This is Why AFL is Great.

Well that is not fair Dan. :p

I am not calming that AFL is the best sports in the world but I would love to watch it over Football any day.
If it is all about Bulldogs then Bulldogs > Man U > Your favorite football team. :p
Football fans don't have to start threads desperately trying to convince others their sport is the best in the world.
reason AFL wont go worldwide is it takes too much skill to play they have to use their hands and their feet :eek:

Any kid can kick a soccer ball not long after they learn to walk AFL isnt so easy to pickup.
So they stick with there easy to pickup an learn soccer.

All the time knowing it would be so much more fun if they could use their hands in a game an maybe tackle etc instead of running around with arms tied behind there backs for 90 minutes just standin there kicking a round ball back an forwards an hadly ever scoring a goal.

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If that's true, then cricket wouldn't be popular. You have to bat, bowl and field which requires alot of concentration, hand-eye co-ordination and skill. Having to use your hands and feet isn't a reason for a sport to not be popular around the world. As I said in my last post, if it really was a brilliant sport, it'd be popular around the world, yet it's only played in Australia, it can't be that great.
If that's true, then cricket wouldn't be popular. You have to bat, bowl and field which requires alot of concentration, hand-eye co-ordination and skill. Having to use your hands and feet isn't a reason for a sport to not be popular around the world. As I said in my last post, if it really was a brilliant sport, it'd be popular around the world, yet it's only played in Australia, it can't be that great.

What a crap argument. Soccer is the basics of all basics sports, anyone and anything can understand it and the basics of the game have probaly been around since monkeys kicking around a rock.

AFL is an Australian sport in a low population society. Its a complex game therefore not easy to understand, hence why its not a global sport. And to say other countries apart from Australia dont play AFL is also an un-educated 'guess, heaps do, and most have leagues (hence the AFL international cup starting soon). Except they are no where near the standard to compete against an "Australian side".
Complicated game, there's no more complicated game than Cricket, and that's played at a very high standard throughout the world. Australian's aren't far more intelligent than the rest of the world, and I'm sure if the sport was that brilliant it would have been brought over by many of the Aussies living across here.
Complicated game, there's no more complicated game than Cricket, and that's played at a very high standard throughout the world. Australian's aren't far more intelligent than the rest of the world, and I'm sure if the sport was that brilliant it would have been brought over by many of the Aussies living across here.

The rules are more complicated than cricket. But you cant compare really, apples and oranges. And what, bring Aussie rules over to England and hope it competes with soccer? ha! There is an England team btw.
Football can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be. That's a good thing about Football, you just need 2 people and something that you can kick. Or you can have a proper 11 a side tactical game.
AFL is an Australian sport in a low population society. Its a complex game therefore not easy to understand, hence why its not a global sport.

Oh, c'mon. It's really not that difficult to understand.
I like AFL for the way it combines the best disciplines of several sports but until the players stop wearing those sleeveless guernseys it's going to look more like a gaypride event than a global sport ;)
Oh, c'mon. It's really not that difficult to understand.
I like AFL for the way it combines the best disciplines of several sports but until the players stop wearing those sleeveless guernseys it's going to look more like a gaypride event than a global sport ;)

haha, i dont know why we still have sleeveless guernsys! Tradition i suppose? I think its because the jumpers are tight enough so tackling is much harder for the opposition. And if it was made into a sleeve, reaching up for the ball would be restrictive. A few players wear long sleeved though...
I'm not a fan of either (in fact I hate both) but I think American Football is a tougher sport then AFL.
Everyone is going to stick to their own sports here, regardless of what we all say. It's like me flying over to France and trying to get them all to speak English because we have better words, they won't believe me and will stick to French. (Rightly so too, they have excellent words. Pamplemousse, need I say more)

AFL is my favourite sport. I'm liking cricket less and less as the years go on, probably largely due to the lack of a contest in cricket. Australia seems to get about three genuinely contested edge-of-your-seat matches a year, while in AFL you rarely get a week without any.

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