TAOC Discussion

The only problem is that a donation system is open to 'abuse'. But then I suppose torrents and the like mean a charge is easy to get around anyway. Hopefully enough people will be kind enough to donate.
As far as was aware it was intended to be free, but I would certainly suggest a donation system at least. If its decent I'd be happy to donate. I'd much rather give some money towards this than pay for another shite EA or Codies re-release thats for sure.

How about using PC Donation system ?

later from that donation box, it will be given to JK and LM :)

Beleive me, i will be most happy if they get what they really deserve.

First time i will not use my RS account :p
If they get paid enough. They'll have better resources for TAOC 2 (if they make one)
Guys, in terms of graphics, take a look at this renderer which i still can't digest whether they're showing real pictures or renders.


Tremendously easy and great for the game to get amazing graphics!
Guys, in terms of graphics, take a look at this renderer which i still can't digest whether they're showing real pictures or renders.


Tremendously easy and great for the game to get amazing graphics!

Amazing :) all confusing, few images are looking like it has been rendered and few are looking like real ones :p
What's the point in buying a rendering engine like that for a game?

I think they are many components which are textured and rendered in 3DS MAX. So, There'll be a massive difference in the quality of the game when great rendering programs are used.
Yes. I know this can be incorrect. But i'm not sure, because that they were using 3DS for modelling... WAIT! Woah, how could i miss this, They do it only for modelling. Sheesh. :mad: There's actually no way to render out textures but render out images instead, but only inputting them. Teh, so i feel more harsh on myself for such a simple thing. File formats.
easy guys, payment and stuff is really not an issue at all atm.
these things will come into the equation once the game is nearing
completion(only god knows when that'll happen :p)

as of now, the game will be free for all with a donation system.

now, as far as the progress is considered...am just sorting out a few
things and getting everything in order as the files are all scattered.
LM meanwhile is working almost daily trying to finish off the new
model implementation in-game. hes been facing a lot of bugs and
hiccups due to which the progress has been really slow add to that
i was out of town for 2 weeks !

i cant say anything else except that we are the most frustrated with
the progress than anyone else here and its important not to get into
a shell which'll dampen the development big time.

am gonna be honest and straight forward here and say that its been more or less 3 years since
the development started and we havent even completed the basics
yet i.e batting, bowling and fielding. but as only 2 people are working,
its not too surprising !

also,am letting out a secret............. that many a times myself and LM almost gave up and considered quitting during various stages as our school/work, personal and social life suffered badly and we were confused as to whom to give priority as managing both became almost impossible and tiresome.though we took lot of breaks in-between, we never gave up !

i ask myself these questions many a times.....Why the F** am i doing this
game ??? am not getting paid, am not getting any kind of fame or
recognition, will this game ever get completed ???
instead am sacrificing my studies and social/personal life and all this
for what !! only to hear members cribbing about the "graphics being outdated" and "animations are not fluid". its not worth it !!

but then i read comments from members like "valaskjalf" who are really
supportive and know what we are going through.
it ups the morale.

also,detailed reviews and constructive criticism from guys like
"manee" and "lazy_chestnut" are of a big help.

a big thanks to members like "whitehornmatt", "skater", "karachi_express" , "world_champions" etc for their support right from the early stages of
the development. sorry to those i've left out as its 1.30 in the morning
and am not in a mood to think too much :p

anyways....its because of guys like you, the love for cricket and a desire for a great cricketing game that the hopes of this game being completed
are up and running !

HAAA !!! had to get it out of my system... feels much better.

enough of talk....time to work.
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Lol....Nice little read:p...Great to know that you guys are doing so much for a game that isn't going to get you any fame or something. Just a little bit of fun and a good feeling that you guys created a game better than codies and EA sports! Even if it isn't better than them, I surely wouldn't have any complains since its just 2 guys going against 100s of people at EA sports and Codies. So I don't really care how the came turns out to be. The main thing is that you guys are working hard for it.

Keep up the awesome work guys!
i ask myself these questions many a times.....Why the F** am i doing this
game ??? am not getting paid, am not getting any kind of fame or
recognition, will this game ever get completed ???
instead am sacrificing my studies and social/personal life and all this
for what !! only to hear members cribbing about the "graphics being outdated" and "animations are not fluid". its not worth it !!
I'll definately tell all my cricket friends about TAOC.

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