lol, yeah, the batsman's arm does look a bit thin in that pic, but i think it's exaggerated in that perspective, cos normally it doesn't look that thin? But yeah, i will be adding more muscle later because in general it is a bit too thin...once i texture the arms properly they should look much better too. Dont worry about the adboards, they will be sorted later, i only really chucked in those low-res stretched ones just as a proof of concept, they definately wont be final versions doubt even the demo release will feature much improved graphics than shown here...if you look back to some of the original screenshots you will see a massive improvement from then till now and i anticipate an equal if not greater improvement by the demo release.
Also, once the stadiums are in there it should look even better, can't wait for that...i was particularly happy with the dimensions and the detail on the batsman models - came up really nice IMHO....
i'm still nutting out edges and mishits - almost done (had to take a break over christman / new year so didn't get too much done) , then it's on to running between wickets, additional transition animations for batsmen, then it's on to bowling. So Jan and Feb are going to be massive months for TCP development.
* Also i have to announce that i am focusing 100% now on the game coding and completion of batting and bowling, so i need to ask everyone who is assisting me with graphics (kits etc.) to please be patient...i find that i'm getting very distracted by little things like fixing up bits of kits and stuff like that, which is time that needs to be spent on the main core game elements - once the core stuff is done we'll be able to crack down and sort out all the graphic stuff - i will set aside a fair amount oif time later to spend on graphics and beautification.
I will also be trying to avoid MSN as much as possible, cos i can so easily spend a whole night on MSN and before i know it it's time to go to sleep, with no development done on the game. There's still sooo much more that needs to be done, so i really have to buckle down. It is coming along at a nice rate but i have to remain focused, so please be patiient. I will still be monitoring and answering queries etc posted here on the forums...