Story The Dream


Chairman of Selectors
Sep 8, 2006
Southend, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
"Don’t stop looking you’re one step closer."
"Don’t stop searching it’s not over..."

The radio seems to always play the appropriate songs, for any occasion. Good Charlotte's song, Hold On, played on in the background as I sat down at my kitchen table, in my 4 bedroom Cottage. I've lived here all my life, not going to university or college. Heck, I haven't even been on holiday. There have been few reasons why I have been restrained in what I do as my household believes dreams come true. You're probably still wondering why Hold On by Good Charlotte is an appropriate song for the mood and atmosphere at the present time. Well I have a choice to make, in which I can not find the answer. I've always been a clever human being, making the right decisions and doing well in all I've done. But this is different. Two paths. Anyway, more background information before we get to the present. Where shall we start? We might as well start when my I realized my dream. My new dream.

I was 15 years old. A good all round sports player, whilst being an intellectual child. I was even more luck as to have good looks. Yes, I had what most children dream of at that age. I was being considered for my County side in Football and in Cricket! Life was just bewildering at the time. That was until my 16th birthday. The time when many things become legal. I invited all my mates round for a house party, whilst my family went to stay around my Aunt Beatriss. I had responsibility for once in my life. My parents had always been so protected and hadn't really given me the chance to be independent. They had now and I was absolutely loving it.

We raved all night long, there must of been hundreds of people around. School friends, sports friends, the lot. The night was unforgettable. For all the right reasons. Until around 4:30am. There was about 3 hours left until the house party ended. A few people had already gone home by this time though so it was getting more spacious and more people were enjoying their selves. Then I went to the toilet.

Whilst standing there with my trousers around my ankles, and urinating into the toilet, my best friend walked in. He was swaying one way to the other, beer in hand. He looked totally out of he. Then again, so did I. I quickly brought up my trousers and flushed the toilet. By the time I turned around he was already laying in the shower.

"I love you... you... you erm. I love you... ah."
"I think you've had a few too many."
"I think... that you need to... whats to word?"
"Help you up?"
"No.... Oh I dunno, doesn't matter... I love you."

Yeah he was completely out of it. I just chuckled quietly to myself and walked back out of the bathroom and continued back into the main party area. 20 minutes later and I hadn't seen my friend Geoff, the friend who caught me... you know. Peeing. Anyway, I found this strange. He was always on the dance floor. Had he gone home? Nah surely not, he would of came and told me how lovely I was and how much he loved me before he did that.

I walked back to the bathroom, not worried or anything, well I was a little bit as I hadn't had a beer in about an hour! I was supposed to be the first person drunk and I wasn't even drunk after hours and hours of partying. I found myself at the door of the bathroom and knocked... No reply came from within. I opened up the door, to find the shower on and with Geoff still inside, getting soaked. I laugh as I walk in to get him out.

"Geoff you twa... Ahhh!"

I ran towards Geoff to try and turn the shower off and get him out before he ruined his clothes. I hadn't anticipated that the floor would be so wet and would be incredibly slippery. The shower must of been on for ages! Regardless I had ran... and slipped. I fell down in almost slow motion and hit the ground hard. My body all bundled up. A certain cracking sound was met by the sound of Geoff being sick. Must of woken him up.

A whole 14 hours later and I woke up to find myself laying in a hospital bed. I had broken both my legs, one of my arms and 6 fingers. They said I was very lucky not to bang my head on the sink on the way down to the floor. My first thoughts was of my sporting future. I need to be able to train most nights for the next few years, and then even more so when I get into one of the sports I love.

"When can I play sport again?"
"That's the thing Mr.Edmonds.... You can't."

I broke down into a river of tears. Nothing no-one could say could console me and nothing could make me feel better - or worse. My life, my dreams and my ambitions had all been wiped out. One night of celebration of the start of my life. It might as well of been the end. Everything I wanted to do was to play sport. I needed to find a new hobby.

The next few years consisted of recovery and no sport being played. I had however taken up a new interest; cricket coaching. I had researched all about coaching. I knew most things about it. I vowed to myself to, as soon as I could, get all my coaching badges and become a cricket coach. Not just any coach. One of the best coaches in the world. If your going to dream then why not dream big?

Well this soon came true. The badges part, no the best coaches in the world part. Pfft, who do you think I am? Anyway I got all my badges, as I said I would. The strange thing? I got them in record time. I got all the badges, every single one, faster than anyone had ever done before. I was being proclaimed as the future of Coaching. Which brings us back to the present day.

So here I am. 21 years old. Life ahead of me. A choice I have to make sure is the right one. Do I go with this club or that club? I don't know. Both clubs want me, but I think one club needs me. Yes. Maybe they need me. But do I need them?
Lol at Geoff, he reminds me of you :p. Gutted at your dream being shattered, but you got a new one. I wonder how your coaching will go :p.
"Listen to your heart."
"There’s nothing else you can do..."

