Till date all cricket games have had 3 inportant problems
1.Bowling and batting control system aided by the doughnut
3.AI(AI reacting to match situation)
From the various reviews opinions and vids presented Bigant seems to have cleared the first 2 problems wonderfully.
AI seems to be the problem, The prob doesnt seem worse than previous games were there were exploits to wrap things up, im glad to know thats not the case.
which is +1
i think they will do their best to fix it and in the situation they cant next iteration sounds good.
I would like to have an AI which has situational awareness, knowing when to attack and when to defend.
This could be done by having something like WASP implemented in game.
So that if the AI is batting first it can keep striving towards that score and good thing about wasp is it changes when wicket falls or doesnt fall etc.
SO the AI could keep trying to achieve that target. Also while chasing this will help them to better pace the innings.
depending on the WASP and the format the AI should breakdown the target with its wickets in hand(type of batsman etc) and chase or set target accordingly, revising it when situation changes.This will give goals for the AI for what it needs to achieve in small parts.
Also a sanity meter for players, people with high points should play better according to situation, for ex someone like MSD will take time to settle before hitting were as some one like yusuf pathan will just keep hitting regardless of situation and get out.
what is asked is too much for the first iteration, if they can actually get an AI with situation awareness this time around cool, if not next iteration sounds good

with a bit more balancing in patches this time around.
*esp before pc version releases