Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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Phil seems to be of the understanding that the only way to be comfortable on the higher difficulty settings is to only play to the legside.

Ah. That would probably be more to do with his own experiences and he probably shouldn't be commenting on others' performances unless he's been watching them.

That said, it is quite easy to make runs on the leg side due to the shear number of balls at leg stump. I'd go as far as saying that it offered great practice for me to learn how to play it there much earlier, and it offers great runs. That said, it's not impossible to play it all around the ground, it's just there a bit too often.

Don't mix that up with it always being on leg stump, the bowlers do bowl different lines, but it's just there a bit too often.
To all those claiming they are making runs on VET and LEGENDARY, abusing an exploit by playing 20 pull shots and leg glances to get your eye in is a true representation of just how unrealistic the batting is in this game.

You see, the entire rest of your post goes out the window for me when you make a statement like this. I may have agreed with every single other point in your post, but when you start making such baseless claims, any credibility you have is shot.

You don't know how other people are playing the game. Once you stop pretending like you do know how other people are playing the game, you might be able to look beyond the same point you keep making over and over and over and over....

I'm not commenting on the state of the game with this post, I'm commenting on how stupid it is for you to think you know how other people are playing the game.

Ah. That would probably be more to do with his own experiences and he probably shouldn't be commenting on others' performances unless he's been watching them.

Alberts puts it much more succinctly than I have.
You see, the entire rest of your post goes out the window for me when you make a statement like this. I may have agreed with every single other point in your post, but when you start making such baseless claims, any credibility you have is shot.

You don't know how other people are playing the game. Once you stop pretending like you do know how other people are playing the game, you might be able to look beyond the same point you keep making over and over and over and over....

I'm not commenting on the state of the game with this post, I'm commenting on how stupid it is for you to think you know how other people are playing the game.

I guess bigants entire Q&A thread went out the window for you after they said there would be a realistic test match experience in regards to batpads and edges to slip only for both to be nearly non existent on VET and higher. If you are dismissing my posts for fabrication and ridiculousness then surly that Q&A deserves the same kind of acknowledgement.

Seen plenty of people in batting help threads advising people to just play to square leg to get their eye in on pro and above

You can have all your selective hearing you want mate. Facts are facts there is way too much premeditating involved in the batting if you want to make runs at the highest difficulties. When you have to press more buttons to play a defensive shot than you do to play attacking shots, there is an issue.

You can go find me your 1 or 2 that are batting on veteran and Legendary without any premeditating involved. That's if they even exist.
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I have a simple solution that can be incorporated in future iterations to help people judge line & length as they deem fit...

Add a setting or slider for viewing the line & length circle around the ball (that red/green/yellow thingy) early or late. People have different reaction times and IMO this setting can enhance the gaming experience for a lot of people. Currently plenty of folks can't judge line & length of the ball early enough to select front & back foot or choose a shot to play and end up pre-mediating the foot selection or the shot.

There could be 3 settings, i.e. 1 (1 sec), 2 (2 sec) or 3 (3 sec) which would mean the amount of time you get to judge the line & length. E.g., for someone with fast enough reaction time a setting of 1 would suffice and he/she will be able to view the line & length circle a second before the ball is delivered. For majority of the folks a setting of 2 should be good enough and for people who are poor at gaming or controls a setting of 3 would be good as they would see the circle 3 secs before the ball is delivered. That would mean you could see the circle as the bowler is running in with the ball sometimes but this is still a better option than the pitch marker, and would appeal to broader fan base.
When you have to press more buttons to play a defensive shot than you do to play attacking shots, there is an issue.
when did drives become attacking shot, they are cricketing shots.
defending and attacking are actually not the natural flow like cricketing drives, hence they require extra input like real game.

only when the ball is tough you will try to block it or if its too easy you will power it, other times you are going to play drives.
when did drives become attacking shot, they are cricketing shots.
defending and attacking are actually not the natural flow like cricketing drives, hence they require extra input like real game.

only when the ball is tough you will try to block it or if its too easy you will power it, other times you are going to play drives.

Thanks for the input i only played cricket for 7 years. How is a drive not an attacking shot if you are looking to score runs from playing it? Helicopter shots and 6s are not the only attacking shots in cricket mate.

