The "Players Who Wish They Were Born In Another Era/Country" Thread

Nah, i'm sure he'd have had a gay old time of it!

I have to ask though Kev, what were you searching for when Leslie came up?!

Matt Roberts - Sadly this country has already filled the All rounders role, or this fiesty young pace bowler who hits it a mile would be a shoe-in.

Damn straight. You've heard of him too I see. He's quite clearly the best 16 year cricketer in all of St.Helens.
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Searching? What do you mean? I remember going to watch him play ;)

I was actually searching for gag surnames, I'm quite surprised I couldn't find any more, I was rather hoping for a page full
It's just sad that the politics surrounding his career will never allow him to be in the England team. I mean it would be impossible for us to take as a country, women everywhere would be weak at the knees at the mention of him.
Hick, Ramps, Keedy, Loye...there are plenty of class county players who Fletch cast a blind eye to.

Fletcher hardly cast a blind eye to Ramprakash and Hick did he? He played Ramprakash a fair few times but he failed once more, can't blame him for not really playing players who had already failed and been scarred in test cricket already.
That South African bowler was Van something. White, got called up once but didn't play a match, Old player, great bowler. Incredible average, in the teens.
Vince van der Bijl - awesome player by all accounts. Almost 750 wickets at 16.5 in the first class games. I'm sure that given the chance he would made an impact in tests. Think it helped that he was almost 6'8''!

Would add that he partnered Wayne Daniel who was another great fast bowler to miss out due to the strength of the West Indies team at the time.
Well I hate to drag this back to Australia but Kasprowicz got heaps of chances and couldn't do anything with any of them. He is a B-Grade bowler all the way. Had he been born in another era (say Lillee, Thomson) he wouldn't have gotten picked at all methinks.
Kapil Dev would have been God if he was playing now. His bowling suffered a lot because of the Indian pitches and the lack of support from the other end. He would easily average around 23-24 with the ball and 40 with the bat on the flat pitches nowadays.

Kumble would have been superb on the uncovered pitches of yesteryear.
I reckon Jack Russell would have played more tests if he were ten years younger. Not only is there no Alec Stewart-type figure who can keep competantly & average nigh-on 40 to contend with, we also have (when he's fit at least) a genuine all-rounder to give our side better balance, so there wouldn't have been such an onus on him to contribute with the bat.

It must be said though that his overall test average of nearly 28 is actually higher than Geraint Jones's, who was initially selected for his batting.
Talking of keepers and one who springs to mind is Tatenda Taibu.

I think he's a good keeper and given the right set-up certainly has the skill to average in the mid 30's test wise. I'm sure a fair few countries would be happy to have someone like him to call on.

Also, he strikes me as a battler. which something you can't coach and is therefore a great asset to have.
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I was about to say that A_A. Taibu is a waste of talent, due to the country he was born in.

He is the answer to England's powerplay problem and yet they pick people like Cook over him!

I admit they are trying to convert Cook's immense potential but why have Prior in there then?

They should play Mustard instead, he could be the answer to their powerplay problem as well. He's good with the gloves as well.
I wish ... Wasim Akram/Imran Khan/Mushy/ were born in 1980's so i would have seen more of their cricket... :(
This seems a bit pointless to me. Anybody on the verge of the top 5 teams in the world would count really or even worse, as even Ottis Gibson would still be playing test cricket if he was from Bangladesh or somewhere.
I wish WG Grace was born in the 70s or 80s so i could see how he would fare on todays pitches and against todays bowlers.

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