TAOC Discussion

You really are pretty clueless aren't you....

You wouldn't be able to make enough copies of the game to make it worth selling first off. Also, if you want to manufacture a game for sale in a store you need to send the game off to the BBFC to have the game age rated. This therefore means that there is the chance of having to make changes to the game to make it fit to sell. Another factor is licensing, you'd need permission to include the names of stadia, players, teams, stumps, kits etc. It's probably far too much effort for L_M's worth tbh. It'd be far easier to just sell/distribute the game online, as far less has to be done to release it.

As for the PC Members getting it for free, I personally don't agree with this. I think it should work on a donation system, but it should definitely have a minimum donation of around ?5 I think. The guys, especially Paul deserve some sort of financial benefits to the game, even if finance wasn't the primary objective when the project was started. I'd be more than happy to pay a decent price for the game, as we all know it's going to be far more playable than the EA and Codemasters games.

Mate, no point explaining. He's 10 and probably got no clue what age ratings are.
Ho doesn't need a publisher, can he burn the game to CD's and sell them to his mates who work in shops etc. Still PC members should get it for free!

Noway, he should get a price for TAOC. No free business. I myself don't owe ant Credit card and i dunno how i will get TAOC if this make buyable but still i want it to be money business. The effort all of them took really deserve more than money but there is no bigger thing than money for satisfaction :)
thanks a lot for the answer LM...and can't wait for tonight's update:D

ingame screens delayed until the weekend im afraid..i ran into an unexpected glitch last night with the batsman gloves that meant i had to fix that up and lost the time i would have spent on the model integration. Ill be trying for late Friday night, so fingers crossed...


ingame screens delayed until the weekend im afraid..i ran into an unexpected glitch last night with the batsman gloves that meant i had to fix that up and lost the time i would have spent on the model integration. Ill be trying for late Friday night, so fingers crossed...


No problem LM, Take your time :thumbs
guys, after importing the anims into the new model,
the body postures, hands are all messed up !! :(
e.g the bat going through the stomach and the helmet of batsman :eek: ,
the fingers twisted and overlapping on one another, the left hand
away from the bat not gripping it properly etc.....

and lately, i've been a quite busy during the day with college and stuff....
so, i've started doing night sessions which my college provides where
you can work on the PC from 10PM to 6AM. i already tried one session on friday
and made some great progress although had a horrible saturday....couldnt
sleep properly, had a bad headache and felt like throwing up....you can say
it was almost like a hangover... ! the body takes sometime to adjust ! ;)

i'll be doing it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ! i know am
sacrificing my sleep and health, but then i just dont want TAOC to
be delayed any further ! you have to lose something to gain something
as they say :)

and this has to be done in a way or else the next vid will take quite some
time !!


guys, after importing the anims into the new model,
the body postures, hands are all messed up !! :(
e.g the bat going through the stomach and the helmet of batsman :eek: ,
the fingers twisted and overlapping on one another, the left hand
away from the bat not gripping it properly etc.....

and lately, i've been a quite busy during the day with college and stuff....
so, i've started doing night sessions which my college provides where
you can work on the PC from 10PM to 6AM. i already tried one session on friday
and made some great progress although had a horrible saturday....couldnt
sleep properly, had a bad headache and felt like throwing up....you can say
it was almost like a hangover... ! the body takes sometime to adjust ! ;)

i'll be doing it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ! i know am
sacrificing my sleep and health, but then i just dont want TAOC to
be delayed any further ! you have to lose something to gain something
as they say :)

and this has to be done in a way or else the next vid will take quite some
time !!



This is commitment JK, its brilliant! Its obvious you two guys want this game out, and as bug-less as possible! Everyone keeps saying things like "EA should look and see," and they really should.

EA give thier code to a group of Canadian idiots who think Cricket is just a gentlemens version of Baseball.

Whats happening here is obviously one fustrated Australian, and one Indian who want a cricket game, not for the sparkly graphics. BUT, instead to be able to battle out the Ashes where every game is true. Not medium pacers getting bowling proformances like 2-2-0-7 on green pitches.

Guys, this is a fantastic effort, it really is. Keep it up, and may you two especially reep the rewards that i'm sure will be on offer.

And LM, i'm disappointed by your decline of my marriment offer!

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