Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

Long time member, first time poster.

I've long been a fan of both Tutsi and Boss's patches, which have made multiple versions of EA Cricket enjoyable and playable.

I tried Tutsi 3.0 in a test Aus v WI at Melbourne - normal pitch

Bowling to the Windies was a ripper, the best bowling experience I've ever had in a cricket gaming lifetime that goes way back to the days of Allan Border Cricket 10 years ago and more. The batsmen played sensible knocks, blocking what needed to be blocked and counterattacking where it was required, particuarly Samuels who came to the crease after a double Warne breakthrough at 5/151, saw off Warne and MacGill and then counterattacked Lee, savage off the back foot.

Ramdin the keeper at the other end was a strange story. Literally blocked EVERYTHING while Samuels batted, taking 91 balls to get off the mark, and when he was left with the bowlers began to counterattack (by his standards) and made 32 off 156 balls, a great rear-guard action. Ramdin was a self created player who I have given moderately good batting skills and made a defensive player. Perhaps it's the fact I made him defensive that saw him block or leave some very hittable balls?

To cut a long story short they recovered to post 303, Warne having the knack of coming back into the attack to take wickets ended with 5/53.

Based on this I was really looking forward to batting, and honestly found the strokes too hard to play, especially off the back foot. I understand timing is an important issue in C2005, but found even after an hour of solid play that the standard shots still weren't coming off the bat with much power, and using the six-hit button has its own inherent risks. The CPU seemed to have a much easier time of scoring off balls placed in the same sorts of zones.

I then decided to experiment and reloaded the game but dropped in the Boss stroke files to see if that made a difference, and on first impressions it seems a definite yes.

Had Australia 2/130, Ponting having trouble getting going and Clarke playing a nice little cameo. As often happens in real life, a batsman gets tied down - Ponting in this case, and after being forced to defend for a few overs, plus playing some nice shots that went to fieldsmen, he got too excited and tried to hit Omari Banks into next week but popped it up to Lawson at Mid on. 3/130.

Katich hit a nice straight drive for 4 to get off the mark first ball, and was playing a typically circumspect knock until he played over Bradshaw delivery that came back a touch off the pitch - 4/161.

Suddenly it all went awry - Watson and Clarke fell to LBW's trying to clip it away through square, Gilchrist going for a big shot first up but failing to get it over a leaping cover.

Lee goes forward to drive and pops it up to short cover off Sarwan, a Warne/McGrath rearguard action yields 30 runs until McGrath plays back to a Sarwan toppie and is LBW, Warne also pops one up to short cover. from 3/150 to all out 230.

I realise this was more story than feedback, but I hope it gives an insight into my playing experiences with the patch. I found it brilliant to bowl with, but the shots were too hard for me until I switched stroke files to Boss and got some great attacking shots, nudges and clips, although the pull, hook and shots square of the wicket were still very hard to come by. And quite a realistic Australian collapse at the end!

Windies about to bat again with the full Tutsi setup, I'll use the Boss stroke file again to bat and see what happens.

At this early stage I'd say a wonderful patch, but these were the observations I've made after approx 4-5 hours test match gameplay.

Adrian C
Good comments, Heydo.

I've only had a very brief session with Tutsi new patch, and only batting so I can't comment on the bowling, although going by what you say the bowling has been improved greatly which is excellent because I get so bored with the bowling most of the time.

