TAOC Discussion

Guys, Appu and JK have both assisted me in creating a new bat model which really kicks @ss!

We have merged features of the old and new so the old textures dont have to be redone and we can still use Appu's great new textures too.

Here's some pix...this is very exciting, coinciding with the new player model creation also. The previous bat was a bit chunky, not so smooth and just a little bit ugly...but this one is really s3xy :cool:




  • bat prev1.jpg
    bat prev1.jpg
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  • bat prev2.jpg
    bat prev2.jpg
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The Woodworm Globe is pretty poor if I'm honest. But the rest of the bats look pretty nice. Just a shame most of them are old models, and the ones from last season. Will we get the new bats from this season in the full game ? They're an improvement on the last ones, but could still do with abit of tinkering I think. Looking promising. Also, as mentioned before, I'd be more than happy to help out with bat creation if needed.
The Woodworm Globe is pretty poor if I'm honest. But the rest of the bats look pretty nice. Just a shame most of them are old models, and the ones from last season. Will we get the new bats from this season in the full game ? They're an improvement on the last ones, but could still do with abit of tinkering I think. Looking promising. Also, as mentioned before, I'd be more than happy to help out with bat creation if needed.

as we've said time and time over....the bats can be edited even after the game releases....and anyways, as appu is going to make the newer ones,am sure
you'll get the latest ones by the time the game releases....!

can ya point out the areas which needs some tinkering ??
Most of the bats look abit blurry, which is either caused by the images obtained for the designs of the bat, or the quality of the programme you used to make the screenshot. As for the Globe, it stands out like a sore thumb. The texture on the back of the bat doesn't suit the bat, the Worm is too high up the bat, the top of the bat is abit square, and also the front sticker is too small and just looks completely out of proportion.

I understand that they're not final designs, but I think making bats needs the person to be abit of a perfectionist. I know from my own experience of making bats that I'd take multiple attempts to get a bat looking as realistic as possible, making sure the colours are correct, the stickers in proportion and in the right place, and then testing in game to make sure it looks perfect, if it didn't I'd make sure it was before I released it on here. I know that Burma's Finest worked in the same way when he was making his range of bats for Cricket 2007.

The bats made don't need much tweaking, but a few are a little out of proportion when it comes to the stickers. The bat shape could also do with abit of tweaking also, the shoulder of the bat is far too square and for certain bats, such as the Woodworm Globe and the GN Predator it looks abit strange. It's not anything major to worry about, just a few tweaks that need to be made.
Most of the bats look abit blurry, which is either caused by the images obtained for the designs of the bat, or the quality of the programme you used to make the screenshot. As for the Globe, it stands out like a sore thumb. The texture on the back of the bat doesn't suit the bat, the Worm is too high up the bat, the top of the bat is abit square, and also the front sticker is too small and just looks completely out of proportion.

I understand that they're not final designs, but I think making bats needs the person to be abit of a perfectionist. I know from my own experience of making bats that I'd take multiple attempts to get a bat looking as realistic as possible, making sure the colours are correct, the stickers in proportion and in the right place, and then testing in game to make sure it looks perfect, if it didn't I'd make sure it was before I released it on here. I know that Burma's Finest worked in the same way when he was making his range of bats for Cricket 2007.

The bats made don't need much tweaking, but a few are a little out of proportion when it comes to the stickers. The bat shape could also do with abit of tweaking also, the shoulder of the bat is far too square and for certain bats, such as the Woodworm Globe and the GN Predator it looks abit strange. It's not anything major to worry about, just a few tweaks that need to be made.

when only two people are working on a full fledged 3D cricket game and that
too part time, its not wise to concentrate so much on minor / not-so-important stuff like bat stickers.

if we have all the different bat models and bat stickers in the world but
crappy gameplay and animations....i doubt anyone would want to play
our game....!!

but anyways....as appu is in-charge of the bat stickers now and he being
a better bat maker than i am...am sure you can expect the quality
which you've mentioned above ! :)
Once again I would like to ask, are these bats being scratched or made from images? Because if quality is an issue(Not that I find it too much anyways, but you never know in high resolutions), I can teach someone to make scratch bats. I didn't make bats as good as BF(Can never I guess) but I think I can do a good enough job of teaching about it. :)
Take a glass KP, GN Predator or Globe is not looking strange to me. They are perfect and none of the bats are blurry :noway . Great work Guys :hpraise
Shut up Aronveel. I was giving constructive criticism. The game won't be as the guys want it if we keep saying "brilliant, perfect, don't change a thing". It's not like I just slagged them off, I gave constructive criticism and ways that the bats can be improved. I'm sure my constructive criticism would be far more useful to LM and the guys than your post.
Shut up Aronveel. I was giving constructive criticism. The game won't be as the guys want it if we keep saying "brilliant, perfect, don't change a thing". It's not like I just slagged them off, I gave constructive criticism and ways that the bats can be improved. I'm sure my constructive criticism would be far more useful to LM and the guys than your post.

What is ur problem :rolleyes: i saw your so called contructive critism. You should know a thing Gesture far more important than your CC
What is ur problem :rolleyes: i saw your so called contructive critism. You should know a thing Gesture far more important than your CC

ok, calm down everyone lol...

The bat models are near perfect imho. From seeing it in 3d, i gotta say its the best bat model ive ever seen and JK and Appu put a fair bit of time in to it...

As for the stickers, well, i think they look pretty darn good, but of course there's room for improvement. Appu is now the bat guy and i think he should be able to make any new ones. The old ones were done a long time ago but we still wanna keep them around cos it would be a waste to throw them away and some people may still want to use the old designs.

There's so much work for me and JK to do now though that the bat stickers are not a huge priority for us. That's why Appu's help is much appreciated. So be patient and the new stickers will evventually be ready. Dont forget that stuff gets outdated every year, so thats why the community would need to keep updating stuff constantly to be up to date. Thats a key reason why we are making it easy to mod this game.


ok people....tweaking of the batting animations is almost over....
just 4 more animations to go and am done !! :)...
i just compared it with the previous one and it looks much
much better ! :D

cheers :cheers


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