Now lets try and use some physics and common sense.

When you block a shot you start with a back lift and bring the bat down alongside your pads or just a tiny bit in front or behind it to block the shot.

When you play a drive you have a back lift, the bat comes down alongside your pad AND THERE IS ALSO A FOLLOW THROUGH TO GENERATE POWER AND PLACEMENT INTO THE SHOT.

If playing a shot requires an extra effort in real life why is it that in the game you are required to press more buttons to block the ball than play a shot?

^^^Bare in mind you are the one choosing to bring in the whole 'in real life' aspect here not me.
What's wrong with 'premeditating'? I know the bowler is going to bowl a ball, so I get ready to play a shot in one of the gaps with the aggressive ground shot, and if it's a fast bowler I'll usually start off the back foot, and for medium and spin, start on the front foot.

Once you're in a position to play a shot it's easier to then adjust to play a better shot or defend then it is to attempt to do everything in the short window.

I think that's perfectly reflective of cricket - you know where you want to play, and how attacking you need to be in the match position - so use that as a starting point.

What wasn't reflective of cricket was what you could do in IC2010 and other games by knowing exactly where the ball would land and had the directional stick pointing at where you'd hit a ball like that long before it leaves the bowler's hand and the only difficulty coming by when you timed pressing the button to complete the process.
Thanks for bring in MSD i cant get why you guys hate a cool looking shot so much.:p
any way i wouldnt put a SRT backfoot cover drive in the same category as elicopter.

I can score runs of blocking too doesn't make it attacking shot.Please nobody said you cant attack with drives but dont categorise those lovely cricketing shots the essence of cricket as powered shots think thats a better word.

The point is when you are on field, drives are the most natural shots, like you said im looking to score runs exploit fields making placements, that's what im going to do naturally unless the situation demands me to defend or attack/power it .
This risk reward between playing the drive and block is pretty good and well implemented.So you have that sense of security while you play defensive shots without being invincible as in the previous games.

Obviously back lift and follow through vary between the shots. hasn't the game got this right?
Its not about the effort but what is more natural, you have a stamina bar to drain for the effort put in.
you know you control yourself when you defend its not a natural shot neither is hoicking.
plus apart from the real aspect the triggers allow for control of the defensive shots helping nudges, which is more vital.

So you may be finding it difficult for whatever reason, but others don't and it doesn't cause problems
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What's wrong with 'premeditating'? I know the bowler is going to bowl a ball, so I get ready to play a shot in one of the gaps with the aggressive ground shot, and if it's a fast bowler I'll usually start off the back foot, and for medium and spin, start on the front foot.

Once you're in a position to play a shot it's easier to then adjust to play a better shot or defend then it is to attempt to do everything in the short window.

I think that's perfectly reflective of cricket - you know where you want to play, and how attacking you need to be in the match position - so use that as a starting point.

What wasn't reflective of cricket was what you could do in IC2010 and other games by knowing exactly where the ball would land and had the directional stick pointing at where you'd hit a ball like that long before it leaves the bowler's hand and the only difficulty coming by when you timed pressing the button to complete the process.

Lovely political answer, i love the way it partially addresses the issue but emphasises very precisely on the alternative method of bypassing the issue. All jokes aside it is a very fair and productive answer in regards to batting in this game but i do not believe that is the conclusion BigAnt were after when they introduced footwork to the game

You do not decide your foot work when batting based on what kind of bowler is bowling, it is based on line and length.

Fair enough different batsmen have different trigger movements as the bowler is about to bowl. Some go back and across, some go back, some come forward but they always adjust their footwork based on the length of the delivery.

This is the vision that big ant had in mind when they bought in the whole footwork concept. If they wanted us to be premeditating our footwork, why would they feel the need to put a red/green/yellow ring around the ball?

I agree with you that there is a lot of premeditation in attacking shots and that is also true in real life but there is more than just premeditated attacking shots in this game. A big majority of the batting is based on premeditating unless you are facing spin bowling.
You do not decide your foot work when batting based on what kind of bowler is bowling, it is based on line and length.
No, but getting back to a fast bowler at the start gives you more time to decide to go forward if the ball is at a good length and more time to play defensively if you need to. With the slower bowlers there's ample time regardless.
Lol at impossible to bat on high difficulties without pre-meditating.
There is nothing wrong with MattW's methods, in fact it's very clever and I may give it a crack myself.
But for guys to basically call anyone a liar who claim to bat on legend by playing balls on their merits is hogwash.
It takes time, practice and reflexes and I think a fair bit of "muscle memory" comes into it.
But it is entirely possible and for me the only way to be successful. My runs come maybe 60% leg side and 40% offside.