As far as the batting goes, I do tend to agree with you, and prior to reading your post (and your good suggestion w rgds Boss's stroke file) I was going to recommend a combination of Tutsis and Boss's work. I don't know enough about the .big files to know which is which in terms of which file does what? I'm assuming the strokes file is the ~133.big (please tell me if I'm wrong!) so cool you're suggestion covers that! I did find that on Tutsi's it was a fair deal harder batting, and especially the backfoot shots, whereas Boss's I could do some nice hooks and cuts (as mentioned on a post to follow up Boss's great patch) Tutsi is right (obviously) in that these shots have to played later, and there is some risk of playing on, BUT I did still find it very hard to do either on Tutsis patch. I do like reduction in hitting 6's in Tutsi's patch as I think this is more realistic especially for test matches, but then again, I suppose you may need more 6's in ODI's. I suppose its very hard to come up with something that suits both, which probably explains why Boss has different configs for test and ODI's....and this makes a lot of sense to me.(Actually, with regards Boss's patch I did think the tweaking by raider_64 did slightly improve things.....) Anyway, I know nothing about this AI patching, so I don't really know how complicated it is to do the patches, probably pretty difficult. I also like (on Tutsi's patch) the slowed outfield as this gives a more realilstic proportion of boundaries per innings....I even managed to run a 3 yesterday!

I need to spend some more time on this patch, I may try the combination as you did (Heyado), and even get round to some bowling :boxing

Anyway, this is good work again.....and once again makes the game more fun.

Thanks Tutsi, good work...
I am a first time user of this patch. There are different files for batting and bowling. So, do u have to keep changing them whenever u bat and bowl?
Adarsh, yeah you do. I think the instructions are on the patch page, but essentially if you have the batting patch in when you bowl, it will be very obvious - you'll have a massive cursor....Its not so obvious (I don't think) if you bat with the bowling patch in place. So yes, one patch to bat with, and one to bowl with.
Hi Tutsi :)

Another review after approx 8 hrs of gameplay. both ODI's & Test.

I have been a regular user of Boss's patches where batting is both fun & challenging and the bowling rocks. I have tried your earlier work Tutsi, but found the gameplay too easy. Not much harder than the original game, just different timing of shots, etc. And bowling was just as boring as in the original configs.

However, I think you have done a great job with this patch so I want to give you a detailed review. I will divide this into a few sections.


The outfields need to be slower!!!!!!!!!! I saw your explanation about this to someone earlier in the thread, but because of the 6-hit (see below) the outfields are too fast. I have tried your patch with Satish's outfield settings (ie, your field_physics.cfg with Velocity Reduce only changed) and it's still quite easy to score runs. It's far more realistic!!!


Being so used to Boss's strokes I wasn't sure if I liked the batting in this patch at first. But, I persevered, got used to it and discovered that the batting in this patch is great.

The timing of strokes is very different from Boss's patch - all shots must be played later in this one. I quite like it, although the timing in Boss's patch makes it feel as thought the bowlers are quicker!

There doesn't seem to be much variation in direction of the shots. I don't mind this as when you time a shot you know where it will go. And with Boss's patch shot directions are a bit TOO varied. My suggestion here would be to have variation in the shot direction about halfway between where it is now and where Boss's patch has it.

Timing & Direction Summary:
The timing of the shots maybe doesn't affect direction of the shots as much as it should. It's more like if you mistime it goes in the same direction but with no power. There doesn't seem to be much freedom with the timing of the strokes. You either nail it and it goes to the same place every time, or it goes straight to ground and rolls briefly.

Edges in this patch seem great - Boss doesn't have enough & Satish went overboard with edges. I think that you have found a nice balance here Tutsi :)

Stroke Power & 6-hit:
The regular strokes seem to lack power. This could be partly to do with timing, but because the timing of strokes is so unforgiving it is very rare for me to hit a boundary with the regular strokes.

What you've done with the 6-hit is a great idea. The flatter trajectory is excellent. Playing as England the only person who hit a 6 was Flintoff. Butcher came close and so did Pietersen. This is a very realistic aspect of the patch. But ...

Because the 6-hit is so weak it can be used for almost any stroke. In fact, the only way I could regularly get boundaries was with the 6-hit. The thing is that because it's so weak you really have to play it early to get caught. Most of the time you can use the 6-hit and the ball will go to ground so quickly that it is a very safe shot. Sure, you won't get a 6, but you will probably get a 4 with no risk of being caught. Again, this could be because the timing is so unforgiving?