So you know the background about me. How I'm the best young coach around at the moment and down in the record books. So of course, I've applied for some of the Managerial and Coaching jobs at a few clubs. Lancashire, Surrey and Derbyshire. Lancashire quickly turned me down as they had already got someone in line, someone bigger than me with a momentous reputation. Fair enough.

With Surrey and Derbyshire though, I got past the interviews and I got selected into the last 5 they would consider for the job. They then narrowed it down to three and offered them all the job, seeing who would accept. What neither club knew, was that I was pursuing two clubs. Surrey's final 3 coaches that they had worked down to was myself, Graham Thorpe and Bob Woolmer. They certainly got lucky with their applicants. Derbyshire's final three was very close in terms of what they would offer the team but I think that I'm needed there. There was obviously myself, Graeme Welch as a player/coach and a third who was in the Board or Commitee. Someone who's name I didn't recognize anyway.

So yeah, my choices, either Surrey or Derbyshire. Success and celebrations I believe I could achieve straight away with Surrey. Whilst with Derbyshire I would have to work for it. This is where it should be easy. But it isn't. I want a challenge and I think Derbyshire would be perfect for me. Oh what the hell, I'm going with them. I ran to the phone with the Surrey contract in my hand. I dialed the number at the bottom of the phone and waited for a voice to appear at the other end.

"Hello, please may I ask who's speaking?"
"James Edmonds. I'm here to talk about the Coaching vacancy and my job offer."
"Yes about that, Mr.Edmonds..."
"Well I don't want it. I've accepted an offer elsewhere and I would like for you to tell the Board."
"Have you not seen the news, Mr.Edmonds?"
"No. Why?"
"Bob Woolmer has been appointed already as the new coach for Surrey."
"Oh. Well ok then, well just thought I'd phone. Ta-ra."

Wow. I Didn't expect that. Anyway, that doesn't matter. None of this does. Apart from that I am going to become the new Derbyshire coach. That is if they have already appointed a coach like Surrey have done... Better check the news. I opened up my laptop and checked out the Cricinfo web-site. There was news of Bob Woolmer being appointed as the Surrey coach, but no news about the managerial position at Derbyshire. Here goes...

"Hello, this is James Edmonds."
"Good morning, Mr.Edmonds."
"Good morning. I'm here to say that I would love the job at Derbyshire, and accept the contract."
"That's fantastic news. Only the Board Member has come back saying he doesn't want to do it and Welch is still a player."
"Great. When shall I start?"
"Wednesday. 10am, come down and meet the lads."

So there it was. The start of my first Coaching spell, in charge of the all mighty Derbyshire. I had my work cut out but I am the best person for the job. We're supposedly the worst team in England at the moment but after having me as their coach for a while I'm sure we can do quite well. Not instant success, but I'm expecting hard work. From myself and the players. The secretary is fit as well so all's good.
Great start so far. Derbyshire is a good county team with some really good players. Hope you do well as coach there.

It fun reading your stories. They are just great and its like almost a book if you compile all the posts.
Derby are crap Shan! :p

Expecting you to only beat Glamorgan this season James. Good luck with it though.
I went down to the ground the following day. Today was March 31st 2006. Tomorow would be when peoples contracts would run out and we would pick up one or two youth. I was hoping to pick up say one youth tomorow as I want to put some money into our youth academy so we can improve and bring the quality of Derbyshire through into the team. Haha. That made me laugh. Let me re-phrase that. I'm putting money into our youth academy so we can improve and bring the quality of players outside of Debryshire into the time. There. Much better.

Anyway, back to today. I was incredibly nervous. I would have to buy a house near the ground as well as I still live down near London. I'd love to still live in a Cottage though. At least I'll be moving away from my parents. God, you can't get any piece and quiet. So I just used to bolt the door to make sure they didn't get in. I left the cottage at around 7:35am, hoping to get there with some time left. I planned the journey earlier and I estimated it would take around 3 hours.

Lucky I left early to be honest as it took 3 hours and 20 minutes. I ran into the County ground and anticipated that the players would still be getting changed in the Changing Rooms, so I ran to where they would be. The pavilion. I ran through the 9,500 seater stadium towards the pavilion. As I expected the changing rooms were there. I went into the home changing rooms and to my surprise found nothing but a note on a table in the middle of the room.

"Hope you like the view over the balcony."

Strange. Why did someone leave that on the table? I pondered the thought for a few seconds before heading out through the door and back out towards the balcony. It overlooked the pitch, and I saw the players straight away. As soon as they knew I saw they shouted "Alright, boss!" and all members of the team did a Mooney. In perfect sync. Let's just hope the first thing I need to pick up at this club are the player's trousers...

I made my way out to the pitch, where thankfully all the players had their trousers back on. They were in line and I could see one standing out of line. Graeme Welch. When I took the job I made sure that Graeme Welch was captain and it was nice to see that this appeared to be the case. I walked up to Graeme.

"Nice work with the bare asses, chaps."
"Yeah, we tried to figure what you would like."
"But you did it for personal preference in the end?"

