FTP: Transfers

My Keeper is much better than that guy :p
Listed for 20k.

Hedger's Team >> Ernest Kentwell >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 35,801 rating | $6,525 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium

Talents Sturdy
Nationality Australia
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler expert
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder reasonable
Batting poor Endurance reasonable
Bowling outstanding Technique outstanding
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary
Just put a bid on this guy:

Stingray FC >> David Foley >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 47,526 rating | $6,810 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast
Talents Gifted (Endurance)
Nationality England
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler expert
Keeper poor
Allrounder reasonable
Batting poor Endurance outstanding
Bowling outstanding Technique outstanding
Keeping dreadful Power accomplished
Fielding reasonable

Apart from his fielding, he has great secondaries, and because he's only an out/out at the moment his wage isn't too high. He's also LF which is basically the best bowling type you can get. The only bad point is that he's 24 (nearly 25) and he only has average experience. Still, I should be able to get him to spec/spec and fielding up to about reliable by the time he's 27. Hopefully no one out bids me. Not really keen to go too high.
Anybody interested?

Hedger's Team >> Norval Watkin >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 44,305 rating | $7,513 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast

Talents Slower Ball
Nationality Australia
Form capable
Fatigue revived
Experience reasonable
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler outstanding
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder capable
Batting ordinary Endurance reliable
Bowling outstanding Technique spectacular
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding average

And one other good player I've got turning 20 next season that I may he looking to sell is: (Shouldn't be too far off Reliable technique)

Hedger's Team >> Pim Mijnke >> Details
Player Info
19 years old | 27,136 rating | $1,832 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Gifted (Bowling), Skilled (Technique)
Nationality Netherlands
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman capable
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting accomplished Endurance ordinary
Bowling poor Technique capable
Keeping atrocious Power dreadful
Fielding average
I don't like buying players who have poor secondaries cos you have to pay a high wage while you get them up
I wouldn't say Watkin has poor secondaries. You probably only need to get him one fielding pop. Reasonable fielding is definately good enough for any teams below Division 3. His power and endurance are good enough for his age and you can now look to quickly get his power up now he's 24. But your choice.
I like my fielding to be around capable-reliable :D
Selling the following players:

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game

Should be close to a technique pop I'd guess. And possibly a fielding one too.

Chewie CC >> Brahmadhara Kallichuran >> Details
Player Info
23 years old | 36,247 rating | $9,384 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Safe Hands
Nationality India
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience reasonable
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler expert
Keeper poor
Allrounder average
Batting dreadful Endurance average
Bowling spectacular Technique expert
Keeping dreadful Power average
Fielding ordinary

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game

Great secondaries :)

Chewie CC >> Leonard Fox >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 44,066 rating | $8,200 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Prodigy
Nationality South Africa
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler expert
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting dreadful Endurance reliable
Bowling outstanding Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power capable
Fielding reasonable

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game

A very handy all-rounder. Used to belong to Syl so has a PC history :)

Chewie CC >> Ronald Thorpe >> Details
Player Info
27 years old | 44,750 rating | $6,068 wage
Left hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Gifted (Bowling), Natural Leader
Nationality England
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler reliable
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder reliable
Batting accomplished Endurance accomplished
Bowling expert Technique accomplished
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding average

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game

Nice lower order finisher

Chewie CC >> Gordon O'Brien >> Details
Player Info
27 years old | 50,436 rating | $7,297 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Finisher
Nationality Australia
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience capable
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler ordinary
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting outstanding Endurance expert
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power accomplished
Fielding capable
Bidding on this guy at the moment:

Sundae >> Nicholas Gonzales >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 46,127 rating | $10,323 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Swing
Nationality USA
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience reliable
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman spectacular
Bowler poor
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder poor
Batting spectacular Endurance reliable
Bowling dreadful Technique spectacular
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding capable

Hope to get him for under 200k.

Managed to sell 4 players for a total of around 330k which is nice. One of them was for 50k more than I bought him for, and two of the others were marginally over their purchase price. One of them was 30k under though so it kinda evens out a bit.


If anyone sees a spec/spec batsman or pace bowler (preferable not medium) on the market, with alright secondaries (min of cap field & end) and 25 or younger, please tell me :D
Was going to buy this guy and was bidding up to 200k but he's at 250k now with the deadline imminent.

Super Spurs CC >> 12. Harry Cipriani >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 48,934 rating | $11,696 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Skilled (Bowling)
Nationality West Indies
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience accomplished
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman reasonable
Bowler spectacular
Keeper capable
Allrounder capable
Batting ordinary Endurance reliable
Bowling spectacular Technique spectacular
Keeping average Power average
Fielding reliable
Got you two batsman.

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game - Bid is $300,000 though

Hyderabad Heroes >> Trevor Deem >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 50,077 rating | $11,987 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium

Talents Safe Hands
Nationality England
Form accomplished
Fatigue rested
Experience accomplished
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman exceptional
Bowler reasonable
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder capable
Batting spectacular Endurance reliable
Bowling ordinary Technique spectacular
Keeping dreadful Power reliable
Fielding capable

From the Pavilion - Free Online Cricket Management Game - Starting Bid is $300,000 though

Rectory Royals >> Jeremy Mansfield >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 47,285 rating | $10,686 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium

Talents Gifted (Fielding), Bouncer
Nationality South Africa
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience capable
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler poor
Keeper average
Allrounder poor
Batting spectacular Endurance reliable
Bowling dreadful Technique spectacular
Keeping ordinary Power reasonable
Fielding reliable

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