Quick progress update:
Ok, been a while since the last update, here's the latest:
- fixed some massive structural code issues
- fixed bowling system so it behaves correctly and is more extensible to cater for different player stats
- added animations for non-strker - idling, backing up - for spin and pace bolwers
- made code more robust, fixed lots of tiny bugs that would have caused a lot of issues later on..
- fixed batsman movement to be more responsive - so you can now literally move right up till the point where the ball reaches your bat, giving ultimate control - previously was a slight delay between releasing 'move' button and the batsman swinging the bat.
- beamers look cool and can be slogged away on the full for 6!
bad newz:
* i found that when having 2 high-poly batsman models animating at the same time (i.e. strike and non striker) the FPS slowed down on my machine quite noticably. The reason is the batsman model was simply too high-poly (too much detail on the model itself - ignoring textures). I'll take the blame for that, as i overestimated my own GPU's performance and was very lazy with my polygon budgeting - which is a no no for high perf gaming. It's easier to make high-poly models than low-poly ones that still look good! The game absolutely must run at a contstant 60fps so i have to fix the model up. This means i'm gonna spend this week remodelling the high-poly areas of the model. I need to reduce it by half the polys, so gonna have to do some neat modelling.
I have already started tho, and so far the shirt has been REDUCED by over 1000 polys! and looks almost as great as before, so i'm stoked! :happy
I guess i will have an option in the final release for 'high-detailed' models and 'not as high detailed models' to cater for the different extremes in people's PC specs...mind you, the average PC will be much more powerful by the time the game is released.
So, i'll keep chugging away and hopefully knock this over soon enough then back onto the running between wickets stuff. Just a shame that i had to get diverted to do this, but i 've learned a valuable lesson in the process!