The End Of Australian Dominance?

Is it offically over now? As of 30th December 2008?

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You just have to watch our domestic leagues to see we aren't going to run out of talent for quite some time.

end of/
I don't know. Australia can't seem to find a class spinner, probably needed in a test side. If people like Johnson are making it into the team, I don't know. From the little i've seen of Noffke he hasn't impressed. Clark is awesome but he's old, Lee is aging as well. Tait is awesome.
I don't know. Australia can't seem to find a class spinner, probably needed in a test side. If people like Johnson are making it into the team, I don't know. From the little i've seen of Noffke he hasn't impressed. Clark is awesome but he's old, Lee is aging as well. Tait is awesome.

Ah, so my dislike of Johnson is shared:) Its alrite, when Hilfy fully recovers from his back injury, he'll find form again and replace this joker :cool:

I wouldn't say that Australian dominance will 'end' as such, we just wont be AS convincing as we have been. In my opinion we could easily field at least 2 teams that could compete on an international stage. And I agree that our only weakness is a quality spinner :(
I'm starting to believe the days of australia ruling cricket are now gone.

a bowling attack of Johnson,Clark,Lee and Tait isn't gonna scare anyone(and the back-up bowlers are nothing special)

The ashes next year will be close,not because england are any good,just that australia are not what they used to be.

as george harrison once said" all things must pass"
Lee is quality, but he doesn't have THAT much time left. All these years of bowling over 150 kmph must take a toll on the body.
Tait has potential to be the next lee. He's quicker then him, but take 10 kmph away from him and give him some accuracy, and he'll be a gun.

Australia is all right at the moment, but seeing as the average age for most Aussie debutants is around 30, i'm not sure how long their savings can last.
The way the aussies are playing in the IPL. they should continue their dominance. Roy is playing well, along with lee.
Aussies will dominate as long as there water in oceans. Please close the thread.
No offence but everyone is speaking as if only the Aussies are aging and the rest are growing younger.Every country must spot young talent and groom them for atleast 3-4 years if they are promising to be exceptional.If one country has one 20 year old exceptional talent the aussies have 2-3 30 year old established players waiting to fill the boots of the retiring players.They may not be the best(sometimes) but they at least have a chance of being consistent with all the experience they gather over the years.

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