Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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In meantime if the bugs are too much for you, those complaining that battings too hat, get in the nets/practise mode :)

Please, enough with this nonsense get in the nets and practice. We get it, you are awesome at playing leg glances and pull-shots.
Please, enough with this nonsense get in the nets and practice. We get it, you are awesome at playing leg glances and pull-shots.

Exactly, if someone can't find an enjoyable level to get into the game out of the box, then there is an issue, particularly on the marketing side.
Please, enough with this nonsense get in the nets and practice. We get it, you are awesome at playing leg glances and pull-shots.

Christ Phil, change the tweaking tune. We get it, you don't like the batting in the game and it's too hard for you. WE GET IT. I play shots all the round the wicket, I'm having a blast batting and although it's frustrating at times 99% of that is to do with the fielding problems, which are being patched. So; Problem solved...

It's a shame you can't add constructively to any conversation because you raise the occasionally rare piece of insight but you're just going on and on and on about the same old tired shit that only you seem to have an issue with.

Ignoring the facts it's also being fixed (or already been fixed according to Matt) then honestly, find a new hit single to play because it's actually boring.
I think I do agree to some extent that some bugs over the period of time start frustrating you. I think all cricket games had them and we tend to play around it. Honestly, we don't have much choice.

For me the biggest let down was the co-op but soon I found it will be patched. I hope they live up to their promise.

Exactly, if someone can't find an enjoyable level to get into the game out of the box, then there is an issue, particularly on the marketing side.

I have seen the attempts by Codemasters in their last few attempts, where they wanted the game to appeal everyone. Honestly, they got thrashed because of it. The casual gamers only played the game for a brief period while serious cricket gamers didn't come back to them. If they did, it was mainly because of the limited number of games we have for Cricket.
Saying that, BigAnt's attempt is marvelous one. You really need to acquire new skills to play this game. I hated when my 10 year-old smashed all around the park when he just tabbed a button. So overall, this game is aimed at the serious players and we all appreciate it.

Believe me if such games come up every year, they will improve the gameplay and iron out the bugs. For the first attempt, its quite an achievement. I don't mind buying a cricket game built from this engine every year or so. Bowling was so predictable in previous games and nobody could do justice how bowling should play in a cricket game that we all batted and generated the bowling part.

Overall I am pleased with this game.
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Christ Phil, change the fishing tune. We get it, you don't like the batting in the game and it's too hard for you. WE GET IT. I play shots all the round the wicket, I'm having a blast batting and although it's frustrating at times 99% of that is to do with the fielding problems, which are being patched. So; Problem solved...

It's a shame you can't add constructively to any conversation because you raise the occasionally rare piece of insight but you're just going on and on and on about the same old tired shit that only you seem to have an issue with.

Ignoring the facts it's also being fixed (or already been fixed according to Matt) then honestly, find a new hit single to play because it's actually boring.

That's nice for you and all, and to be honest the longer I play the better I've gotten at batting (particularly leg side, as the AI tends to bowl a lot at my leg stump or down the leg side for some reason), but that doesn't help everyone. The game really needs a variable selection for batting and bowling, not just one difficulty for both, but Big Ant have said they'll look into that in the future.

Just because you don't have an issue though doesn't mean you can ignore when people do. The key for a game like this and the key to making the series ultimately profitable and capable of surviving and becoming a mainstay is that it doesn't turn a majority away because they don't have 5 hours a day to learn it before they can really get into it. If someone wants to bowl on Legend difficulty and bat on rookie, then that can and should be their choice, and if the difference in difficulty is what is holding them back from playing, then that is definitely something that needs addressing quickly before the series gets a bad name to them.

I get that it can be frustrating to really enjoy a game, and you might be worried about "dumbing it down", but the key is that there is the choice in the game, not that the game be changed fundamentally to facilitate it.


I think I do agree to some extent that some bugs over the period of time start frustrating you. I think all cricket games had them and we tend to play around it. Honestly, we don't have much choice.

For me the biggest let down was the co-op but soon I found it will be patched. I hope they live up to their promise.

I have seen the attempts by Codemasters in their last few attempts, where they wanted the game to appeal everyone. Honestly, they got thrashed because of it. The casual gamers only played the game for a brief period while serious cricket gamers didn't come back to them. If they did, it was mainly because of the limited number of games we have for Cricket.
Saying that, BigAnt's attempt is marvelous one. You really need to acquire new skills to play this game. I hated when my 10 year-old smashed all around the park when he just tabbed a button. So overall, this game is aimed at the serious players and we all appreciate it.

