thats a bummerYou can't just e.g. Play as england in the T20 world cup, you have to play as one of the two teams in every match in the tournament, or go into the game and simulate every game except the ones of the team you want to be.
thats a bummerYou can't just e.g. Play as england in the T20 world cup, you have to play as one of the two teams in every match in the tournament, or go into the game and simulate every game except the ones of the team you want to be.
All without going through loading screens.
4)not being able to select a single team to take through a competition is full-on ridiculous, something i've never seen before in any game and it's baffling to understand how this could have got through the design stage. in combination with point 3 above, it basically kills competition mode and that's a whole area of cricket academy made essentially worthless.
All without going through loading screens.
Hate to say this but after 3 days playing this game im finding so much wrong with it the original post isnt to far off.
I loved it on my first game but now so many bugs glitches appearing i really hope patches can save this especially online.
I wouldn't say people are coming around that the game has no life, I'd say they're coming around to the fact the problems are going to be patched and your going to be the one kicking yourself when you've sold your game off on ebay (which I suspect you are not as this looks more like an attempted troll anyway but that doesn't matter). Have fun smashing 6's in IC10.
Sam you're deluded. You think a simple patch will make everything alright? The game will be sat with all your other crap games you don't play within a couple of weeks.
Take my advise get some money back while you can.
And can you tell me why a couple of patches that solve the problems you've listed won't make everything all right then? I don't want any of my money back because I've realised when the key bugs in this game are fixed, none of which cause too many problems for me in single player matches except the fielders which are going to be fixed within a week, this game will most likely be the best cricket game released yet.
Thing that i find weird is the online gameplay is just so different from the single player.
And i dont mean just lag its the shots along the ground player slides in to stop it going for a four and its given out caught that makes no sense what so ever.
Getting hit on the pads the ball goes forward then all of a sudden its bowled me out, is this just due to lag or game being out of sync i have no idea Ross any ideas what might be wrong with online.
Like i said elsewhere single player is generally really good with none of these glitches.