There is something missing from ic 2010.

Wasnt this action cam available in brian lara 99 on the playstation?Im sure it was,so all this fuss codies made about this action cam before it was released is just a sham,i remember playing with the action cam 11 years ago.:yes

It was available on EA Cricket 2007 and must say it wasn't too different either. One main difference is that you can view gaps in the field and run between the wickets using ACtion Cam perspective in IC10 whereas you could only bat using the perspective in EA 2007.
I cant even contemplate the idea that 09 was better than this. The 20/20 and ODI in this game are great fun and can be so realistic.

Most of your reasons link to online and what format it is on, surely you would say offline is beter!!?
The only relevant reason you've given is that slogging is too easy and I totally agree. Doesn't make it a worse game though.

I cant even contemplate the idea that 09 was better than this. The 20/20 and ODI in this game are great fun and can be so realistic.

Most of your reasons link to online and what format it is on, surely you would say offline is beter!!?

One reason about the format,the online experience is a major part in any game so i think they are valid,however the animations are very poor so this relates to both offline and online.
The offline mode may be better but it looses appeal after a while. Does this game support Lan play?

I have not played AC 09 much and therefore this game will still hold that charm for me. Just that online mode issues are keeping me away. Maybe someone wants to sell the copy at half price. :p

Ok the online play is broken,but there is something else i cannot quite put my finger on.
In ashes 09 it felt like you were really playing the game,ic 2010 just doesnt have the same feel for some reason.
I dont know whether it is the glitchy animations when the batsman plays a shot or something else ive missed.
Its a pity because with the action cam this should be even a more realistic game.
On another note,i dont even bother playing the game now and i only purchased it 2 weeks ago,i guess i am so dissapointed with codies and trickstar releasing such a broken game,this may change if they fix the game with a patch,but sadly i dont think they know how to fix the game themselves.
This game should have been tested by trickstar and codies thoroughly instead of being rushed out to shops.
Sadly i think this will be the last game i buy from codemasters.:facepalm

Barmy where in this post did i say it was an worse game?I said there was something missing and i couldnt put my finger on it.
One reason about the format,the online experience is a major part in any game so i think they are valid,however the animations are very poor so this relates to both offline and online.

Granted, but im happy with dodgy animations and a last ball thriller in a match rather than great animations and rubbish gameplay!

Do understand your thoughts, I only really play shooters online plus i would never play a test online so cant really comment.
I don't think the animations are better or worse than ashes, some are better and some are worse. Its a fun game and im loving it but to be honest the animations are sh-t. Trickstar need to work most of them from the start again. But in the end ic 2010 is a reworked ashes with some extra stuff, that is true. The too games are so much alike. Like i said before i don't want a ic2011 next year or a world cup game. Because that does not give trickstar or codemasters time to make the cricket game we all want and need. Also like a said before i think trickstar have guts and some good skills but need codemasters to give them a engine that is good. The ic2010 engine is 5 years or more old and need retiring. Last think, its not like i hate the game. Its fun and the gameplay is good for a cricket game i just think its time to start with a new engine. But keep all the stuff from this game and add new stuff.:D
jara you are right. You are missing playing against me and other AC2009 players.:facepalm
For me IC10 is far superior to AC09 in virtually all aspects, agree that slogging is easier but doesn't break the game for me. It is shame for PC players that IC10 wasn't released on that format.

The most important thing is that now the developers have a solid base to build upon should Codies decide to make another cricket game.
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For me IC10 is far superior to AC09 in virtually aspects, agree that slogging is easier but doesn't break the game for me. It is shame for PC players that IC10 wasn't released on that format.

The most important thing is that now the developers have a solid base to build upon should Codies decide to make another cricket game.

Hopefully they will. What I do notice about this game is that it does tend to feel predictable. I love the unpredictability of the ball. It would be now fantastic if they could get some unpredictability in the fielding side of things. It seems very scripted as to what each fielder does. I know it is a matter of having animations to fit the situation but I think they need to re-work the fielding side of things so that you have a sense of each ball situation being unique rather than number x in a certain set of possibilities.
I played AC09 for about a fortnight if memory serves. I found it to be just a reskinned BLIC07, BLIC05 etc. Four weeks with IC10 and I'm still loving it. It has it's faults but the overall package isn't bad imho. It's true that the Online aspect is poorly implemented, a major problem in this day and age but the Offline game is a vast improvement over what's came before. Animations etc don't break the game for me, they niggle a tad but i'm prepared to let them go as they're not that crucial to my mind.

I don't bother with Online at the moment as I'm hoping it'll be fixed soon. I miss my late night games playing mates around the world and I don't want to start a game to never finish. On the plus side I'm getting lots of practice in against the AI so hopefully when the fix comes I can give more of a game against the ninjas we have on here.
I played AC09 for about a fortnight if memory serves. I found it to be just a reskinned BLIC07, BLIC05 etc. Four weeks with IC10 and I'm still loving it. It has it's faults but the overall package isn't bad imho. It's true that the Online aspect is poorly implemented, a major problem in this day and age but the Offline game is a vast improvement over what's came before. Animations etc don't break the game for me, they niggle a tad but i'm prepared to let them go as they're not that crucial to my mind.

I don't bother with Online at the moment as I'm hoping it'll be fixed soon. I miss my late night games playing mates around the world and I don't want to start a game to never finish. On the plus side I'm getting lots of practice in against the AI so hopefully when the fix comes I can give more of a game against the ninjas we have on here.

Don't you find though that the ball travels to set destinations rather than being truly free? And you always know when it is going to be one, two or three runs. I hope they can give the ball in the field the same type of freedom it has on the pitch so that things are more unique each time you play a shot.
True enough but I can live with that. The good stuff outweigh the bad for me at the moment.

eg My son is old enough to play co-op with me now so that's something I've been playing a fair bit of, I know it's been around for years but i've never used it until now.

I guess I'm just easily pleased.
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ic2010 - Action Cam on Hard And No Hud.
that is propper cricket.

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