Believe me if such games come up every year, they will improve the gameplay and iron out the bugs. For the first attempt, its quite an achievement. I don't mind buying a cricket game built from this engine every year or so. Bowling was so predictable and nobody could do justice how cricket game should play.

The game is magnificent, but the options need to be there so anyone can at least play enough to want to come back. Even FIFA has it ridiculous sliders option where you can make your players move at many multiplies of the speed of the opposition and have every shot fly in the top corner. Even including more options for difficulty is going to help it's marketability and long term viability.

Once the key balance issues are resolved (which will hopefully only take a few patches) the game will be a great one for community, but sadly it's unlikely to subsist on merely the hardcore base. I don't think they should change anything core about the game, but more difficulty options (i.e. splitting batting, bowling and fielding difficulties) could make a huge difference to a lot of people and keep the game open enough to get new players in.
I'm not saying there's not issues... I'm pretty frequently experiencing the fielding glitch! The point is to say those people that are good at batting "only hit on the leg side" or whatever Phil bangs on about is just past the point of ridiculousness...

Happy to show a wagon wheel of my next 50 but the point is about your stance at the wicket and you have to take a guard, then change it whenever you want to hit in different areas of the field... AT THE MOMENT.

Moving around the crease, both forward and back, left to right opens up plenty of spaces, it's just getting around the impossible fielding currently but it's not difficult to get a strategy together, at least until the patch is out...
Just because you don't have an issue though doesn't mean you can ignore when people do.

And similarly, just because people have an issue doesn't mean they can immediately dismiss the people that don't (i.e. saying all they do is play on the leg-side).
The game is magnificent, but the options need to be there so anyone can at least play enough to want to come back. Even FIFA has it ridiculous sliders option where you can make your players move at many multiplies of the speed of the opposition and have every shot fly in the top corner. Even including more options for difficulty is going to help it's marketability and long term viability....

I think you are right and it took Fifa for almost 20 years to what it is right now. Right now we didn't even have a basic Cricket game that simulated the essence. I will probably jump in and join you with all those requests with the next iteration. There are no serious flaws in the game. If I want to play at Legend level, I would expect the difficulty from the bowlers. I don't expect to play at that level in the next few months any ways. The game is only out for a week so I am happy I didn't master it as yet. That is a good call from longer playability side of things. Why would I go in with a Rookie batsman and smash everywhere beats me? I hated when I could make 200 in 12 overs or so.

I remember we were dying to see real run rates. Your post is mainly about new features rather than bugs in the system. Personally I know at least 10 people who bought the game and only had to say good bits about it. We all knew that there will be bugs but thank God none were of that serious nature. Now its up to them how they live up to their post-release promises.
And similarly, just because people have an issue doesn't mean they can immediately dismiss the people that don't (i.e. saying all they do is play on the leg-side).

..? What?


..? I don't get what you're saying here. Who is saying that people on play on the leg side? The AI tend to bowl too much on the leg side, but saying that "people only play on the leg side" is both demonstrably wrong and not something that people on a forum can really comment on. I cannot comment on someone else's performance, because I'm not watching them and Big Ant can't control them, you know, them being a person and all.

Maybe you're confusing multiple points here.


I think you are right and it took Fifa for almost 20 years to what it is right now. Right now we didn't even have a basic Cricket game that simulated the essence. I will probably jump in and join you with all those requests with the next iteration. There are no serious flaws in the game. If I want to play at Legend level, I would expect the difficulty from the bowlers. I don't expect to play at that level in the next few months any ways. The game is only out for a week so I am happy I didn't master it as yet. That is a good call from longer playability side of things. Why would I go in with a Rookie batsman and smash everywhere beats me? I hated when I could make 200 in 12 overs or so.

I remember we were dying to see real run rates. Your post is mainly about new features rather than bugs in the system. Personally I know at least 10 people who bought the game and only had to say good bits about it. We all knew that there will be bugs but thank God none were of that serious nature. Now its up to them how they live up to their post-release promises.

