TAOC Discussion

Reading this forum is so depressing nowadays - just a few months ago we were preparing for the Alpha release now there is absolutely nothing ... :(
i predicted taoc failing months ago
but i suggest not to delete the taoc threads but should be transfered to humour and jokes section they give a great laugh to me when i read them:D

taoc team just Fling off:laugh

i wish jkartik could have spend his time that he wasted in taoc in modding cricket games and making them better:facepalm
Why can't the mods just close this thread?? You never know if LM aur JK might come back...if they don't, then too bad...sh!t happens...jus move on and stop whining about TAOC not being completed...
why dont they come up with their problems. May be they can get help from planet cricket members.:banana2
I agree, and with IC10 coming out and looking fantastic, TAOC will become a distant memory.

Dig a new grave in the cemetery of uncompleted cricket games. The lot is almost full!
The 'makers' must be seriously busy to not post anything. Just like a break up, don't want to see the ex again because of the guilt...
Uhm, when will the beta version release?:help
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