TAOC Discussion

Thing is upgrading to Directx 10 wouldn't be as easy. That might cause LM to delay even further having to see and get comfortable with the new API's. Moreover, shifting to a whole new platform isn't definitely easy, which you can see how all even BIG companies haven't bothered much to shift! :)

Directx 9.0c still has a lot of power left in it, this much is known to all, and its neck and neck with current Directx 10 standards due to sheer low amount of firepower to powerup the Directx 10 special effects. :)
DirectX is being used for this game, and does not run natively on OSX, as OSX's graphics are OpenGL-based.

There is a thing out there called Crossover for Mac, which can emulate DirectX 8.1, but no higher, as far as I know. I presume this game is based on a version higher than 8.1, so Crossover may not be an option.

The best alternative would be to install XP on a Bootcamp partition, and you then have a full version of Windows on which to run the game.

I'm sure the Mac users will do that just to play this game :happy

Correct, uses latest Directx i.e. dx9.0c currently

Thats great because I'm sure its the most popular one at the moment.
Thing is upgrading to Directx 10 wouldn't be as easy. That might cause LM to delay even further having to see and get comfortable with the new API's. Moreover, shifting to a whole new platform isn't definitely easy, which you can see how all even BIG companies haven't bothered much to shift! :)

Directx 9.0c still has a lot of power left in it, this much is known to all, and its neck and neck with current Directx 10 standards due to sheer low amount of firepower to powerup the Directx 10 special effects. :)

Well said, true in every respect. Dx10 is a whole different kettle of fish. To change at this stage would mean a massive delay converting over...stick with XP for now ;)

Thing is upgrading to Directx 10 wouldn't be as easy. That might cause LM to delay even further having to see and get comfortable with the new API's. Moreover, shifting to a whole new platform isn't definitely easy, which you can see how all even BIG companies haven't bothered much to shift! :)

Directx 9.0c still has a lot of power left in it, this much is known to all, and its neck and neck with current Directx 10 standards due to sheer low amount of firepower to powerup the Directx 10 special effects. :)

and also with Directx 9 the game would reach to a much wider audience as compared to a Directx 10 release!

and LM is the feature of selecting the bowling angle during the start of the run up there in the game?
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Well I have been browsing through here and the work is great, if this game is free I will play it.

my work for the new player model is finally over ! :)
only thing left is for LM to integrate them into the game....

am actually working on improving the batting anims....
so hopefully, if everything goes according to the plan,
you'll get to see the improved ones in the next video
along with the new player model ! :D

since the last week or so...have been continuously working on improving
the batting anims...!! and if everything goes according to the plan,
i can finish them by end of this weekend...!! :D

since the last week or so...have been continuously working on improving
the batting anims...!! and if everything goes according to the plan,
i can finish them by end of this weekend...!! :D

Brilliant news Jaks :happy

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