This is almost realistic, but not quite. My suggestion here would be to give ALL of the strokes a little more power - not much, just a slight touch. Either that or make the timing a little more forgiving - again, just a tiny bit.

Batsman Movement At The Crease:
If there's one thing I don't like in some of the patches I've tried it's this: to make batting harder the patcher pins the batsman's feet to the spot. It's bad enough that the game won't let you move the batsman once the ball is being bowled. But to then stop the batsman moving himself into position to play his shot? OUCH!!! I'm sorry to say that this patch does this.

It's not that much of a problem if you choose your shots "correctly", but it's just annoying. Maybe I actually want to try turning that ball outside the off stump to the leg side - the CPU does it all the time! So do real batsmen!!! Unfortunately this is not possible with the current settings.

This kind of thing is more acceptable in Test batting, but for ODI's it's just not on! I reckon you might have to consider having separate configs like Boss does. Either way, a little more movement at the crease is one thing this patch really needs, even for Test batting.

Final Thoughts On Batting:
The only strokes I don't like in this patch are the front foot leg glance and the turn off the hips - basically the front- and back-foot versions of the same shot. It might just be me, but I haven't seen either of these shots go any finer than backwards square leg/long leg. I play both of these shots a lot and it seems strange that they never actually go towards fine leg no matter when I play them. Which brings me to my main suggestion for the batting:

The strokes are great! The batting is right up there with Boss's :eek: I am very biased in favour of Boss's strokes file, but your batting is equal IMHO. I think that with the tweaks I am suggesting this would be the best batting around!!! :cool:

The strict timing is actually pretty cool, but if the timing is going to be so strict then the direction needs to be relaxed - or maybe both need to be relaxed just a little. The leg glance (front & back) needs to be fixed for direction. And maybe slightly more power to all shots. Trajectories are great for 6-hit but too much power missing - it's become a shot you can play all the time with no risk.


@ heyado and Skidman: Try playing the strokes a little later than you would with Boss's patch and you will start to get the batting in this new one of Tutsi's. Also, another really cool mix of patches to try which I've mucked around with: Instead of Boss's batting and Tutsi's bowling (too easy!!) try Boss's bowling & Tutsi's batting! Very, very, very satisfying.

@Skidman: The strokes file is the 136/7 kb one ;)

I've had enough of typing for now, so I'll come back and do bowling in the next day or two.

Just to let you know Tutsi, that I think this patch rocks! I will definitely post a bowling review. A few things could be tweaked, but when I say just a little bit I mean just a little bit!. The suggestions I have made only call for very small changes in each of the areas mentioned - subtle changes :)

Very nice work, feller! Very nice indeed. Thanks for this excellent patch :cool:

:clap :clap :clap

P.S. All statements above are merely IMHO. They are not meant to be taken as literal truth - merely an inadequate description of my personal experience :p

--EDIT-- I only play on Hard setting, so don't know what it's like on Easy or Normal /--EDIT--
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Hey, thanks for the tremendous support for the patch.

But i would like all of u to play wth my complete patch, do not mix it wth boss' strokes or vice-versa. Coz the difficulty congfs are ment to complement the strokes and the strokes are ment to complement the difficulty configs.

Ofcourse, since MOST of u have been playing wth boss's patch for quite some time now will find batting in my patch a LOT different and maybe harder. but i have fully tested ALL the aspects of the strokes (thats the reason y the patch took soo much time) and have released it. ofcourse everyone have their own style of playing as well as their skill level while playing cricket 2005 is also different. the main this ova here is to get use to the patch. u really have to get used to the patch to really enjoy it.

i prefer start from easy....normal...hard...that will create a very good learning curve which will make cricket 2005 wth my (FULL) patch much more njoyable.

Ofcourse there are bound to have some or the other thing which can always be made better, but while playing wth the patch, the important this is to analyze the patch as a whole.

Switching(or mixing) b/w mine and boss's patch will land u nowhere, its just tht decide who's patch suits ur style........get the hang of that patch.....and then kiss the ball goodbye over the boundary rope.


