Hi chief
Just wanted to put this wish in the right place as i have talked about a history of the ashes
mode before, if you don't have time this time then that's ok because there is always the next game.
A lot of people on pc want a career mode but we already know that not going to happen this time.

So i was thinking, how about a full history ashes mode.
The years we could talk about with you if this idea becomes real but for now he is some ideas.
Fully licensed teams,clothes,bats for the year, plus also grounds models for the year.
Also the rules would be different say you could play the don team of the 1930s.
Black and white mode for a real feel, lots to unlock like highlights of the real ashes
plus make the teams unlocked after you win the ashes of that year in normal
mode. Then we could play steve waughs best team vs say don bradmans best.
Hope to get a replay as i feel this would make up for no career mode.