TAOC Discussion


just a quick announcement that the batsman helmet has been redone. Ill post some screens later tonight. Unfortunately i am holding up everything by perfecting the model skinning so JK and Appu have taken the time to perfect the helmet model which was in desperate need of a makeover, especially given the new model. the old one just seemed to blocky and unworthy ;)
You will always need a bit of a time cushion to perfect things, so I would predict sometime in 2010.
funny how at some point that they said it shud be ready in time for WC2007 :P
Well done Legend_master, you truly are a legend. ;)

I love your work, how much will this game cost? How will you get it out there? In my opinion you need to get it to a publisher as soon as you finish it.
Ho doesn't need a publisher, can he burn the game to CD's and sell them to his mates who work in shops etc. Still PC members should get it for free!
Ho doesn't need a publisher, can he burn the game to CD's and sell them to his mates who work in shops etc. Still PC members should get it for free!

You really are pretty clueless aren't you....

You wouldn't be able to make enough copies of the game to make it worth selling first off. Also, if you want to manufacture a game for sale in a store you need to send the game off to the BBFC to have the game age rated. This therefore means that there is the chance of having to make changes to the game to make it fit to sell. Another factor is licensing, you'd need permission to include the names of stadia, players, teams, stumps, kits etc. It's probably far too much effort for L_M's worth tbh. It'd be far easier to just sell/distribute the game online, as far less has to be done to release it.

As for the PC Members getting it for free, I personally don't agree with this. I think it should work on a donation system, but it should definitely have a minimum donation of around £5 I think. The guys, especially Paul deserve some sort of financial benefits to the game, even if finance wasn't the primary objective when the project was started. I'd be more than happy to pay a decent price for the game, as we all know it's going to be far more playable than the EA and Codemasters games.
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Hi everyone,

just a little update here. Im very close to finally having the new models ingame. Should be able to get some screens by tomorrow night if all goes according to plan. Otherwise will be on the weekend.

Hi everyone,

just a little update here. Im very close to finally having the new models ingame. Should be able to get some screens by tomorrow night if all goes according to plan. Otherwise will be on the weekend.


Great news LM :clap will be waiting for the updates :D

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