TAOC Discussion

Cheers LM, I would love to see if a super effects kind of thing could be implemented which could be turned on for higher end PC's. Would seriously kick the hell out of EA and Codies. :D
You can judge from the screens, but its a key issue for me. It has to feel big...EA stadiums have always been way too small imo...BLIC was better, but maybe still too small, or rather the ball moved too quick - slid across the field like it was ice :p

playing EA was like playing in a children's playarea:D
playing EA was like playing in a children's playarea:D

I have to admit, when they left files in the data.gob that didn't need to be there (they didn't delete files which they though were going to use, then they decided not to use, but still was just left in the root directory) was just.... I'd have thought they would try and make the game as organized as possible at least and not leave rubbish lying around, although as the whole game was rubbish it didn't really matter.

You show them LM, I'm sure they will want to buy your game and give them a big fat no from all of us. I say make your own company :D
I have to admit, when they left files in the data.gob that didn't need to be there (they didn't delete files which they though were going to use, then they decided not to use, but still was just left in the root directory) was just.... I'd have thought they would try and make the game as organized as possible at least and not leave rubbish lying around, although as the whole game was rubbish it didn't really matter.

You show them LM, I'm sure they will want to buy your game and give them a big fat no from all of us. I say make your own company :D
It might have also been to increase file size for it to be seen as a good game - who would think nowadays a game coming in one single disk to be good? :p
It might have also been to increase file size for it to be seen as a good game - who would think nowadays a game coming in one single disk to be good? :p

Haha, good call. The "dvd" versions are rubbish. They should change their slogan from "its in the game" to "all name no game"


LM, what is the compatibility with Macs, never occurred to me before...
It should be rather -

"If its in the game, its not in the game"


haha thats brilliant, I'm going to see if I can track down the file thats in Cricket 07 that says that and change it.

LM, what is your slogan going to be...is it live the dream?
LM, what is the compatibility with Macs, never occurred to me before...

DirectX is being used for this game, and does not run natively on OSX, as OSX's graphics are OpenGL-based.

There is a thing out there called Crossover for Mac, which can emulate DirectX 8.1, but no higher, as far as I know. I presume this game is based on a version higher than 8.1, so Crossover may not be an option.

The best alternative would be to install XP on a Bootcamp partition, and you then have a full version of Windows on which to run the game.
DirectX is being used for this game, and does not run natively on OSX, as OSX's graphics are OpenGL-based.

There is a thing out there called Crossover for Mac, which can emulate DirectX 8.1, but no higher, as far as I know. I presume this game is based on a version higher than 8.1, so Crossover may not be an option.

The best alternative would be to install XP on a Bootcamp partition, and you then have a full version of Windows on which to run the game.

Correct, uses latest Directx i.e. dx9.0c currently

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