I think you're missing the point here. I'm quite comfortable with the difficulty as it is, but the key is marketability. There are people who are going to get the game and be frustrated at the step in difficulty because batting and bowling are so different. I really took to the bowling and have only started getting the hang of batting after hours of play. Not everyone is going to have huge amounts of time to "learn to play" and whilst it shouldn't be a key component of the game, offering variable difficulties between batting and bowling should be a priority to not scare as many people away from enjoying the game. The key should be maximum retaining of customers to keep the series alive and strong.
I find the AI bowl a consistent off-stump/middle line. I believe it's how people are taking guard at the crease causing a distorted opinion of a leg stump line. I'm also willing to put a $5 note on those same people experiencing a lot of LBW's when they bat ;)
I think you're missing the point here. I'm quite comfortable with the difficulty as it is, but the key is marketability. There are people who are going to get the game and be frustrated at the step in difficulty because batting and bowling are so different. I really took to the bowling and have only started getting the hang of batting after hours of play. Not everyone is going to have huge amounts of time to "learn to play" and whilst it shouldn't be a key component of the game, offering variable difficulties between batting and bowling should be a priority to not scare as many people away from enjoying the game. The key should be maximum retaining of customers to keep the series alive and strong.

No I do get what you are saying. I think with this iteration of the game, their focus was to entertain the real cricket nuts. I am one of those people who has played pretty much each and every cricket game so for me it was a time consuming task to learn how to play as well. To be honest, my kids, 7 year old and a 4 year old, surprised me in how quickly they picked up the game. Of course they play at amateur level and the younger mainly plays straight drives but they enjoyed the game immensely.

I think with their foundation and fan following, they may now attempt to make the game for the mass or have an arcade mode in the game.
Yes there's a big bummer from Big Ants that they have to patch things like co-op etc and without letting the mass. Not everyone goes to Planet Cricket or forums to find out what features are coming soon unless they advertise it within the game. They should have a notification system in their own marketing sake within the game. I believe the co-op must be in the game already but is just hidden and they will just enable it with the patch.
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Christ Phil, change the fishing tune. We get it, you don't like the batting in the game and it's too hard for you. WE GET IT. I play shots all the round the wicket, I'm having a blast batting and although it's frustrating at times 99% of that is to do with the fielding problems, which are being patched. So; Problem solved...

It's a shame you can't add constructively to any conversation because you raise the occasionally rare piece of insight but you're just going on and on and on about the same old tired shit that only you seem to have an issue with.

Ignoring the facts it's also being fixed (or already been fixed according to Matt) then honestly, find a new hit single to play because it's actually boring.

HAHA only me? that statement is as false as you telling people this patch is going to fix everything. You are deluded and in denial if you think toning down the fielding will erase every problem in this game.

Posted in bowling and batting guide threads numerous times giving people helpful hints mate. If you are only drawn to negativity that's your problem.

You are of the opinion that that not being able to view the field is all good, those that do not like it that way are wrong and same goes for your opinions on the batting, you think those that cannot bat should go and practice or go and play on amateur.

Who is the target audience for this game then? please elaborate. The batting and bowling (spin in particular) is just too complex for younger kids and your casual gamer.

For those of us who are already used to the controls and do not feel like sitting in 'career mode' like you, there is no reasonable difficulty to play at to get an even contest between bat and ball. To all those claiming they are making runs on VET and LEGENDARY, abusing an exploit by playing 20 pull shots and leg glances to get your eye in is a true representation of just how unrealistic the batting is in this game.

But hey don't worry guys it's all good the fielding patch will fix all that! :facepalm
I find the AI bowl a consistent off-stump/middle line. I believe it's how people are taking guard at the crease causing a distorted opinion of a leg stump line. I'm also willing to put a $5 note on those same people experiencing a lot of LBW's when they bat ;)

My problem is being caught at square leg and edging it, particularly against spinners.

The balls on the leg stump I normally just hammer though. Can quite easily maintain a run rate of around 6+ to scores around 350+ when they're doing it. I've since learned to play all around the ground better, but when that ball is going towards the leg stump, I know where to put it and put it there often.

Who knows, it might be the AI just doing it to me. Maybe I'm the chosen one, Big Ant specially made a version of the game specially for me where the AI really has a fetish for leg side bowling. Maybe that or the numbers of people mentioning the larger amount of leg side bowling might suggest that there is a minor AI issue there that should be look at in future patches.

I can score around the ground, and the only real issue with it being on the leg stump so much is it's too easy to score off of. I had Ryan Harris on about 80 off 50 balls thanks to that once.
Phil seems to be of the understanding that the only way to be comfortable on the higher difficulty settings is to only play to the legside.

If you and biggs are trying to tell people that, you are batting on VET and LEGEND the proper way and getting your runs all around the wicket then i find that very hard to believe.

By proper i mean choosing both your footwork and direction after the ball is released without any premeditating. (which is the way bigant intended)
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