Ha, this is going to be a fun job if the banter's always like this. Trying to out do each other all the time. A major point in a successful team is to make sure you have a good spirit and atmosphere and it seems I'm lucky enough to have got a great bunch of lads. He took me across the line and introduced me to all the players. We weren't a rich club so there was only about 19 players there and some might not be here tomorow unfortunately.

Anyways I got to know all the lads and we had a few coaching parts to the day but we ended early. The players seemed chuffed to bits about going early so all is good. Some players in the team will have to perform for us this year though for us to play well. The vital batsmen for example are the likes of Di Venuto and Adnan. Whilst in bowling we had Lungley and Dean.

Overall, after a year or two in charge of this team and a few players in I think we can do well. The fans seem to be great from all the games I've seen on Sky Sports and all the lads say that they are fantastic to them. A lovely community it seems I have to manage, rather than a team I have to manage which is very strange. It's better that way admittedly.

I drove back home, another 3 hour+ journey, but with my first day behind me. Everyone was looking forward to me moving towards the ground and being able to take most training sessions along with the Coaching Staff. I was looking forward to it. I had already had the team moonying at me and a few arrogant sods trying to prove their wit, and failing, so it felt like I just fitted right in. A long time since I've had this feeling I must admit.

Let's hope it doesn't vanish.
You enjoyed that first sight didn't you Jaz? Come on be honest. :p

Brilliant stuff Jaz, lets just hope the quality of writing covers up the fact that Derbyshire of crap ;)
"Easy come easy go-,will you let me go-
Bismillah! no-,we will not let you go-let him go-"

Contract day. Time to decide if anyone will be leaving this year. To be fair, I haven't seen enough of anyone and I don't want many people to leave, nor can I afford to cut our squad any more. All the players have been enthusiastic and none seemed to have any intent on going. I saw that most of the contracts had already been finalized and that most of the players would be staying on this year. Borrington, France, Taylor, Wagg and White were the only players to be left to my decision.

Before I made my decision though, one of the players came to see me. Well actually two came to see me. Paul Borrington, a 17 year old batsman, and Wayne White, a 20 year old bowler. Paul came to see me first in my office and seemed a little worried about his contract. He'd been at the club for a few years now.

"I've come to discuss my contract. I want to re-sign it for another year."
"There's been a rumour going around that you don't want to play for Derbyshire anymore."
"No, now you've come I want to stay. I want to learn from you."

And with that, he was re-signed. Anyone that is desperate enough to throw me a compliment deserves the chance. He has shown some promise in recent time apparently and should feature somewhat in the next few years if given the chance. The second person to come to my office was Wayne White. He had quite the opposite attitude to the club and myself to Paul, but made his intentions very clear.

"I want out."
"Good morning, Wayne."
"I want to move out of this club. This is the worst club in..."
"Correction. Before I came to this club, it was the worse. You may resume."
"And we're not really going in any direction..."
"Correction. We are going to be skyrocketing in the league and will be improving our quality very shortly."
"I don't care, I don't want to play for Derbyshire no more."
"How about you give it another year and see how you feel? You may learn a few things from some of the older players and myself."

With that, he was gone. Stormed out of the room. He didn't say no though so I just took it for a yes and signed him for another year. Oh well, he'll live with it eventually. I signed up all the other players as well which meant no-one was leaving. That should even boost the team spirit! 19 players isn't a bad squad at all and we have some promise. One player was still to be signed though and it was to be a youth.

I was presented with a spreadsheet and a few videos displaying a few youth players in action and was told to select one to move into my Senior team. I overlooked the spreadsheet and the videos and one player stood out. Not because he was good but because all the others were rubbish! He could get some turn on the ball, a leg spinner, whilst all the others had trouble with their line and length. Meh he'll do. Timothey Rowntree, is his name, although 21 isn't really a youth's age.

With an optimistic bunch, awaiting the season anxiously, it seems that our chances of a top half finish in most competitions is as good as it ever is. No doubt we will have a better team next year, as long as we can get the money, and should be able to get promoted to Division One in the County Championship in the next few years. That's my favourite competition and I want in! Well here's the team for this year at least:

Paul Borrington
Michael Di Venuto(Aus)
Benjamin France
Hasan Adnan
Stephen Stubbings
Christopher Taylor
Travis Birt(Aus)
Jamie Pipe
Andrew Gray
Mohamed Sheikh
Graeme Welch
Anthony Botha
Kevin Dean
Ian Hunter
Steffan Jones
Tom Lungley
Jake Needham
Graham Wagg
Wayne White
Timothey Rowntree.

The beginning is in sight, the beginning of the season and the beginning of a new era in Derbyshire. The fans will have something to cheer about and the players will soon be well known. I have my work cut out, but I'm an optimist. We can do it.
You were such a d*** to Wayne lol. Correction, you suck :p! Pretty below par squad TBH. Your overseas players are not the best and need to be improved.
Some great reads mate. Keep it up.

You were such a d*** to Wayne lol. Correction, you suck :p! Pretty below par squad TBH. Your overseas players are not the best and need to be improved.

Their Great players for Tassie. Diva's played for Aussie before and Birt will play for them soon enough.

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