School Cricketer
How close are we to finishing this game?
How close are we to finishing this game?
AgreedAll I can say is, or hope for, is that people will bare in mind what these 2 guys have done once the game is released. Im sure it will be great but some people on this forum can be real a$$holes and find the smallest little thing to slag people off if the game isnt 110% fantastic.
I hope people will be considerate and realise that these dudes are going out of their ways to bring us a better game that has been made before, without all the cash and fancy equipment of the bigger companies. So by the time it gets released, at least be thankful for their effort over the past few years than bitch at them for not having motion-capture, which has happened a few times. People moaning about "choppy" nimations and dont actually have the mental capacity to realise that those things cost a crapload of money and frame-by frame anims are way more complex.
So yeah..sorry for the rant, sometimes I just feel bad for LM and jkartik, who I think have achieved a monumental success already from what I have seen and from realising their predicament. Drinks on me guys..
Well, we'll see how generous when the price is revealed. I don't for a second expect this to be free. Not because Paul and JK are looking for a buck or two, but because they need to be rewarded for the work they are putting in.