P.S. : gonzo99, thanks for the concerns, me and my relatives are all ok. i nearly survived tht, but i'm doin fine.

**dont stop the flow, keem 'em comming.
Tutsi....Fair point about the patch mixing, man. I am going to play your patch on its own. Will give some feedback after that.....I know its going to be excellent.

I meant no offence in saying what I did about mixing the patches, as I respect the amount of time and testing you go through to create one.

Gonzo expanded on a lot of my thoughts regarding batting with this patch. I will continue to try it as you said, but the timing issue is a bit perplexing for me. If I see the CPU react and start to play a shot, I would normally expect to be able to react in a similar timeframe when I bat and see something similar. So far it's not happening, but I will keep trying.

It seems from some other posts that perhaps 'mix and match' has been almost a dirty little secret for a lot of players!! (lol) By using the Boss fields as suggested, are we not already endorsing mix and match to some extent?

Again, I mean no offence Tutsi. For me, what I'm looking for is the best and most realistic gaming experience I can get. So far I've found your patch outstanding for bowling, as I said, but batting was rather difficult. Mixing it with the Boss stroke file gave me some good results, and I felt obliged to report that finding in case you found it of use. But I'll keep going with your strokes to pick up the timing secrets!

100% respect for your work from Cricket 05 fans in Australia,

Adrian C
hi i think this patch is very hard to bat with human and cpu. the human and cpu need too be more aggressive i played a test the first westindies (cpu) all out 95 of 50 overs and then i batted (human) australia 260 of 105 overs very boring. also the hook shot for cpu if u ball the balll really short they will hit it in the air and get caught at fine leg, l also feel the shots are very weak. could u please make the patch a bit more aggressive please.
tutsipoppy2 said:
Hey, thanks for the tremendous support for the patch.

But i would like all of u to play wth my complete patch, do not mix it wth boss' strokes or vice-versa. Coz the difficulty congfs are ment to complement the strokes and the strokes are ment to complement the difficulty configs.

Ofcourse, since MOST of u have been playing wth boss's patch for quite some time now will find batting in my patch a LOT different and maybe harder. but i have fully tested ALL the aspects of the strokes (thats the reason y the patch took soo much time) and have released it. ofcourse everyone have their own style of playing as well as their skill level while playing cricket 2005 is also different. the main this ova here is to get use to the patch. u really have to get used to the patch to really enjoy it.

i prefer start from easy....normal...hard...that will create a very good learning curve which will make cricket 2005 wth my (FULL) patch much more njoyable.

Ofcourse there are bound to have some or the other thing which can always be made better, but while playing wth the patch, the important this is to analyze the patch as a whole.

Switching(or mixing) b/w mine and boss's patch will land u nowhere, its just tht decide who's patch suits ur style........get the hang of that patch.....and then kiss the ball goodbye over the boundary rope.


P.S. : gonzo99, thanks for the concerns, me and my relatives are all ok. i nearly survived tht, but i'm doin fine.

**dont stop the flow, keem 'em comming.

Hey Tutsi,

As heyado said, I too respect your work & only tried mixing the patches to see what would happen. I figured that since heyado tried one mix he might want to try it the other way around. Of course this does not give an accurate feeling for your patch, but it can help to get used to timing the strokes against bowling you're used to. Not that I have really got the timing down yet :o

Anyway, the comments I posted about batting were all based on playing with your full patch -unmixed. I fully understand that your new patch is very different from Boss's patches. I don't expect it to be the same. I DO expect to have a large learning curve to get used it. This was even true when I changed from Bossv2 to v3 - I found it very hard for a short while.

So please understand that any comments I post about your patch will be from playing with your patch unmixed, otherwise they are worthless and will not help you to get accurate feedback to make the next patch even better. As I get more used to how your patch plays I know I am gonna enjoy it more and more :)

So thanks again for this one - will post on bowling when I have some time to really check it out. Might be a few more days yet - really busy with work :(

P.S. Glad to hear that you and your family are all OK :cool:

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