You get the coloured circle that should give you the idea to go forward or back very early on. If it's yellow I almost always use the defensive button straight away.
I always have my finger hovering above R2 for anything on the stumps. Which also makes it easier to then also quickly press L2 as the ball is in flight if it's on a line that I think I can punish.
I can safely say I do not premeditate any shots on 95% of balls I face.
There is ample time to pick the line, as the length is given to you by the coloured ball circle. This IMO is very realistic.
It does take a lot of time tho to get the muscle memory co-ordinated with the L2- R2 and the two sticks, but once you do pre-meditation is a thing of the past.
(Most of the time.)
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You could even say you made a massive oversight.

I slightly disagreed with you on the issue, but mainly because of the fact you missed the two buttons that make it very easy. It would have been nonsense to have had to enter and simulate every game.

I think the Brian Lara 05/07 games were the same in that you couldn't choose one team. Might be mistaken on that though.

Ha ha, yes i did indeed make a massive oversight.

It's certainly therefore not too bad in that regard and I am a nob for not seeing the buttons!


Please, enough with this nonsense get in the nets and practice. We get it, you are awesome at playing leg glances and pull-shots.

Batting feels harder than it is because the unrealistic fields set plus overpowered fielders make it hard to get full value for your shots. Fix that you fix a lot.


Please, enough with this nonsense get in the nets and practice. We get it, you are awesome at playing leg glances and pull-shots.

Batting feels harder than it is because the unrealistic fields set plus overpowered fielders make it hard to get full value for your shots. Fix that you fix a lot.
You are deluded and in denial if you think toning down the fielding will erase every problem in this game.

Find the quote where I said this, and you win. I never said anything of the sort, I said the fielding patch will sort out 99.9% of the issues regarding finding gaps in the field and the run-out issues which plague the batting side of the career mode. To elaborate further I find the "PRO" level perfectly acceptable and an incredible leap forward in cricket gaming. I absolutely love that batsman are backfoot/frontfoot specialists and setting your preference in career mode means you have to work harder when selecting the opposite to your set-preference. For me, I'm a front-foot player and therefore I play the majority of my shots off the front foot, as what happens in real cricket, where particular players are specialists. You tend to find back-foot players have less ability to play spinners, for one general example... To your point, the current fielding issues play a huge role in the ability to find/hit gaps and successfully execute a shot-to-reward replication of real cricket, once fielders have a toned down approach to the shots people play in the game, you'll find it's easier to hit gaps and score runs. If you read around (not just in troll-threads like this) you'll see the majority of people batting in career mode or the arcade modes recognize this issue (fielding) as a huge portion of the problem when batting. You're just ignoring all that, because you're obstinate and your position on the game is not sustainable, nor reflected by the majority of people who are playing the game.

You are of the opinion that that not being able to view the field is all good, those that do not like it that way are wrong and same goes for your opinions on the batting, you think those that cannot bat should go and practice or go and play on amateur.

Once again, find any quotes where I've said any of that (I haven't). My opinion on the non-issue that is the fielding radar is; I can see the field just fine. I play on a massive 50 inch television and it's glorious, I can make out wonderful little details and I enjoy the game doesn't hand-hold me and tell me where the field is every over. It's cool, it's a challenge. I've never said anyone who doesn't like is wrong - I've said it's an unnecessary hissy fit to throw, when there's already a patch being included offering the option to turn that shit on! The fact I and many others don't need or want it doesn't invalidate our argument nor do I think that people who DO need it are "wrong". It's just not the way I want to play the game and I'm more open to revolutionizing cricket on consoles than copy-pasting what has gone before. Change is tough for some people, clearly you fit inside that box.

Who is the target audience for this game then? please elaborate. The batting and bowling (spin in particular) is just too complex for younger kids and your casual gamer.

