Story The Dr. Pepper Story-Oh Dear...***Ending the story***

Dr. Pepper

Chairman of Selectors
Feb 7, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
Chapter 1
The Beginning.​

Beep, beep. Urghhh! Stupid alarm clock. I turned towards it and it was 7am. 7am on a bloody Saturday. Dave changed the freaking alarm clock for a joke. Hilarious :rolleyes:. Some people are just...strange. Dave is one of them. If you ever met him you'd run away screaming in a maximum of 5 minutes. Yeah, he's that bad. Unfortunately I have to put up with him and Tom. Tom is just as bad, if not worse. He takes the other bus to main street if you know what I mean. Sometimes it gets seriously strange here and that's the cue for me to leave. We all have one common interest, Cricket. We are all serious Cricket-a-holics. If that's a word, it's not! Well it is now. What do you mean I can't change the English language. I can do whatever the hell I want. You shut up! I don't care if you quit. I can narrate the story myself. Anyway as I was saying we all love Cricket. All three of us play for the Yorkshire academy. I'm a bowler, leg spinner, and don't ask me to bat. I'm useless with the bat. Dave is the wickey. He holds the record for the number of stumpings in a season. As for Tom...he's just Tom. You ask him to bat and he bowls, you ask him to bowl and he bats.

I got up out of bed looking like a right muppet. Before I get ready I look very, very bad. And if I haven't had my beauty sleep, you don't want to know. Now back to the story. I got up and went into the bathroom. Tom and Dave were downstairs watching T.V., Sky Sports News. I had a shower, got changed and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen without either of them noticing I was there. Dave was too busy watching T.V. and Tom was too busy watching Dave. I got out a can of Dr. Pepper from the fridge and drank half the can down in one go. That's all we drink in this house, Dr. Pepper. "Oi! What the hell you doing?!" I shouted.
"Watching Tele, what does it look like."
"Yeah..watching tele." Tom tried to make it look like he was staring at the T.V. instead.
"We got Cricket training in 10 minutes."
"Oh s***."

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Good start Mani , waking up at 7 am on Sat and Sundays is really boring . :p . Nice start
Chapter 2
The Training Session

We took our bikes to the training ground. Once again the guys had another joke planned. They had poured honey all over the seat of my bike so when I sat get the picture. We were running seriously late and then we had to ride our bikes up a hill. I think I had an intense training session just going up that hill and when we finally got there we were exhausted. Dave went to the bush in the corner and what I gather from it, puked. Ewwww. "You're late boys."
"We got held up because of them two." I was annoyed that he glued the three of us together. "Well stop the lolly gagging and get padded up. Dave get behind the stumps. Tom take the Slazenger, you're batting. And you take the ball. Hurry up! We haven't got all day." That's John, he's our coach. He's about 40/50 years old but he doesn't seem like it. He's in great shape for that age to be honest. He's a nice guy who we all have a joke with.

I waited for Tom to strap his gloves on as tight as possible. 5 minutes later I was able to begin. I took a slow 6 step run up to the white line and bowled my normal leg spin delivery. It was pitched shorter than normal and I didn't get much spin on it. Tom smashed it for four. My 2nd delivery was much better, pitched fuller at middle stump. Tom completely missed it and Dave caught it easily. Not out but a good catch from Dave. On my 3rd delivery I decided to bowl an off spinner. I pitched it in the exact same place as the last. Tom expected it to go the normal way and he was clean bowled. I had a smug look on my face and Tom gave me a colourful talking to. "Haha!"
"Shut the f*** up!"
"Oi! Watch the language!" Tom got caught by John. John was only strict on swearing. He didn't mind it in the game though. He got caught up in the excitement on the pitch too but otherwise he didn't like it. Dave and I were just laughing as all Tom could do was give us dirty looks. We practiced for about 20 minutes like this. Then Tom handed me the bat to shut me up. He worked out his run up and then came charging up to the crease. I was getting seriously cocky and he couldn't take it. He bowled a storming delivery swinging away from me. It came about 85 odd miles per hour. I left it and Dave caught it, he tried to look cool about it but you could tell it hurt him. Dave took a deep breath and so did I. Tom came at me again with serious speed. This time it was pitched at leg stump. It was just a bit fuller than normal. I clipped it and the pace took it away for four. Tom was extremely annoyed. When he gets annoyed you don't want to face him. I was dreading the next ball. He came out once again but this time with much more aggression. It was pitched in the middle and it swung in. I took a step back and pulled it for another four. I became very smug "well done Tom." There was no response except a s****** from Dave. Tom ran up once more and this time he bowled a 90 mile per hour yorker. Owww! F*** that hurt! Hit me right on my toe. I was nearly crying and Tom was laughing his head off. The b******! "HOWZAT!?" Poetic justice I suppose but it hurt like hell.

That ended the days training. John called us all in and gave us the details of tomorrows game. "Alright everyone in, shush and listen. Tomorrow we have a home game against Notts. They're a good team but I think we can beat them. Remember to be here about 11am and don't forget your kit!" Us three went back home on our bikes but we stopped by at the corner shop for some sweets. I got an Aero and a 50p mix. Enough to fuel me for the rest of the day. When we got home Dave and Tom regained their places on the sofa while I turned on the P.C.. When it loaded I went on the internet. I spend the rest of Saturday like I usually do, browsing an internet forum talking to random geeks like Feelin Blue?
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Why on earth is s n i g g e r starred out?

Cheers Audrey and lol he has issues :p.
Brilliant Mani , lot of vulgar language used lol :p . Wow great mention of PC and FB? .

Great Done Mani . Looking for more

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