TAOC Discussion

Im back

well, i'm back.

Had a good Chrissy etc. but was too short...damn...back to work today too...lol :crying

got a fair bit accomplished over the break, despite being away for a lot of the time...fixed some massive glitches and added some really cool stuff...

- fixed subtle glitch with ball movement after being hit by bat - now rolls and bounces beautiful and smooth - arrgh this one was driving me nuts so fixing it was a massive relief, and what a difference it makes! :happy
- fixed / tweaked animations of shots and movement to be more realistic
- added non-striker (yet to be animated) model
- added knee-pad collision and resulting ball movement
- added inside and outside edges (wow, this looks really wicked when he edges it to slips!)
- added rudimentary 'idling' animation for strike batsman i.e. before ball is bowled he stands there dawdling and playing around with his bat etc.
- added boundary rope physics so it bounces over the rope when it hits - it wont bounce over if the ball rolls slowly to the rope but will bounce according to the velocity of the ball as it collides. Looks cool!

i will try to reply today to everyone that messaged me over the break, but please bear with me - there's so many!!!

@TassieTiiger - yeah, dont worry, the next video batch will feature a massive amount of improvements

Regarding PC specs - i anticipate (tho hard to tell at this stage) any modern machine from now until the game is released (even a bit older as well) should run fine-well. Obvioulsy the better the machine, the more features you can have, like antialiasing and anistropic filtering etc. but i would say if you can run the big commecial games ok, then this should be no problem. Heck, it runs ok on my machine which is a year old now (tho graphics card is Nvidia 6800)


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L.M. this all sound promising man. keep up the good work. would it be compatible with a laptop? coz not many work wid laptop.

L.M. video 6.. look at the second shot the cover drive, the ball is pitched on probably middle stump and batsman still able to hit a boundry through the cover drive. i no it can be implemented that why i am letting you know mate, it could be because the video is not high quality so not able to pick up right things, but please check.
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Great stuff LM. Keep it up man!
I want to mention one more thing. When you play a shot and the ball rolls on the ground you really can't see it. Is it because of the quality of the video or what?
@Dhoni - yeah it's the crap quality of the videos that makes it hard to see, i can see it fine normally. The changes i made to the camera tracking should also make it more visible though.
legend_master said:
@Dhoni - yeah it's the crap quality of the videos that makes it hard to see, i can see it fine normally. The changes i made to the camera tracking should also make it more visible though.
Oh ok. Thanks! I hope everything is going fine. Can't wait to see the next video. I love this game so far... :)
Thanks Dhoni,

lol, i was looking back at some old screens from the start of this thread and it's amazing the difference between then and now :D so funny...it's come a long way, and has a long way to go still.

LOL !! this is propably the first update from my side.

As i am the sole Bat maker for this game, i had planned to make around 90 bats and leave
10 free slots. and i am happy to announce that out of the 90 bats that have been projected,
60 of them have been completed and only 30 are left. :D

ok.... so i watched the video and noticed some issues. here they are :-

1.) Camera Tracking. this is one area that needs to be improved massively.
as this has been discussed already, i dont want to stress it further.

2.) Feet movement. most of the shots have very little feet movement. especially the drive
and the lofted shot.

3.) the flight /trajectory of the spinners can be improved. increase the flight of the ball
and also make the speed a bit slower ;) even anil kumble doesnt bowl that fast :p ! although
this speed would be cool if used for the odd straight / fast delivery

4.) is it just me or the follow through of the shots is very minimum ??
because after playing a drive , the batsmen normally tends to come forward a few paces.
also after playing a shot, the batsmen stands still / motionless in his position.

although my favourite shots were the leg glance and the sweep. they were really cool. :)
@jk16_4 - thanks for the comments - some of your points have been resolved since that video was released tho

- point (1) is fixed (IMHO)

- point (2) - need some more info.

- point (3) - trajectory is already fixed as mentioned previously (less looping) - not sure i agree with you on the speed issue tho - i think the speed is actually ok? - would like to get some other opinions on this one...??? The cut shot was a fast bowler so would have appeared fast, but if i remember correctly all the others were spin...

- point (4) - i have added movement to each stroke so the actual model does get slightly displaced depending on the stroke. At the moment he does stand motionless after the stroke because i have not yet added any transitional animations. Once i have added the transitionals it will be much better

Also guys, remember i dont have mocap, so animating by hand is a heck of a lot more tedius and time consuming...not to mention downright difficult :crying - i'm also only 1 man, so i can't guarantee animation/graphic quality above EA/codies (and never promised that either)...but i am trying my best, so hopefully can get close ;)

Yeah! I agree with prarara. LM, man you are working so hard and putting a lot of effort into this. There is no question about that. We all appreciate your work and thanks once again!!! You are a genius!!!
Hi everyone i am new to this forum and i have seen some of the videos and they look great for a one man team great work mate even ea and codies with there powerful teams can't produce something that good so early well done.

Anyway some Question i would like to ask

1. What platforms will the game be on ?

2. How Much will it cost roughly?

3. When will it be ready ?

Thanks well done so far mate keep it up it looks great
Hussey67 said:
Hi everyone i am new to this forum and i have seen some of the videos and they look great for a one man team great work mate even ea and codies with there powerful teams can't produce something that good so early well done.

Anyway some Question i would like to ask

1. What platforms will the game be on ?

2. How Much will it cost roughly?

3. When will it be ready ?

Thanks well done so far mate keep it up it looks great

1. PC
2. Free!
3. Whenever it's ready

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