TAOC Discussion

I dont know if this question has been asked already but please bear with this question one last time. Will IPL be in this game?
I dont care if it releases in 2020 I will still be waiting to get this game. Just saw some videos of the game. One word. Awesome !
That would carry the risk of EA/Codemasters/others like revolution improving their gameplay making TAOC's USP obsolete. So, the earlier this gets done the better. But generally, I hope LM is not planning to do a perfect first release. The better way would be to do a gameplay release to test the waters as soon as possible and then improve each aspect of it as time goes on. This would also help build a huge fan base, and of course a decent bit of monetary encouragement.
When are you starting the AI?

Still cleaning up the fielding reactions i.e. when he gets to the ball what does he do...dive, slide, catch, throw etc

Had a good little play this morning - really satisfying to belt the ball and beat the infield ;) then see the fielder chase in vain lol
Is fielding going to be automatic in the game? Or will we be able to throw it and catch it like in RPIC?
That would carry the risk of EA/Codemasters/others like revolution improving their gameplay making TAOC's USP obsolete. So, the earlier this gets done the better. But generally, I hope LM is not planning to do a perfect first release. The better way would be to do a gameplay release to test the waters as soon as possible and then improve each aspect of it as time goes on. This would also help build a huge fan base, and of course a decent bit of monetary encouragement.

Correct, though the beauty of TAOC is that it will always remain 'indie', meaning even if EA and Codies did improve gameplay, TAOC will always be more moddable and for the community. Despite that though, Stan is right. This is what i planned on doing i.e. releasing for beta testing and then constantly improving gameplay over time, like Pro Evo Soccer series did, based on feedback. Dont get me wrong though, the initial release will still **** all over EA and Codies ;)

legend_master added 0 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

Is fielding going to be automatic in the game? Or will we be able to throw it and catch it like in RPIC?

Im leaning towards making it auto to begin with, for time reasons. But there's no reason why semi-auto cant be added later on.

legend_master added 30 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

Guys, new videos released - check here:


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