Supersoakers 07/08

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I reckon it's time to get this thread active. When does the season end?
The season is finished for the soakers lol, origin is national teams
So we won nothing? Chris, you bought a crap team! And why the hell is it called Origin?
Lol we didnt win anything your right but we will if we use my orders technque. Its called origin because you play for the region of ORIGIN of which you were born in
That's because I'm here :) And since my former team, the Donkeys have won the OD league, I demand a bigger salary.

What am I saying? I own part of the team, I'll give myself one!
Can I have a bigger salary? YES I CAN!

Ok a few announcments
- With a trade i was trying to make no coming off we are now bowler heavy, we need to trade one bowler for a batsmen and everyone has said they wanted to stay, if anyone would like to go AT ALL please step forward and say so

- With Rhys seemingly less active these days and my plans for a VC not going through im going to be captain and rhys will be vice, we will both have the same powers and responsibilitys and will work together to bring the team forward. We are effectively co-captains

- Xuzuno is going to be our first draft pick as we are in need of a keeper and he is willing to fill that hole for us, after the first round we might have to go after batsmen if the trade mentioned above doesnt happen but there is a lack of active batsmen as well as batsmen in general so im hoping we can fix this before it becomes an issue

Please bring up any issue you want to and discuss as well as these topics above
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The last quarter of a Coca Cola bottle is always flat.
So am I in the Bitters, Dynamos or here?

BTW just get some bowlers to change to batters for you.
Don't worry too much about batsmen, just get me a couple of guys to hang around with me in the middle:p
Lol fair enough, just a few defensive batsmen at 3 and 4 and we will have bowlers from 5-11.... maybe one all rounder
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