TAOC Discussion

I love how people post about things that they have no clue about as if they are some sort of authority on the subject.

I'm searching for the site, It'll explain everything. :)

I wasn't talking about the real motion capturing or VMocap, AHHHHHHH! I'll just post the site link, You'll get it all, And i wouldn't post anything at all if i don't have clue of what it means.

I'm feeling pretty fueled with that "post about things they they have no clue about as if they are some sort of authority on the subject" comment as if you're taking off kids? You could've just waited for me to post again with that link. heh.. *Not shouting*

It does sound like i make no sense, but not for long.

EDIT: This isn't a perfect example. but here's an illustration of Virtual motion capturing i was saying of.


Or this one:

Here's a Dart fish image i took off the internet and Imagine the player has been set for real-time motion capturing and the red spots are the markers. Now, You'd already have a model interconnected with the MC person, and the movements are simulated in real-time.

And what my saying is that, instead of creating a motion capture work by making a person do the work in real-life, there's a software which could motion-capture from videos and automatically create the perfect 3D model with the animation. So you don't need to model a bit, only set the markers on the video (frame by frame).



If you're getting me:), the above image is made from real-life motion capturing, and the same could be done without any human resources or costly tools.

I'm sorry that i'm not clear, my writing can change the whole meaning sometimes, so can you get it now...? :)
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Hi KB,

That's pretty impressive, I had no idea about that technique.

If you find that link you should post it!

can someone please fix TAOC website i can't register :( the image doesnt show in the verification box plus the sound doesn't work either.
hello guys i want to suggest
if the game is half complete then you can post the BETA version of TAOC so that the craze of for this game should reach at the top
and then after some time post the full game
by the BETA version i mean 1 or 2 team matches so that the members could also test the gameplay of this game

and want to ask 1 thing more
what will be the approximate size of this game and if it will be present in highly compressed format because many of the users have the download speed below 40kbps
so please post it in highly compressed format too
WoW KBC I was searching for some sort of virtual mocap software for years and you just did it??? Plz provide me the link and also if that technique can be apply to TOAC we can add the bowling animations of real bowlers in the game.

im currently moving house so have been off the air for a bit...will be settled this weekend, so i expect to be back into things early next week.


WoW KBC I was searching for some sort of virtual mocap software for years and you just did it??? Plz provide me the link and also if that technique can be apply to TOAC we can add the bowling animations of real bowlers in the game.

The AI hasn't been completed yet. Once that is completed I guess then you can expect a demo.
LM, are you going on any christmas break or something? I hope so, so you can get TAOC done(and of course for you). If you do will any of that time be spent on TAOC?
Its amazing guyz.Hats off for the effort put into this.Was desparate to get some realistic gaming after having had to adjust with c07/(blic07) .Hope this will comeout as a die hard cricket lovers game.All the best. :cool:
hello people. i know we deserve to get our butts kicked for such slow progress
but both paul and myself are going through crazy busy schedules.

i leave home by 9am and return only around 11 in the night !! :eek:

dont even have the time check my mails properly.
this schedule will continue for sometime...and i think i should be relatively
free....say....by christmas ??

lets hope i dont have any other distractions so that i can finish off some chunk
of pending work asap.

sorry again for the lack of updates.


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