That's sounds great - as long as the difference you get for seeing/positioning the marker is not too great when comparing highly skilled to lowly skilled
I.e. when batting don't want even a great batsman too long to see the marker else batting will get too easy. It should only be slightly longer than crap batsman
I know what I mean but don't think explained it too well
Meditating to control my emotions....:upray
Letter to apologize for not posting my stadium to you all
I am noticing from long time that you all are very angry by the stadium makers for not posting their stadiums and it is your right to do so and i apologize for that,but the required excuses should be cleared.I am just now passing from a very crucial time of my life(high school year) which will decide my future,in an addition I am trying to nourishing my knowledge in 3ds max from a beginner to intermediate.Thirdly,I was doing Bangladesh Stadium and due to lack of good images,my spirit had retarded and the attraction towards making stadium became zero.Fourthly,my UV mapping is just terrible,so i am trying to learn it.
I,once again apologizing in front of all for not completing the stadium.I will complete the stadium but will not make any particular stadium but a default one.
Sorry Guys-
Yep, i know what you mean.
That's ok mate, we're not angry with anyone, lol. There's no obligation from any of you guys. We're just keen on any nice stadiums that manage to make it to us, especially when there was some really great work being done on them. Seems such a shame not to have them completed.
10 more days??Just letting people know that the 'big announcement' will be made on 01/09/09, in this forum.
I was going to post last night at about 1AM (3 hours before your post, coincidence!) asking if we could expect the big announcement in the near future, I decided against it because I thought it would make me sound impatient.
I'm really looking forward to hearing what the announcement is, I think it must be something pretty special.
I can't stress how pleased I am to see you back on here, seeming happy with the progress that is being made - a few months ago I think a lot of us were starting to doubt TAOC, it seemed dead in the water, but now it seems to be well back on track.
we are definitely back on track !
LM is putting almost 3 hrs everyday after work and most of his weekends which is admirable.
am working like wont believe it but i spent around 8 hrs today on 3DS MAX completing stuff. and as a result my eyes are burning with a bad headache !