The PlanetCricket Don Bradman 17 'Which teams to download' thread

I am not sure what their skill levels are at. @flake any ideas? I will look into it and re share if there is an issue
Well he obviously has his gameplay sliders up too high. I am quite thorough in every single one of the attributes fields I entered. (OCD with that abit). Chatara is a 135-145 km/h bowler. Panyangara is a 125-135 bowler. But your settings will be the problem I reckon.
Ok guys.....

So I haven't been able to shake this duplicated players business, so today I cleared all of my saved data and started fresh. Over the last few hours I've run a bunch of different new Career modes (probably about 30) and each time I've tried a different combination of downloaded teams from the list on page 1 (just the internationals, with one exception). I'm not quite done experimenting, but based on what I'm trying to do, I'm only avoiding multiples when I download Fissionmailed's teams.

Literally every other user I try gives me multiples when the player in question (like a Mitch Starc, James Anderson, or in India's case three of their guys) gets downloaded from an additional team from that user. On the on-disc team before I started downloading, I had one M. Samson (the Starc clone). Once I downloaded Australia, the next Career I started had two Starcs, and once I downloaded NSW and started another career, that one had three. Same thing with Zim, England, India, etc., but NOT NZ and SA. And when I downloaded Fission's AUS domestic teams, those aren't creating multiples either.

Also of note: I went backwards once and DLed Munkeymomo's county teams, and that worked out okay (although hilariously Monty Panesar got selected for England, so you know first up it's looking for county players for selection), but then when I downloaded England, boom - two Jimmy Andersons.

I have no idea why this is happening, but my process left me with these results. Fission, what's your secret?
Well he obviously has his gameplay sliders up too high. I am quite thorough in every single one of the attributes fields I entered. (OCD with that abit). Chatara is a 135-145 km/h bowler. Panyangara is a 125-135 bowler. But your settings will be the problem I reckon.

So I should stick to the default sliders (min pace speed/max space speed etc) correct?
So I don't create new players and then link afterwards, I just find the on disc player, and go straight into editing, so the linking is already done.

......I just tried this with West Indies doing names only, and it worked fine. Then the moment I tried to pull in their domestic teams from another user, I've got duplicates again.

I think we're going to have this issue unless everybody starts doing it the way you do it.
@USACricNerd as far as I'm aware I do the same method as Fissionmailed for the SA domestic teams.
So it would seem there is a linking issue BA has to fix?

With the amount of different teams out there, people now using the get best which I'm not even sure any of the teams I have been a part of are even in the get best selection, I just have no idea if the people having problems are using the right teams.

I'm going to wait for a few gameplay patches before I go all in on downloading all the correct teams and then starting my major career modes, so I think @USACricNerd is the most educated on this matter.
With the amount of different teams out there, people now using the get best which I'm not even sure any of the teams I have been a part of are even in the get best selection, I just have no idea if the people having problems are using the right teams.

I'm going to wait for a few gameplay patches before I go all in on downloading all the correct teams and then starting my major career modes, so I think @USACricNerd is the most educated on this matter.
I've used all of the teams used by you and Snowy/Llewelyn and the problem is there also.
I also looked into this issue a lot and I sent my results through to MattW who said BigAnt will look into a fix soon but here's what I found/sent to him (It's long but detailed):

Hey Matt,
As you know myself and many others have a problem where there are duplicates of players in our careers when there aren't any duplicates in our academy. I have find out why there are duplicates but I don't know how to fix it. This is the stuff I found out:

^^^^This is Mitchell Starc's on disk linked player, Martin Samson (Note there is only one). The academy in this is completely reset and no teams/players/etc have been downloaded. He is attached to NSW, Sixers (Maximum), Australia, and Crowns. I am looking at Samson from the "Copy player appearance from career" option when you start a career mode which allows you to view every player that will be in the career mode(I know that you more then likely already know that feature but it's easier for me if I just explain everything so I don't miss anything), which is this image below.

What I did next is replace a few teams in the academy (Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and NSW) all of which were correctly linked. I double checked too make sure there were no duplicates in the academy and then started a new career. I checked in the same section as last time for which players were in the career and when I searched for starc in this section this is what it showed.

As you can see, there are now three different starcs all unlinked, all attached to a different team. Obviously it should be one starc who is attached to all teams and is linked. What I think has happened is that when the players in the teams are downloaded, even if I press "Replace current with new" (Which I did for Australia after I had already downloaded NSW) the player won't actually be replaced, instead the new version will be seen by the academy as a separate player. It's also important to note that the Mitchell Starc who in the photo above says he is playing for "Maximum" and "Crwons". These are the two teams that starc is attached to that I did not download. Which kind of proves my theory on why he is being duplicated. Keep in mind this is all looking at starc through the career mode search not the academy search. In the academy there is one mitch starc who is linked and attached to all the necessary clubs.

Another thing to note is that on the academy, starc is rated 88 yet on career it says he is 89, which is another error caused by the connection between the academy and career.

