Test Cricket Draft

aussie ben has surprised me with his intelligence in picking Imran.

great pick, I've waxed lyrical on him before, basically, with imran your team is guaranteed of being at least extremely good. you've also got a captain no one can really totally prove isn't the best ever (I'm not saying he is, just that no one other contender would be far enough ahead to make it conclusive ;) )

considering you were second last to pick first I think you're in with a shout of having a great team.
aussie ben has surprised me with his intelligence in picking Imran.

great pick, I've waxed lyrical on him before, basically, with imran your team is guaranteed of being at least extremely good. you've also got a captain no one can really totally prove isn't the best ever (I'm not saying he is, just that no one other contender would be far enough ahead to make it conclusive ;) )

considering you were second last to pick first I think you're in with a shout of having a great team.

agree, Imran is a brilliant choice. Guy is a legend in just about every aspect of the game.
My turn: Sachin Tendulkar

Reason: Do I really need to explain this pick? He is the second greatest test batsman of all-time.
1. Sir Jack Hobbs
4. Sachin Tendulkar
I think he believes it and its his right nobody can tell him otherwise. Is Sachin the 2nd best test batsman of all time? maybe/maybe not. It can be argued to death, I myself don't think so but he is damn close that's for sure.

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