ago and watching it gather dust and are hoping patch 4 will be there magic fix
So you can think its a bizarre claim but when did you last play

You should heed your own advice about mouthing off. I was stating blockers advice that deleting logos etc appeared bizarre but in fact turned out to have validity. I was saying that your claim also appears bizarre but suggesting it could be similar to blockers claim

Don't know what the problem is really, except your hot headedness
Any news or updates what's the status for console users,like everything done from BA and only Microsoft and Sony taking their time?

Some update please , many thanks to you all in advance.
You should heed your own advice about mouthing off. I was stating blockers advice that deleting logos etc appeared bizarre but in fact turned out to have validity. I was saying that your claim also appears bizarre but suggesting it could be similar to blockers claim

Don't know what the problem is really, except your hot headedness
I didn't say you were mouthing off
The mouthing off post was referred to the post that was replied from your comment
I dont understand why console user's dont even get a update. Is it our fault we paid for a buggy game. So the lesson is never buy console copies of BA games is it?

I get that if its held up at sony thats beyond BAs control but why cant they give people who are still stuck with a unfinished game a update. Is that too much to ask for ?
I dont understand why console user's dont even get a update. Is it our fault we paid for a buggy game. So the lesson is never buy console copies of BA games is it?

I get that if its held up at sony thats beyond BAs control but why cant they give people who are still stuck with a unfinished game a update. Is that too much to ask for ?
Yeah that's true...but there are not many developers out there with whom you can communicate directly and demand updates.
So, its better to wait. It will come out sooner than later
No need for an update surely its obvious the beta testers are working through some important issues and will be released in due course. Or is that just me?
There is no current beta process. As far as I am aware the patch had been submitted and will come through asap. If there are issues around the bat pad for example we will need to find a work around for it. Ball friction settings has been suggested as an area to experiment with.
Yeah I am reading this and I can only hope but like I said I am still playing ATM when did you last play
Why don't you try it and see what happens instead of coming on hear mouthing off saying shit about how bizarre it is
I am only giving suggestions on my experiences so maybe someone else can get enjoyment while waiting for patch 4
I can't believe how many f***wits there are on this forum

@Cloud Starkman

Sorry if my post upset you that wasn’t my intention. I am glad you’re happy as I wrote in my post. Personally I can’t play the game with manual fielding, I use semi auto, but that’s me. What I was trying to say that if you love the game now you will be over the moon when patch 4 is released. For me a game where the teams score high means little to me if the whole game is not stable but yes I can enjoy the console version to an extent. My post was light hearted towards you but I apologies if I upset you.

Must say thanks to @blockerdave for his WC92 teams that got me playing the game on PS4 again. It’s cool playing with those teams. My batting needs improving and I am using the time now to improve before patch 4 comes. Lol my batting must be improving as Aamir Sohail got a half century.

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