I tried to remove starc from all his attached teams and then add him back in the academy hoping it would kind of reset him in career. Instead in the career search, it just made 4 copies of him all attached to a single one of his teams except this time they were all linked. Shown in the photo below.

Another thing that proves this (which I don't have photos of sadly) is that Hashim Amla who is only attached to one club (South Africa and their ATB but of course ATB is not in career) shows up in the career search as a linked player attached to South Africa.

Basically the issue is when the academy is telling you that your downloaded player is linked and attached to all his teams, but when you start your career, there is actually multiple versions of that player all attached to ONE team. This would obviously lead to having duplicates of high rated players such as mitch starc in the aussie team as not only is he already in the BBl(Sixers) and australian domestic comps (NSW) which makes the career mode think that they are 3 completely different players, hence selects all of them due to they're high ratings and people who play career end up having three mitch starcs or whoever else. It also works with Steve smith except most people have two of him as he belongs to NSW and Australia, but not a BBl club.

Hope this info is helpful and makes sense (I know it's long but I wanted to be thorough) and that this can be fixed soon.

Are there any teams which still haven't had teams uploaded with real player names? Happy to help in that small way if there's anything left to be done.
I also looked into this issue a lot and I sent my results through to MattW who said BigAnt will look into a fix soon but here's what I found/sent to him (It's long but detailed):

Hey Matt,
As you know myself and many others have a problem where there are duplicates of players in our careers when there aren't any duplicates in our academy. I have find out why there are duplicates but I don't know how to fix it. This is the stuff I found out:

^^^^This is Mitchell Starc's on disk linked player, Martin Samson (Note there is only one). The academy in this is completely reset and no teams/players/etc have been downloaded. He is attached to NSW, Sixers (Maximum), Australia, and Crowns. I am looking at Samson from the "Copy player appearance from career" option when you start a career mode which allows you to view every player that will be in the career mode(I know that you more then likely already know that feature but it's easier for me if I just explain everything so I don't miss anything), which is this image below.

What I did next is replace a few teams in the academy (Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and NSW) all of which were correctly linked. I double checked too make sure there were no duplicates in the academy and then started a new career. I checked in the same section as last time for which players were in the career and when I searched for starc in this section this is what it showed.

As you can see, there are now three different starcs all unlinked, all attached to a different team. Obviously it should be one starc who is attached to all teams and is linked. What I think has happened is that when the players in the teams are downloaded, even if I press "Replace current with new" (Which I did for Australia after I had already downloaded NSW) the player won't actually be replaced, instead the new version will be seen by the academy as a separate player. It's also important to note that the Mitchell Starc who in the photo above says he is playing for "Maximum" and "Crwons". These are the two teams that starc is attached to that I did not download. Which kind of proves my theory on why he is being duplicated. Keep in mind this is all looking at starc through the career mode search not the academy search. In the academy there is one mitch starc who is linked and attached to all the necessary clubs.

Another thing to note is that on the academy, starc is rated 88 yet on career it says he is 89, which is another error caused by the connection between the academy and career.

I tried to remove starc from all his attached teams and then add him back in the academy hoping it would kind of reset him in career. Instead in the career search, it just made 4 copies of him all attached to a single one of his teams except this time they were all linked. Shown in the photo below.

Another thing that proves this (which I don't have photos of sadly) is that Hashim Amla who is only attached to one club (South Africa and their ATB but of course ATB is not in career) shows up in the career search as a linked player attached to South Africa.

Basically the issue is when the academy is telling you that your downloaded player is linked and attached to all his teams, but when you start your career, there is actually multiple versions of that player all attached to ONE team. This would obviously lead to having duplicates of high rated players such as mitch starc in the aussie team as not only is he already in the BBl(Sixers) and australian domestic comps (NSW) which makes the career mode think that they are 3 completely different players, hence selects all of them due to they're high ratings and people who play career end up having three mitch starcs or whoever else. It also works with Steve smith except most people have two of him as he belongs to NSW and Australia, but not a BBl club.

Hope this info is helpful and makes sense (I know it's long but I wanted to be thorough) and that this can be fixed soon.

Wow, this is so good. Good stuff mate!
@USACricNerd as far as I'm aware I do the same method as Fissionmailed for the SA domestic teams.

I just ran the same tests on your SA teams and your domestic teams do not create any duplicates with Fission's SA roster. They should, in theory, because Rabada is good enough to be selected twice over someone like Kyle Abbott if a duplicate were being created.

Do you not use this method for the international teams? My West Indies teams didn't work because I was pulling completed players off of someone else's WI domestic teams.

In order for this to work I really do think we're going to have to start over with most of these rosters, until and unless Big Ant comes up with a solution. I volunteer as tribute to set up any and all of the rosters necessary as far as identities and lineups (although the lineups go away once you start career mode because the AI chooses the team) but I am no good at faces and kits. I'll do it for internationals and domestic as necessary, but then someone is going to have to take those and edit the players directly from that roster.

Great detective work by @knockedin, by the way!!

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