I have absolutely no idea what that has to do with anything, but the target market for sports games of this ilk is generally 18 - 35 year olds, with the core demographic being males ages 25- 30. I can't see "Kids" running down to pick up a game called "Don Bradman Cricket" and if young kids do want to play a cricket game, they'll embrace the opportunity of the lower-levels rather than play on "PRO"... spin bowling is really easy, if you play the tutorials correctly and spend time practicing, which you seem to have the opinion of that being some incorrect position when it's the exact reason why "Match Practice" and "Nets" are included in the game to hone your skills and spend the time getting that stuff right, again, this is not a failure of the game but a failure of your imagination to grasp the complexities offered in this game.

For those of us who are already used to the controls and do not feel like sitting in 'career mode' like you, there is no reasonable difficulty to play at to get an even contest between bat and ball.

I'm seeing post after post to the contrary, again, you're spending time wallowing in threads like this than celebrating in the others, it's okay. We don't need or want you there, but seriously, this is just ridiculous. Is bowling providing more reward in career mode? Yes, I imagine that will be balanced out in Patch 2, if not in Patch 1.

To all those claiming they are making runs on VET and LEGENDARY, abusing an exploit by playing 20 pull shots and leg glances to get your eye in is a true representation of just how unrealistic the batting is in this game.

I still don't understand how "playing on the legside" is an "exploit". You make it sound like there has to be some even spread when that is simply not a reflection of REAL cricket. In cricket, certain players favor certain parts of the field, have certain shots they execute better. Since the position you stand at the wicket determines what side of the field you favor I would suggest that people experiencing "legside" bowling are prolly taking their stance too far across to the offside. Taking more legside stance opens up the offside, I've found it's next-to-impossible to pierce the offside field because of the amped-up fielding, so I chose those shots carefully and usually hit off my hips to fine-leg, which (ironically) is my EXACT go-to shot in real cricket when I play. Pushing an easy single to fine-leg or third man is the stock-and-trade of every batsman worldwide, to suggest that's an "exploit" in the game displays a gross misunderstand of the functionality of cricket. Pull shots, leg glances and offside shots is a reflection of the AI field settings and the difficulty in piercing the off-side field currently, especially if you're new to the game and finding batting difficult it IS easier to score on the legside to the simply numbers equation of there being LESS fielders on the legside! Again; Not an exploit, it's related to the amped up fielding and will be fixed in the first patch out in a week or so. You chose to ignore that fact, so your argument falls apart.

In short; Your argument is unsustainable. @BigAntStudios are committed to patching the anomalies in the game and will have the first one out in a few weeks. If you were genuinely committed to your position on the batting, as you keep banging on about the legside, then stroll over to the "reports" thread and log your issues in the correct template, provide feedback, take a few videos and contribute as I and many others are doing frequently.

You're not comitted to your argument, because it's lazy, flawed and you'd much rather be a keyboard warrior and troll threads like this than contribute constructively to a discussion about the hundreds of other GREAT things BigAnt have got note perfect in this game.

It's a poor mans position to whinge like you do about the same things, most of which will be fixed in the first patch (that you've had nothing valuable to contribute to) and the rest will be MORE than like fixed in the second patch (one that although currently doesn't exist, I doubt you'll have anything meaningful to contribute to either).

It's easier to bitch and walk away, than it is to put your money where your mouth is. So if you feel that shit needs to be fixed, then make some bug reports, put some effort in and quit banging on about the same old shit post after post and DO SOMETHING about it.

The rest of us have, we're also moving on because it's getting patched.

End of.
at the end of the day, it's a matter of perspective. i suck at batting, big time - in career mode over 50% of my innings are ducks across the 3 formats, my highest score is 21 and i average under 5 in every format.

but, i put that down to 1)i've had the game a week, of course i'm not very good yet and i wouldn't want to be yet 2)my numbers would be better if the ai set realistic fields and i could get value for my shots 3)i am not a good gamer per-se and i keep providing a different input to what i think i am

only one of those problems is caused by the game, the other two are my bad.

phil is 100% right that getting a balance between batting and bowling is difficult, but his prescription is the exact opposite of what needs to happen. batting doesn't need to change one jot (apart from the AI fields and fielder abilities) but AI batting needs to improve significantly to make bowling more challenging.
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