Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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It's probably been mentioned every day in some capacity for the last two weeks.

No problem.
Ah, this is a long thread with angriness. Let's just relax and play some DBC... even though some of us aren't cool enough to own it yet.
Triggers are analog and depending on how far you push down the triggers, you will get a different output. L1/LB & R1/RB are not analog however, and those you either push or don't.

Nope.....it doesn't matter if I hold a trigger in to full extent or gently caress it to the depth of a ciggy paper, the outcome is still the same.
Nope.....it doesn't matter if I hold a trigger in to full extent or gently caress it to the depth of a ciggy paper, the outcome is still the same.

Are you sure? I tried playing defensive shot with R2 all the way down and the ball stopped dead on the pitch. When I tried to play the same shot with R2 quarter to halfway down the ball went to the field. Try fiddling with R2 for defensive shots and see if that makes a difference for you.
Ouch....saw game in Grainger Games being sold as pre owned for ?39.99. Someone couldn't wait for the patch to be released!


Are you sure? I tried playing defensive shot with R2 all the way down and the ball stopped dead on the pitch. When I tried to play the same shot with R2 quarter to halfway down the ball went to the field. Try fiddling with R2 for defensive shots and see if that makes a difference for you.

I will persevere CO. Have you managed to download a patch that the rest of us aren't aware about?
I will persevere CO. Have you managed to download a patch that the rest of us aren't aware about?

I think most of the folks are able to play defensive shots with varying power using R2. It's a different story it doesn't help you much as superhuman fielders are on to the ball in a flash. But if you are not getting the results I mentioned, check your controller. It could be broken.

I didn't read the 6 million pages :). But the game isn't bad could be better put Rome could have been built better. I rate the game better then FIFA 14 so far which is just sooo bad. I have FIFA on pc and the only way it's sorta playable is with a heap of tweaks and edits.

And how long has EA been making FIFA? How big is their dev team and how much $$ do they have.
I didn't read the 6 million pages

17 pages. That's it. ...even an ADD riddled child could get through that in a few minutes.
...and he doesn't have to move his feet to read it *rimshot*
17 pages. That's it. ...even an ADD riddled child could get through that in a few minutes.

I'm no child but do have ADHD. So I highly doubt it :p

To the OP have you played FIFA 14? A game with soo much $$ spent on it plus the man power (or lady power :) ) they have and it's terrible. If you haven't go and play it then come back.
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