TAOC Discussion

easy guys, payment and stuff is really not an issue at all atm.
these things will come into the equation once the game is nearing
completion(only god knows when that'll happen :p)

as of now, the game will be free for all with a donation system.

now, as far as the progress is considered...am just sorting out a few
things and getting everything in order as the files are all scattered.
LM meanwhile is working almost daily trying to finish off the new
model implementation in-game. hes been facing a lot of bugs and
hiccups due to which the progress has been really slow add to that
i was out of town for 2 weeks !

i cant say anything else except that we are the most frustrated with
the progress than anyone else here and its important not to get into
a shell which'll dampen the development big time.

am gonna be honest and straight forward here and say that its been more or less 3 years since
the development started and we havent even completed the basics
yet i.e batting, bowling and fielding. but as only 2 people are working,
its not too surprising !

also,am letting out a secret............. that many a times myself and LM almost gave up and considered quitting during various stages as our school/work, personal and social life suffered badly and we were confused as to whom to give priority as managing both became almost impossible and tiresome.though we took lot of breaks in-between, we never gave up !

i ask myself these questions many a times.....Why the F** am i doing this
game ??? am not getting paid, am not getting any kind of fame or
recognition, will this game ever get completed ???
instead am sacrificing my studies and social/personal life and all this
for what !! only to hear members cribbing about the "graphics being outdated" and "animations are not fluid". its not worth it !!

but then i read comments from members like "valaskjalf" who are really
supportive and know what we are going through.
it ups the morale.

also,detailed reviews and constructive criticism from guys like
"manee" and "lazy_chestnut" are of a big help.

a big thanks to members like "whitehornmatt", "skater", "karachi_express" , "world_champions" etc for their support right from the early stages of
the development. sorry to those i've left out as its 1.30 in the morning
and am not in a mood to think too much :p

anyways....its because of guys like you, the love for cricket and a desire for a great cricketing game that the hopes of this game being completed
are up and running !

HAAA !!! had to get it out of my system... feels much better.

enough of talk....time to work.

All those people who pass out negative comments should read it TWICE!
just think--->its 2 vs (hundreds of people + crores of rupees)
I'm still confident that TAOC will beat them!!!!
All da best!
Yeah I dont understand how so many people on this forum can be really thick about this and simply brush the efforts off put in to make these games, by saying "oh the game looks crap, theres all kinds of things wrong with it." Almost laughable how they dont seem to think things through.

I mean I know absolutely nothing about programming, ask me anything related to Architecture lol but Ive never even cared to think what goes into programming, but you only need a fair amount of sense to realize what an uphill battle it is to create games without the man-power or finances.

So Im all for paying for this game, its ludicrous to even consider getting it for free....so LM and jkartik should make their price once the game is done. If people are willing to pay 30 pounds for the abominations known as Cricket 07 and BLC IC 07 then seriously....dont be selfish to pay for a decent game like TAOC is panning out to be!
You guys are going great, even though I have rarely posted in this section you still have my full support and its good to see you are taking your time with it not rushing out a game like EA. Take your time boys we all appreciate what your doing so theres no rush :)
You guys are going great! Keep it up, looks awesome.
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Hard work should never go unrewarded. Seen you guys at work for over many years now. Whether it's released tomorrow or in a decade. You should be proud of what you accomplished.
this game awesome.
and 20000000 times better than those ea and codemaster...
but first of all this game completely created by our planet cricket members....:eek:
i am feeling very proud in this fact
and we are with u jk:cheers
Whether it's released tomorrow or in a decade. You should be proud of what you accomplished.
you guys are really working hard and deserve unlimited praises:hpraise
Help Me With A Batting Animation Archive

Hi guys,

I was giving thought to how we can help Paul and jk while they were working on the game and my thoughts drifted to animations of various cricket shots.

Now I know they aren't a priority just yet but I am looking ahead to WHEN TaoC is released and we want further upgrades.

What I am developing is an archive of still pictures of batsmen while playing a shot.

I do this by capturing a tiny slice of video of them and then taking screenshots from backlift to follow through. These could act as a guide for developing realistic batting anims..

Using Real Video Capture from Applian: which can be found here
it is FREE, SMALL (9mb) and dead easy to use as well as being trustworthy (endorsed by Mozilla)

Note, the free version is good enough for us as it will capture 2mins of video at a time, all we want is a few secs..

Download from:

Users guide :http://www.applian.com/replay-video-capture/welcome.php


This can capture anything playing on screen (including DVD's and streaming videos) and turns them into Mpeg which are easy to view in Windows Media Player.

I have just started, but I would love it if anyone who has Cricket DVD's or knows of popular on line videos to do the same as me and capture those little slices of video. using the Real Video Capture Software

You could then send them to me and I will do the laborious screen shot taking. (I will PM my email address to those who PM me with any interest)

What we would need is the video from backlift (if possible, I wouldn't ignore a video if this wasn't included) to follow through (again, if possible) from FRONT ON and SIDE ON if possible. I would suggest that we start with the orthodox strokes first and then move on to more unorthodox things. The more classical and beautiful the better so more vids of Tendulkar and Vaughan perhaps, rather than Katich (yuck!)...

Thanks for reading this long post, I would welcome any feedback and advice or any offers of help or lots of criticism appropriate.

If people are positive and there is a future for this scheme maybe JK or Paul could make this a thread?

Looking forward to hearing from you

Motion capture's a great and an easy thing to work with.

I've seen a software which can do motion capturing virtually and out of a hell of options it has, if a human body moment is "motion-captured", then it can convert it into a biped file (.bip) .. i saw their site, almost downloaded it to check it out it as well as with it's 3DS max extension.

Say, when you get a video off youtube of a batsman playing a shot, and open it in that software, by using Motion capture option it has, you can manually place the points on the batsman like you put those nodes? in the real-life, and here virtually, say like pen tooling or lasso tooling in PS, you can tween the points according to the movements of the batsman in the frames. Don't get it? I'll post the site.

3DS max has the motion capture option, well it's a different case.
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Sorry if I came across as an 'authority on the subject'.

I will happily admit I don't know anything about creating animations.. i just thought it would be useful to have an archive of pictures to help guide any future animations. I was just sounding an idea, that's all..

Hi everyone, obviously been a long delay...no excuses, just getting on with it...

FINALLY the new models all added into the game. Uploading some screens now to the Game Screens section. Im not going to dwell on media for a while because there is so much non-media stuff that has to be done. Anyway, you'll see there's a massive improvement in the models. Not perfect, but much better than the old ones. I dont think there will be anymore changes to the models until release now.

cheers all, sorry for the lack of communication and thanks again for all of your patience :cheers


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