Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

LM, was wondering whether it would be possible to let individual players have their own kits, both the texture and the model of the kit (like pads, helmets). This need not be a feature out of the box, but could it be left as an option to make changes later for the user?

Also, while playing some of the other cricket games, usually there would be too many runouts, more because of confusion than anything else. Might it be possible to have an 'autorun' feature where the players tend to run automatically without user input after hitting the ball. An appropriate no of runs depending on the shot. The user however should be allowed to intervene, to either pursue another run or abort one.

individual players can have their own :-


common things will be the headgear,gloves and kneepads.

@autorun suggestion - well, its quite unnecessary IMO and we dont want
players getting out to miscalculations by the AI.
plus, i dont think people are that lazy to press two buttons i.e
"Run" and "Cancel and Return" :p
I know it has been said a couple times before but a "cricketer mode" would be a great playing mode in any cricket game. Being able to start of in the domestic team and through good form becoming part of the national team. Much like in the pro mode in fifa. I would quite enjoy being an all rounder, good middle order batsman and a good swing bowler.

Any chance of this being included?
individual players can have their own :-


common things will be the headgear,gloves and kneepads.

@autorun suggestion - well, its quite unnecessary IMO and we dont want
players getting out to miscalculations by the AI.
plus, i dont think people are that lazy to press two buttons i.e
"Run" and "Cancel and Return" :p

Headgear will be the same? Helmets that is? And pads? I'd have liked to have all completely moddable, but still it's nothing big really. I'll make everyone look like Sachin Tendulkar!:p

As for the autorun, well, I thought it might make the game a bit more interesting. The button pushing for running really doesn't add anything to the game, so it's loss won't hurt either. That apart in a manual system you always loose some time as you wait to see where exactly the ball is going. Also the way batsman wait before running is unrealistic. In an automated system it will be more realistic, as the batsmen will run instantly. Also you could implement (if possible) a variation in the pace of running. So if there are a comfortable two, the batsmen run at a relaxed pace, the opposite when it's a close call. This would probably multiply the no. of animations required in the game though. I do think this will add some thing to the running element, atleast help the fluidity, while the user also has the option of manual intervention. Of course it's not a major thing, but I do think it's better than the fully manual system.
Yes, it is a good way of doing it, though i dont believe i'd be able to check the alpha level at a particular co-ordinate :(

Not sure if that's a subtle way of you saying you don't want to implement it like that, but anyway, how about this...

Have a crack detail texture, which has an alpha channel so it displays as you like it. This is juts aesthetic and makes no difference to the pitch bounce. Then, in partner with the crack/wear texture, you have a simple greyscale bitmap as an "eccentricity map".

Bitmaps are dead simple to read from, and you can easily work out which byte to read from in a file depending on where the ball lands. So you could either read the byte from disk at every bounce, or load the eccentricity values into a 2D array (even 1-D array if you want) then work out which array element to read as soon as you know where the ball is going to bounce.

This means that you could have a visual representation of the eccentricity map to go along with the crack detail texture, and it should be very computationally cheap. Especially if you realise you know where the ball is going to bounce before the ball actually bounces, so the eccentricity value can be looked up ahead of time, causing no slow-down.
individual players can have their own :-


common things will be the headgear,gloves and kneepads.

@autorun suggestion - well, its quite unnecessary IMO and we dont want
players getting out to miscalculations by the AI.
plus, i dont think people are that lazy to press two buttons i.e
"Run" and "Cancel and Return"
Can anything be done about the same headgear? I really want to have different headgears for players. Lets say we want to have someone play hit a cap instead of helmet then we have to have everyone wear a cap. Also, alot of people wear different helmet than other which make them differenr but in the game if they wear same helmet then they will all look the same. Sachin, Yuvraj, Sehwag, and dhoni wear kind of different helmets. Not just Indian team but many other teams wear different hemlets for example JP Duminy. Please do somthing about this. Will everyone have same height too?

1. I have mentioned this before but i don't think anyone noticed it so here i go again.
I think there should be a direct hit run out system. It will add extreme realism to the game. For example, you are the closest fielder and then you manage to stop the bal by diving or something, then you should have a total control of that player. You should be able to run with it to go close to the stumps and knock the bails over if the batsman is way far from his crease or you can simply target the stumps and directly hit it. Its up to you to decide yow to target it but i suggest that a timing bar should pop up and we have to stop the line in the middle or something so the closer it is to the middle of the bar, the more accurate you are.

2. Diving catches and diving to stop the ball.

I was making stadiums for TAOC before and right now i am done the stadium and i want to help with the animations. Lets say i want to create an animation for the direct hit system i just talked about, will i need your player model for it to use in the animation or i can just do it using a simple stick figure in maya and then you LM or JK will replace it with the normal model afterwards?

Can you post some videos for the shots you have made so far? I really want to see how its going to far so we can give some suggestions to improve because they cannot be edited later as you said before.
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I had an idea... I love it but i will see what others think.
I would like to be able to at any point during a game being able to check things like bowling pitchmaps, showing the groupings of where balls have landed being the usual dots, runs, boundaries and wickets.

Also checking hawkeye on deliveries at the end of an over etc. I am a bit of a cricket geek lol. love the stats and the analysis behind the game
I had an idea... I love it but i will see what others think.
I would like to be able to at any point during a game being able to check things like bowling pitchmaps, showing the groupings of where balls have landed being the usual dots, runs, boundaries and wickets.

Also checking hawkeye on deliveries at the end of an over etc. I am a bit of a cricket geek lol. love the stats and the analysis behind the game

i like the idea.. but i think it wil be hard to implement in the game.
What about having all your performances written to a file, then the stats/pitchmaps, etc. can be viewed afterwards in a separate program. I'd be prepared to write that program if Paul thinks it can be done.
What about having all your performances written to a file, then the stats/pitchmaps, etc. can be viewed afterwards in a separate program. I'd be prepared to write that program if Paul thinks it can be done.

Hmm, but we can't view it during the match?
Dunno. Just a suggestion. It's easier to make a program with a rapid application development tool (such as VB or whatever) that reads and displays this data, rather than having to do it all in-game. Plus, you could be far more nerdy about it then, like filtering to show which balls went for 4, which were wickets, etc.

I mean, that's if you reallywanted!
a stats program to go with the game could go off, be great use for stories as well with the game..
Dunno. Just a suggestion. It's easier to make a program with a rapid application development tool (such as VB or whatever) that reads and displays this data, rather than having to do it all in-game. Plus, you could be far more nerdy about it then, like filtering to show which balls went for 4, which were wickets, etc.

I mean, that's if you reallywanted!

yeah, you are right - would be easier in VB and much more detailed, but i think people would mostly want to use it in game, which means i will have to try and implement it within the existing framework...not impossible, but will take some work...

If you did want to help out, Tom, then maybe you could whip me up some pseudo code...? No big deal tho...i am keen to have lots of stats...hmm...actually we could probably hav both anyway...the 'ingame' version which reads from the flat (text) file and the 'offline' version which would be like an external VB app that would read in the data and you could print it out etc etc.

Could be cool??
Sounds awesome... in game is what i was after mostly... just because i would like to bowl a spell and like half way through be able to bring up the pitch map to know what has been working and what hasnt been. I just wish i had some Coding knowledge so i could help out. Either way keep up the great work

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