LOL !! this is propably the first update from my side.
As i am the sole Bat maker for this game, i had planned to make around 90 bats and leave
10 free slots. and i am happy to announce that out of the 90 bats that have been projected,
60 of them have been completed and only 30 are left.
ok.... so i watched the video and noticed some issues. here they are :-
1.) Camera Tracking. this is one area that needs to be improved massively.
as this has been discussed already, i dont want to stress it further.
2.) Feet movement. most of the shots have very little feet movement. especially the drive
and the lofted shot.
3.) the flight /trajectory of the spinners can be improved. increase the flight of the ball
and also make the speed a bit slower

even anil kumble doesnt bowl that fast

! although
this speed would be cool if used for the odd straight / fast delivery
4.) is it just me or the follow through of the shots is very minimum ??
because after playing a drive , the batsmen normally tends to come forward a few paces.
also after playing a shot, the batsmen stands still / motionless in his position.
although my favourite shots were the leg glance and the sweep. they were really cool.